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Reality is PsyOps Matrix

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  • #16
    dog screaming
    Originally posted by turmio
    jeenyuss seemingly without reason if he didn't have clean flours in his bag.
    Originally posted by grand
    I've been afk eating an apple and watching the late night news...


    • #17
      Yeah, I don't know why people are trying to pick apart his message and find any flaws when one of his proofs that the matrix exists is that he can hear a dog screaming.


      • #18
        When I was younger, I used to think similarly to this.

        1) I thought my life was one giant test for God, am I good enough for heaven? [I have never stepped in a church when I thought of this at 11 yrs old] (I remember one time as I was walking home I just stopped on the sidewalk and started screaming "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!! I KNOW THIS IS A TEST!"

        2) I used to think that everyone around me was fake and I was just in one giant ultrarealistic dream.


        • #19
          3. then you realized you were gay and god didn't love you anyways.
          Rabble Rabble Rabble


          • #20
            One of my friends used to think that when he was like 14. He said he sometimes thought that everyone was either a demon or an angel. The demons were trying to stray him from "the path" and the angels were trying to lead him to it.

            Then he grew up.
            (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


            • #21
              Im coming back once, but only to tell you that i got egged yesterday night on a routine walk

              i take walks with some good headphones. In the past i got screamed at from cars, honked at many many times and a satanic horns hand sign flashed at me - yesterday they direct hit me with an egg thrown at about 60 mph, maybe faster, the perpetrator hit me directing square on the center of my stomach leaving a slight bruise. WHen they did this they didnt laugh or say anythingor make a single sound, and continued driving off at the same speed. i had no real reaction either, it took me a few second to realize i had been egged

              Disorder is an idiot - i know far more about neurochemistry and neuropharmacology than he does and i can tell you he doesnt know his head from his ass in terms of what paranoia and schizophrenia is. This guy is the one who has asperger's syndrome, not me. Sorry disorder, i apologize in that i mean no discord or offense by using colorful language, but your wrong. I just did that to make a point.

              Before i got egged, an antigravity traingle flew indirectly over me, it had no trajectory, no destination, it just patrols around and makes ZERO helicopter or jet engine noise even when close. it had a tone of different color lights all over it and flies back and forth, it behaves like a helicopter in terms of what its doing bu had ZERO sound.

              See how i post about the matrix then get egged and have anti-gravity crafts fly over me ? See how Disorder is full of shit?

              Here fools, heres other reports of traingles to show im not the only one who sees them


              get real , get your heads out of your asses. i post reality is a psy ops matrix then get egged immediately after seeing a silent craft the same night as i post? COME ON give me a break


              • #22
                You reveal the real truth of our reality which I assume would be the worst possible thing to a reptilian. So in retaliation they egg you?

                Wtf, are reptilians 15 year old kids from the suburbs?
                (ZaBuZa)>sigh.. i been playing this game since i was 8... i am more mature then ull ever be...


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Tone View Post
                  Im coming back once, but only to tell you that i got egged yesterday night on a routine walk
                  I'm glad you told us, I'm now convinced the matrix exists.

                  Tone, can I ask you a few questions? How old are you? Do you work? If so, what's your job?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tone
                    yesterday night
                    yesterday night?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Tone View Post
                      Im coming back once, but only to tell you that i got egged yesterday night on a routine walk

                      i take walks with some good headphones. In the past i got screamed at from cars, honked at many many times and a satanic horns hand sign flashed at me - yesterday they direct hit me with an egg thrown at about 60 mph, maybe faster, the perpetrator hit me directing square on the center of my stomach leaving a slight bruise. WHen they did this they didnt laugh or say anythingor make a single sound, and continued driving off at the same speed. i had no real reaction either, it took me a few second to realize i had been egged

                      Disorder is an idiot - i know far more about neurochemistry and neuropharmacology than he does and i can tell you he doesnt know his head from his ass in terms of what paranoia and schizophrenia is. This guy is the one who has asperger's syndrome, not me. Sorry disorder, i apologize in that i mean no discord or offense by using colorful language, but your wrong. I just did that to make a point.

                      Before i got egged, an antigravity traingle flew indirectly over me, it had no trajectory, no destination, it just patrols around and makes ZERO helicopter or jet engine noise even when close. it had a tone of different color lights all over it and flies back and forth, it behaves like a helicopter in terms of what its doing bu had ZERO sound.

                      See how i post about the matrix then get egged and have anti-gravity crafts fly over me ? See how Disorder is full of shit?

                      Here fools, heres other reports of traingles to show im not the only one who sees them


                      get real , get your heads out of your asses. i post reality is a psy ops matrix then get egged immediately after seeing a silent craft the same night as i post? COME ON give me a break
                      I did that to make a point. The bruise isn't real nor is the egg, it is only in your mind. There is no spoon.
                      1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
                      3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
                      3:Best> see it coming
                      3:Best> sad


                      • #26
                        A review in the British Medical Journal publication "Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry" from 2003[1] says cyberchondria was used in 2001 in an article in the United Kingdom newspaper The Independent[4] to describe "the excessive use of internet health sites to fuel health anxiety." The BBC also used cyberchondria in April, 2001.[5] The BMJ review also cites the 1997 book from Elaine Showalter, who writes the internet is a new way to spread "pathogenic ideas" like Gulf War syndrome and chronic fatigue syndrome.[6] Patients with cyberchondria and patients of general hypochondriasis often are convinced they have disorders "with common or ambiguous symptoms."[7][8]
                        Cyberchondriac, "a hypochondriac who imagines that he or she has a particular disease based on medical information gleaned from the Internet" was a word of the year in 2008 for the Webster's New World Dictionary. Webster's shows a list of uses for cyberchondriac on publications and the internet.[9]

                        that's funny. Tone is a cyberchondriac about PsyOps civilian infiltration.
                        Oh by the way, did you ever find the egg shell? Sure it wasn't UFO droppings triangulated for your spleen to leave you more easily controllable?
                        The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                        • #27
                          The mirror neuron system (MNS) theory hypothesizes that alterations to the development of the MNS interfere with imitation and lead to Asperger's core feature of social impairment. For example, one study found that activation is delayed in the core circuit for imitation in individuals with AS. This theory maps well to social cognition theories like the theory of mind, which hypothesizes that autistic behavior arises from impairments in ascribing mental states to oneself and others, or hyper-systemizing, which hypothesizes that autistic individuals can systematize internal operation to handle internal events but are less effective at empathizing by handling events generated by other agents
                          The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


                          • #28
                            t0ne plz post a pic of yourself
                            Condom> sometimes I lose on purpose just to remember what it feels like


                            • #29
                              I came back to inform you that Extraterrestrial Disclosure will occur this year, 2009.

                              Remember, Russia just released its files on UFOs to join the other releases and the European Exopolitics Summit is going on right now. I must go and cannot make any replies.


                              • #30
                                Just wondering, when your history in these forums is that you say things are going to happen, and then they don’t happen (‘Im leaving and not coming back’, ‘Im back’), what makes you think that anyone would believe anything you say?

                                Or is it that you intentionally make a spectacle of yourself in some perverse and sad way to just draw attention? What is it they say.. the internet doesn't make you stupid, it just makes your stupidity more accessible to others?

