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Bad solar storm? We're all d00med!

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  • Bad solar storm? We're all d00med!

    This is coming from the NAS, National Academy of Sciences.. I wonder what the world will do.

    If this were to happen, what would you do?

  • #2
    build a shelter out of gay people


    • #3
      build a people out of sheltered gays
      Originally posted by turmio
      jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
      Originally posted by grand
      I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


      • #4
        chicago to the eastern seaboard?

        i am safe?
        Originally posted by turmio
        jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
        Originally posted by grand
        I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


        • #5
          suck my own DICK


          • #6
            I blame distension.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #7
              Well, we only lasted 4.54 billion years. It was nice knowing you all


              • #8
                stick my head in the ground


                • #9
                  I'd move to a warmer country, and grown my own weed next to a nice beach!

                  So when is this happening?
                  Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                  5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


                  • #10
                    what you religious freaks say about this?


                    • #11
                      waiting to see what tone has to say about this
                      DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 8 CHAMP
                      DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
                      DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
                      DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP
                      DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 15 CHAMP
                      DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 16 CHAMP

                      1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
                      1:waven> is if im going to prison
                      1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


                      • #12
                        This would never happen if McCain were president...
                        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

                        My anime blog:


                        • #13
                          South America in 2012!!!

                          So, is this what all the 2012 doomsday banter is really about? :fear:
                          Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                          • #14
                            Well it is kinda funny with the whole sky changing colors, much like that in the bible via revelations. Science pretty much telling us that within three years something that was foretold over two thousand years ago that was prophesized in the bible is going to come true.
                            Rabble Rabble Rabble


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kthx View Post
                              Well it is kinda funny with the whole sky changing colors, much like that in the bible via revelations. Science pretty much telling us that within three years something that was foretold over two thousand years ago that was prophesized in the bible is going to come true.
                              While I doubt you've ever actually read the Book of Revelations or understand any of the below surface-level content, it makes very vague prophesies, just like all the other kooks throughout history that have predicted shit.

                              Calling for the end of the world some time in the future isn't that special.
                              Originally posted by Tone
                              Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better

