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Humans can prevent needing ET support

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  • #16
    A geothermal phonon gathering structure for the base, perhaps deep into the mantle to ensure there's no sinking. There you go Tone, underground crystal city.

    'In this work, nanoparticle-doped matrices for DNA separation at low voltages are described. High conductivity agarose gels doped with platinum nano-particles have been synthesized and characterized by TEM, EDS and SEM. This new doping technique for agarose gels enhances the dielectric constant of the gels by up to 1.5 folds as compared to undoped gel, decreases the resistance (from 97 ohms to about 60 ohms) and increases DNA mobility by 1.5 times (from 6.6 × 10−5 cm2/V · sec to 9.3 × 10−52/V · sec) at lower operating electric fields (8 V/cm). We believe that the faster movement of DNA arises from an increased dielectric constant and a reduced resistance of the doped material resulting in increased ionic mobility. Using image analysis tools, we have also observed that there is no band broadening effects in the platinum doped gel sample, which indicate no appreciable temperature rise due to incorporation of platinum nanoparticles in agarose gel.'

    We'll be able to 'dope' our tower with superconducted platinum class metals, particularly Osmium if we shape it as the DNA double helix - one giant Tesla coil. The structure could even utilize biological conduction within itself, probably any thermal convection or respiration or even physical contact with ion channels on our feet, acting as a massive supercomputer macrochip. We could probably even make detox floors, and walls that recycle everything. We may take advantage of insect swarm habits and plant tropisms and their reproductive methods. Pollen with nano-sensory triggering plants to lean towards the light, inside the fabric of the walls. Photo responsive maggots in ton cylinders leaning to a side at once - biological propulsion utilizing reproductive speeds.

    Why don't we put windmills designed to withstand 190mph winds directly into the center of hurricanes and charge up capacitors? Or on top of Mount Washington? Or in the 4,000 mph winds of Neptune?

    Ultimately the greatest source of terrestrial energy will be mantle convection, and we will require phonon infrastructure to stabilize the tower from sinking. Imagine if we could build phonon devices for Earths poles, and harness solar wind ions, or directly access the iron core to charge space scale batteries. We could always just stick to solar power, find some way to access the flux ropes to propel spacecraft directly or by stored charge.

    Worst that could happen is the axis goes into a wild tilt and we can't leave the tower to explore how damaged nature is on manned missions.
    Last edited by disorder; 07-16-2009, 03:36 AM.
    The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


    • #17
      After this epiphany I've backtracked and located some Edgar Cayce readings. The phonon device was forseen.

      The readings also contain information that may suggest a geothermal connection with the crystal (or crystals, as Cayce said in several readings). Cayce stated that the rays "were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections with the internal influences of the earth". Perhaps they were being used to regulate the temperature of magma pools or of heating underground water sources (or both). At any rate, when the sons of Belial turned these rays on the crystals in the pits "a volcanic upheaval" ensued. Apparently they overloaded the system, which also seems to be implied as to what happened when the crystals were unintentionally "tuned too high" (human error?) which brought about the second period of destruction. Lasers are also "tuned". If ones primary energy source is connected to other subsidiary systems a problem at the source will be felt all the way down the line. Doubtless overloads and explosions resulted from tuning the crystals too high.

      According to the readings, the firestone, or tuaoi, was used for thousands of years. If it was so effective, our own civilization would obviously benefit from its re-creation.

      "Phonons are the tiniest particles of sound. Phonons are to sound as photons are to light. It takes billions of phonons to make up a sound. Phonons oscillate, echo, reverberate etc. at the sub atomic level in the quantum soup." -Pauline Oliveros
      Last edited by disorder; 07-16-2009, 04:04 AM.
      The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


      • #18
        The tower of babel, where phonons come together once and for all.

        Much like the tower of babel after it's destruction, many will never be able to grasp the language in the pdf I have found here and html here

        Conclusion: The phonon energies are size dependent and are lower for embedded nanoparticles.

        Well there we go; the walls of the tower will have to space the nanoparticles proportionately from the surfaces, and will probably need to be able to transfer them inside.

        What should we call the tower? Torsionia?

        I like the idea of modeling the tower after a tree, too, with branches and seed pods containing the populace. The base can utilize the structure of tree roots. Maybe the more appropriate name would be Tuaoi-Drasil.
        Last edited by disorder; 07-16-2009, 04:44 AM.
        The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


        • #19
          I imagine the base of the tower as two overlapping tetrahedron, like the Star of David. The pyramids will conjoin at ground level and rotate in a merkaba. The phonon source will provide kinetic phi harmonics to resonate through the doped helices, the Gauss proportionate to the distance from iron core and geosynchronous extremity. Beneath the female tetrahedron will be crystal roots stretching to meet tendrils from the mantle.
          The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tone View Post
            We covered the elevator to space back in 2005


            Not going to work.

            1:Vermillion Flame> crap, why is it so hard to grab just one newbie lol

            1:Vermillion Flame> i've noticed that. a real lack of supply of players here

            1:Vermillion Flame> i never thought a single newbie could be so precious
            yo dog, I heard you like driving, so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
            Originally posted by tone
            no you son of a bitch debunker


            • #21
              The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


              • #22
                The Wall (for convenience I have omitted images and hyperlinks. please print this portion and show your physics professors. correct me asap)

                Humans need to build an elevator to space functional as a water tower supplying orbiting solar farms and an international shelter. There can also be hotels anchored into the hydro pressure of the thermo-saline oceanic belt. Try to get all the free energy out of the current, especially near India where it flows fastest at 9mph.

                Pods of 100 million managing to assemble our network of 65 encapsulating our species behind 10 feet of heavy metal. Transparent sunroof-domes will be temporary hue with a switch regulated by each home, greenhouses in each. Welfare will come in the form of industrial bulks of seeds and permits for local larger size greenhouse plots inside and outside of the tower. Also cell-replenishing oral spray with full vitamins and trace mineral organic forms, and or their specific seed strains and production mechanics, likely taught as a trade in schools.

                Mandated health and a global delivery system, considering it's finally possible being in closer proximity. If we get our tower built and populated maybe we can work on sol gel nanotechnology for health applications to enhance our longevity wide-scale.

                Our 10,000 year wink of natural harmony inevitably subsides to the more long term natural states of Earth with more frequent cataclysm. Ridding of financial exploitation in conjunction with designing programs for children to fly local deliveries in the global delivery system early on, and adapting them into the electronic luxury currency system.

                This necessitates flying bubbles, or crafts with protective domes that bounce off each other, use atmospheric plasma propulsion, and have a pilot chamber to view, steer and dock from. Long term civilian survival locomotives operable on land, in sea, and in flight - safely sleeping a family or a dozen. Long term luxury liners of every region, networked into the international subsistence and rescue program.

                The atmosphere will give out in many ways, likely solar weather and Earth weather patterns affecting the available plants. So we'll survive off very crucial decisions to produce algal blooms in space, probably cloning lobotomized blue whales, and mining the Tharsis ridge on Mars for superconductive and nuclear material.

                Rid the precedent of working to pay the power structure in the forms of industry and government for civilian energy consumption. Rid of official national boundaries while protecting ourselves from potential man-made and inevitable ecological disaster. The only real finance we've ever had is our civilian workforce. Reduced to our greatest, we require only entertainers, teachers, physicians, engineers, programmers. Subsequently investing into expansive educational and employment environments, reducing the gap between the two.

                This will be done by means of children with delivery jobs for a global delivery system with average distances proportionate to age for early ages. The tower would be the first real colony of neo sapien. If we can get our nurturing aligned these wise ways we may sustain optimal living standard to optimal duration.

                Farming insects, livestock and or massive organisms. 60 Million 'blue whales' in rotating solar fish farms could probably make ample bacterially digested anaerobic bi-product of 'cloned phytoplankton' from subunit farms docking on schedule for harvest. The exact species are irrelevant; the idea is to use space for it's space to supply limitlessness for a collective 6.5 billion of the most intelligent consumers in our galactic region. Liquefied insect larvae tubed into half of a 'great white shark' in the form of an organ system in stasis, with the insects fed on algae from the solar farms. Derive an ultimate product of the free biological energy for ubiquitous perpetual motion . The era of the bio-pellet barter market.

                The purpose of using the organism would be it's size. I think we can understand the principle of energy generated from a hamster in a wheel. If we can scale that to 60 million blue whales swimming in tanks we get the big picture. Get the species to perpetually generate water currents to fuel hydraulics for electricity or whatever. We may even have another 60 million electronically circuiting in oceanic tanks down on Earth.

                India will be the nation to leap on the project if it were presented without demand prior to any ecological urgency. Their sheer manpower, and lack of being egotistical like USA Russia and China makes them prime candidates for negotiation.Then there's demand subsequent to ecological urgency. Make it possible for our species to regain the direction toward survival. Threaten the Bilderberg group with mass extinction. World hostage situation with demands of establishing international unity with a construction effort. The easiest to acquire bunker buster bombs transported by cargo ship to an ecological soft-spot with enough potential energy to disrupt El Niño, the annual monsoon, or produce decades of winter.

                Build now or everyone dies. Abandon physical currency for international electronic currency. Civilians receive all locomotive energy in technological store as a reward for seceding to international refuge. Escape from exploitative financial units with nationalist agendas. Threat from man-made ecological sabotage resolved. Famine, drought, and medical requirement of world health organization maximally confronted.

                There need to be strict anti-governmental policies and committees to vote on committees for everything involving policy. Rising to think tanks will be glorified, and we'll have very little struggle if we're calculated with sequential human assortment. Think of the possibilities. We could divide where you live by your age, and make exception cities within each. It's not so much a problem in modern day China to choose your child to be a profession early by attribute. These sorts of cultural specifications will be accommodated to. What we love will be required of us to seek and glorify the arts of, as expressively as we choose with constructive merit once and for all for every assortment, not just 'the brutes with pride for nationality' who join military, or cubicle people.

                I suggest the tower walls be 10 feet of aerogel nano-metal composite. The weight bearing can be further reduced by tendrils off a central spire like an unearthed ant colony. The central spire could even be made based on hexagons in a honeycomb within a cylinder up toward the height where gravity is null, with tunnels circulation and ventilating down to pods. The architecture is equally as important as the substances. The design can accommodate space junk collision with maintenance 'space elevator spiders' both autonomous and manned.

                We'll be teaching our kids about how it actually happens forever. Maybe it will evolve to a giant spiral slide, with amusement chutes for humans, chutes for automobiles on electronic tracks, and housing infrastructure that floats off indefinitely from the gravity null point on a plane in all directions. The floating city around the central vertical road.

                Model the tower/city after the shape of the double helix. Use phi proportions and resonance harmonics. It's perfect. Humans might end up in all the 'thymines'

                Imagine if our clothing, now built in under our skin and daily custom designable, networked us to our location in the helix shelter with macroscopic cell signaling. You can enter the nucleotide sequences in a profession with the right uniform, which is monitored electronically at each pathway entrance. The fun field trips will always be to the Disney International Space Park where we are ensured naturalist sensory experiences to make up for being indoors.

                Sequoia forest 1/6th gravity zip-line laser tag. Imagine the Olympic sport possibilities.

                A geothermal phonon gathering structure for the base, perhaps deep into the mantle to ensure there's no sinking. There you go Tone, underground crystal city.

                'In this work, nanoparticle-doped matrices for DNA separation at low voltages are described. High conductivity agarose gels doped with platinum nano-particles have been synthesized and characterized by TEM, EDS and SEM. This new doping technique for agarose gels enhances the dielectric constant of the gels by up to 1.5 folds as compared to undoped gel, decreases the resistance (from 97 ohms to about 60 ohms) and increases DNA mobility by 1.5 times (from 6.6 × 10-5 cm2/V · sec to 9.3 × 10-52/V · sec) at lower operating electric fields (8 V/cm). We believe that the faster movement of DNA arises from an increased dielectric constant and a reduced resistance of the doped material resulting in increased ionic mobility. Using image analysis tools, we have also observed that there is no band broadening effects in the platinum doped gel sample, which indicate no appreciable temperature rise due to incorporation of platinum nanoparticles in agarose gel.'

                We'll be able to 'dope' our tower with superconducted platinum class metals, particularly Osmium if we shape it as the DNA double helix - one giant Tesla coil. The structure could even utilize biological conduction within itself, probably any thermal convection or respiration or even physical contact with ion channels on our feet, acting as a massive supercomputer macrochip. We could probably even make detox floors, and walls that recycle everything. We may take advantage of insect swarm habits and plant tropisms and their reproductive methods. Pollen with nano-sensory triggering plants to lean towards the light, inside the fabric of the walls. Photo responsive maggots in ton cylinders leaning to a side at once - biological propulsion utilizing reproductive speeds.

                Why don't we put windmills designed to withstand 190mph winds directly into the center of hurricanes and charge up capacitors? Or on top of Mount Washington? Or in the 4,000 mph winds of Neptune?

                Ultimately the greatest source of terrestrial energy will be mantle convection, and we will require phonon infrastructure to stabilize the tower from sinking. Imagine if we could build phonon devices for Earths poles, and harness solar wind ions, or directly access the iron core to charge space scale batteries. We could always just stick to solar power, find some way to access the flux ropes to propel spacecraft directly or by stored charge.

                Worst that could happen is the axis goes into a wild tilt and we can't leave the tower to explore how damaged nature is on manned missions.

                Edgar Cayce readings forsaw the phonon device.

                The readings also contain information that may suggest a geothermal connection with the crystal (or crystals, as Cayce said in several readings). Cayce stated that the rays "were turned on crystals in the pits that made connections with the internal influences of the earth". Perhaps they were being used to regulate the temperature of magma pools or of heating underground water sources (or both). At any rate, when the sons of Belial turned these rays on the crystals in the pits "a volcanic upheaval" ensued. Apparently they overloaded the system, which also seems to be implied as to what happened when the crystals were unintentionally "tuned too high" (human error?) which brought about the second period of destruction. Lasers are also "tuned". If ones primary energy source is connected to other subsidiary systems a problem at the source will be felt all the way down the line. Doubtless overloads and explosions resulted from tuning the crystals too high.

                According to the readings, the firestone, or tuaoi, was used for thousands of years. If it was so effective, our own civilization would obviously benefit from its re-creation.

                "Phonons are the tiniest particles of sound. Phonons are to sound as photons are to light. It takes billions of phonons to make up a sound. Phonons oscillate, echo, reverberate etc. at the sub atomic level in the quantum soup." -Pauline Oliveros

                The tower of babel, where phonons come together once and for all.

                Much like the tower of babel after it's destruction, many will never be able to grasp the language in the pdf I have found here and html here

                Conclusion: The phonon energies are size dependent and are lower for embedded nanoparticles.

                Well there we go; the walls of the tower will have to space the nanoparticles proportionately from the surfaces, and will probably need to be able to transfer them inside.

                What should we call the tower? Torsionia?

                I like the idea of modeling the tower after a tree, too, with branches and seed pods containing the populace. The base can utilize the structure of tree roots. Maybe the more appropriate name would be Tuaoi-Drasil.

                I imagine the base of the tower as two overlapping tetrahedron, like the Star of David. The pyramids will conjoin at ground level and rotate in a merkaba. The phonon source will provide kinetic phi harmonics to resonate through the doped helices, the Gauss proportionate to the distance from iron core and geosynchronous extremity. Beneath the female tetrahedron will be crystal roots stretching to meet tendrils from the mantle.
                The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                • #23
                  There you go mods, a whole row of double posts, just ban his ass.
                  Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                  • #24
                    I rather punt babies than read those long blocks of text
                    All good things must come to an end.


                    • #25
                      quit fuckin spamming

                      nobody's reading this anyways

                      PS: Tone, this is kinda what u used to do - see how annoying it is? :\


                      • #26
                        I have both tone and disorder on my post ignore - should I unignore tone?
                        TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                        TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                        TelCat> i dont


                        • #27
                          Safe, Ultra-High Capacity Li-lon Polymer Gel Rechargeable Battery
                          OBJECTIVE :Develop a slim, lightweight, rechargeable, lithium-ion polymer gel battery, with twice the energy capacity of current technology, that does not require costly external safety circuitry in the cell pack.
                          UHMWPE Gel Processing as a New Route for the Production of Lithium-ion Polymer Batteries
                          OBJECTIVE :Develop materials and a continuous, low-cost, high-speed extrusion process for making trilayer film electrodes and incorporating them into high-performance rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, potentially reducing manufacturing costs by 30 to 40 percent.

                          Lithium Ion Polymer Rechargeable battery
                          I recommend we make rocket jetpacks commercial and cheap.

                          A limited altitude of 1.5 meters won't satisfy our flying car desires just yet, but it's certainly capable of a broader range of terrains than a hovercraft.

                          Biofuel-powered jet completes transcontinental flight on 50/50 biofuel/regular jet fuel

                          The Green Flight team has already set its sights on another record-breaking flight - a round the world attempt slated for 2010.
                          As well taking steps to help curb aircraft emissions and, Orlando-based Green Flight also recognizes the economic advantage for the U.S in pursuing the use of biofuels derived from algae and therefore reduce dependence on oil.
                          Last edited by disorder; 07-16-2009, 04:35 PM.
                          The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                          • #28
                            i think it's a bot


                            • #29
                     is really the best resource I have to offer. Maybe some nutrient supplements and a first hand glorification of platinum group metals PGMs.

                              Current Research and Technology
                              New Ruthenium-Based Coating Could Quadruple Hard-
                              Disk Storage Capacity.—IBM announced that it has begun
                              mass producing a magnetic coating technology that will
                              eventually allow a quadrupling of the amount of data that can be
                              stored on a single hard disk. The technology, called
                              antiferromagnetically coupled (AFC) media, sandwiches a 3-
                              atom-thick layer of ruthenium between two magnetic layers on a
                              disk. The new technology will eventually permit hard drives to
                              store 100 gigabits of data per square inch of disk area,
                              according to IBM. With the new technology, desktop
                              computers by 2003 will be able to have 400 gigabyte hard
                              drives, and handheld devices will be able to store as much as 6
                              gigabytes of video data or the equivalent of eight movies. Not
                              only does the new technology promise to reduce the footprint of
                              data storage systems, but by increasing data density, disks will
                              be lighter and consume less energy (Computer World, 2001).

                              Ruthenium-based Catalyst for Ammonia Synthesis
                              Developed.—A Netherlands-based company has developed a
                              ruthenium-based catalyst for ammonia synthesis that is 10 to 20
                              times more active than conventional iron-based catalysts and
                              has an equivalent lifetime of 10 to 15 years. The new catalyst’s
                              activity is reportedly comparable to ruthenium (Ru)-on-
                              graphitized-carbon (C) catalyst used in the KAAP ammonia
                              process. Ru-C catalysts, however, are prone to methanation (the
                              carbon may react with hydrogen in the process to form
                              methane), and this can limit catalyst life. The new catalyst is
                              barium promoted Ru on a boron nitride (BN) support. BN has a
                              layered structure similar to that of graphite so it provides similar
                              high activity but without the methanation problem (Chemical
                              Engineering, 2001).

                              Graphite Fuel Cell Electrodes.—Graphite may serve as
                              effective support material for fuel-cell electrodes, according to
                              researchers at Northeastern University, Boston, MA, and
                              Villanova University, Villanova, PA. The high cost of
                              precious-metal (platinum) catalysts needed to oxidize fuels
                              remains a key obstacle to widespread commercialization of fuel
                              cells. Researchers are trying to find ways to reduce the
                              dependence on platinum without sacrificing fuel-cell
                              performance. The researchers determined that in methanol
                              oxidation studies, fuel-cell anodes made from graphite
                              nanofibers with platelet and ribbon-type structures require a
                              platinum loading of just 5 weight-percent to function as
                              effectively as carbon electrodes loaded with 5 times more
                              platinum. In addition, the graphite-nanofiber supported
                              catalysts were found to be much more resistant than traditional
                              catalysts to carbon monoxide poisoning (Journal of Physical
                              Chemistry B, 2001)
                              The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by disorder View Post
                                With the new technology, desktop
                                computers by 2003 will be able to have 400 gigabyte hard
                                drives, and handheld devices will be able to store as much as 6
                                gigabytes of video data or the equivalent of eight movies.

                                That was 2001 estimating for 2003.

                                November 2002
                                The Travelstar 80GN uses IBM's 'pixie dust' technology to increase its storage capacity so that 70bn bits of data can be written to each square inch of disk space. IBM has introduced a mobile hard disk drive that is capable of storing 80GB of information.

                                April 2009 Researchers at the University of Glasgow have developed what they suggest is –with 50nm gate lengths -- the smallest diamond transistor ever.

                                Due to its novel properties — such as large bandgap, high intrinsic mobility, and very high thermal conductivity— the researchers suggest diamond is an ideal material for future nanoscale electronic devices and could help the development of nascent technologies such as terahertz imaging and automotive collision detection.

                                Moran says the target is to achieve stable devices with higher frequency and higher power performance than gallium nitride transistors, and to push up the operating frequency of small devices to somewhere around 100GHz, then enhance power-handling by increasing the device's total gate length.
                                Earlier this month, researchers at the universities of Paris and Stuttgart (Germany) with colleagues from diamond supermaterials specialist Element Six, claimed significant progress in the development of synthetic diamond suitable for the realization of quantum computers capable of operating at room temperature.

                                July 13th 2009 Graphene's Versatility Promises New Applications

                                Ohio Supercomputer Center's Future Mass Storage

                                * 50 TB of Performance Storage
                                o Home directories, project storage space,and long-term frequently accessed files.

                                * 420 TB of Performance/Capacity Storage
                                o Active Disk Cache - compute jobs that require directly connected storage
                                o Parallel file systems and scratch space
                                o Large temporary holding area

                                * 128 TB tape library
                                o Backups and long-term "offline" storage

                                The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

