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Drug Thread

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  • Drug Thread

    I was on a seven year binge of everything under the sun in my younger years, starting at 15 years. It started with smoking some weed and drinking and quickly escalated to me finding harder and harder drugs, until I searched cross country for rare RC drugs (before they were available legally online in 2001). I have a lot of knowledge about drugs and at the end my years I was very responsible and respectful of them, besides alcohol and cocaine. I still drink however, just not alcoholicly, and not while in public which even includes open bars at weddings.

    I was introduced by a dealer friend at an early age, but grew on my knowledge as I entered to 90s rave scene, where one fateful day, I was lucky enough to find my future (and clean) wife. I've been clean for many years and used to do 'inspirational' speeches at college campuses. I still do a lot of research, and I'm not talking in terms of going to to read trip reports.

    My list, as far as I can remember:
    Crack Cocaine
    Psilosibin (mush)
    Smokeable Opium
    Heroin - from the bad stuff to the good. much like coke, but more risky.
    Hydrocodone and all opiod pain killers (most specifically Fentanyl)
    Benzodiazepans (like xanax, klonopin, phenibut etc)
    DXM (robo-tripping)
    Every Amphetamine you can name
    Nitrous Oxide

    What to post in this thread:

    - Questions regarding specific drugs and specific experiences.
    - What to expect of a specific drugs
    - Interactions with drugs (most likely MAOI intake before a DMT experience)
    - Freedom and law, but don't derail this too much
    - Experiences.
    - Long Term Use
    - OTC highs

    What not to post in this thread:

    - Patronization of drug users
    - Prices
    - Posts while high, which I know will be hard for some
    - 1 upping a previous poster. There is no such thing as a macho drug user. Only a drug user.
    - Unintelligent drug posts. Do your research. Giving bad advice can kill.
    - Where to find drugs, especially along the lines of the online black market.
    - Posts asking "Should I..."

    Take responsibility of your own drug use. As much as I troll, I'd love this to be a great thread and a haven for many users.

    I will answer any questions you have as frequently as I can. Trolling and one sentence posting has been put aside for now. Let's have an intelligent discussion about drugs!

    good luck thread

  • #2
    First question; So Dude should I just call you The Dudeness, The Duder, or even El Duderino..?

    Second question; How many times you tripped (on each psychadelic)?
    All good things must come to an end.


    • #3
      Also in before close
      All good things must come to an end.


      • #4
        Originally posted by gran guerrero View Post

        Second question; How many times you tripped (on each psychadelic)?
        I have no idea. Probably at least hundred times on acid/shrooms, even more on K if you can count that as a psychedelic. Depends on your own definition of a tryptamine. 2-CB was my favorite psychedelic. It's pretty much like candy flipping (X and Acid), with more visuals and, usually, ridiculously long lasting effects.

        I've tripped the most on K out of all tryps, but only because it was so much more widely available in the early 90s than acid or mush, and I loved snorting line. I only know one fact about tripping on K. It's that I only IVed it twice, and both were orgasmic and mind-blowing.

        K-holes are an experience that any REALLY experienced drug user needs to try. It's not for the faint of heart or those that feel the need of control.


        • #5
          Have you ever done LSA (like Morning Glory Seeds)?
          All good things must come to an end.


          • #6
            Yes, I put that in my original post. It's a much more physical high than LSD, but vastly improved when you're out in nature and can kind of lay down. Try a state park or something. Morning Glory is not recommended, try Hawaiin Baby Woodrose instead. You only have to take about 10 seeds instead of say 300. You can buy them at and probably cheaper at another website.

            It's hard on the stomach and on your body, yet it's very euphoric, very legal, and under the right conditions, very worth it.

            edit: the amount of mgs of LSA contained in each seed varies, yet also take about 2 hours to set in. I'd suggest taking around 8 HBW, having something to do to wait out the effects. Once you feel it, you'll feel it, but if it's not enough for you, take more. Your stomach can't really handle anything around 20, and you're going to be more than likely to throw up from the stuff even on a low dosage. It's legal though, and great for kids in your day-in-age (i've never used that term in type, is that how you say it?).

            Do it in a safe environment, and chill with it. Don't drive for 8 hours after the effects start and you'll get a gold star in my book.
            Last edited by PaulOakenfold; 06-24-2009, 01:01 AM.


            • #7
              Have u ever saw trees flying?


              • #8
                I know you said not to do this, but I just did salvia and holy balls I was warped through time and space for a good two millenia.
                Originally posted by Jeenyuss
                sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.


                • #9
                  lol once a crackhead always a crackhead, good job on that. GJ

                  and lol salvia


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Mega Newbie View Post
                    Have u ever saw trees flying?
                    not while i was in brazil, i'll tell you that


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Money View Post
                      lol once a crackhead always a crackhead, good job on that. GJ

                      and lol salvia
                      yeah, i'll always be addicted to crack. lol on the salvia too. no one can get addicted that universe warp of time and space experience. what a fuckload of info on the universe that no can explain, and people like disorder and tone try to.

                      salvia and dmt are up there together as the most 'wtf' moments in my life.


                      • #12
                        i've taken MGS already one night (got em at home depot for 11 bucks, about 9 bags 1.5 grams each) I ate em straight from the bag, no cleaning/grinding

                        Boy did I have mad nausea

                        at first I was really pissed off, so I left to play tw while listening to the beatles... then I got really euphoric and I started feeling the trip. It wasn't very visual, cause it was kind of dark, but the shadows did do some cool shit around the door and closet from the computer glare). I started to have a audio/mental trip as whatever I thought was pretty much being answered by the music. I couldn't stand sitting in the chair anymore, so I went to sleep on my bed. My muscles felt like it was growing roots or something, but it wasn't exactly pleasant I'll tell you that. So I closed my eyes and I had a lot of closed eye visuals. A lot of stuff that had to do with circles. Eventually I passed out.

                        The second time I grinded it and then made a drink filtering out the chemicals inside.

                        My friend who took on some Indian Goddess spirit talked (thru facebook chat btw lol) to me about how honey and cinnamon will fix the nausea and possibly cure some other illnesses

                        which took away the nasty feeling, and I started watching Dazed and Confused then some movie called Meetings with Remarkable Men
                        All good things must come to an end.


                        • #13
                          If you want the most painful physical trip in the world (the most painful mental is Salvia IMO)m take a large dose of Ginger. It's not a psych, it's a deleriant, much like taking a high dosage of a OTC sleep med.

                          For any sleep med, be in a safe enviornment, you're going to freak out. For ginger espeically, it will not be only hard to down, but it's going to last you two days.

                          Good luck

                          Edit: Don't know why I said Ginger, I mean Nutmeg. Fuck that shit.
                          Last edited by PaulOakenfold; 06-24-2009, 05:42 PM.


                          • #14
                            Condom> sometimes I lose on purpose just to remember what it feels like


                            • #15
                              boring thread. everyone's done all of these that aren't physically destructive/rewiring. if they haven't they're too old to experience value from it. 15-20 is the pruning age of the brain when synesthetic rewiring can make a sort of conscious sine wave from the available quanta. when you're older the plasticity and even overall cortex cell quantity are too low to really produce anything life changing. except of course, if you get near overdose level with ketamine, or are fortunate enough to have a DMT connection.

                              the function of the delics is essential to learning, while the rest are perhaps for experiencing control shifts, or limbic nulling towards evolutionary purpose. crack makes pussy 2% less awesome each time you smoke it, and i don't need to take it to find out.

                              entheogenic experiences and near death experiences always involve a critical rate of serotenergistic and glutamatergic coincidence. your brain frequency literally raises to the levels you can experience maximally, according to the structural composite limits. Just so happens, certain brains will reach the frequency of the earth's background electromagnetic field, the Schumann frequency, produced by the ionosphere as lightning and live to remember it. from about 59.9hz, the eighth overtone of the resonances, (normal conscious alpha brainwave) one can evelate to about 69-100hz.

                              in my opinion science will grasp the function of the experiences shortly. all i know from personal experience is that it's very androgenous/hermaphroditic way of thinking that lingers. now if only someone had been there to drop a rose under my nostrils. they operate at 320hz and are the highest frequency essential oil, and known plant on earth.

                              when you get to your structural frequency limit, you are as electricity would be. like when you haven't the seperate way of diverting your thoughts to judge yourself wrong. the constancy of the signal feels like god. you also experience negative spikes to the beta frequency that feel exactly like the devil is trying to seperately engage you. this seperation of wills is key to the transgression of young minds toward aspiring personal research. gives one a self of differentiation, or directivity between high and low brainwave thoughts.

                              that out of the did you like your k-hole, paul? do you remember anything similar to entheogenic on any of the times you've ever drugged? are you a memorable kind of guy?
                              The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

