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17 Year Old Youngest Person to Sail Around the World

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  • 17 Year Old Youngest Person to Sail Around the World

    This shit is really cool. At 17, I would never have done anything close to that. Yes, I was in the navy, so I can relate to a lot of what he talks about with being stuck in the middle of the ocean, but this kid has more guts then anyone I can think of. The things he went through like his gps breaking, his satalite phone running out of power, etc, that is some scary stuff. The only way he would know there is even a boat/ship anywhere near him in fog is to hear the fog horns, or hope to see their lights. Even then, if there is no wind he cannot maneuver out of the way.

    Good article, especially considering how bad some are that espn puts out.
    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
    RaCka> mad impressive