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  • #16
    Give ur pets frontline and remove ur carpet.


    • #17
      hygiene doesnt rly matter, i dont think giving ur cats baths will keep the fleas off :<


      • #18
        Use flea bombs in your house, one can for each room. Then thoroughly wash your cat.

        I used to have fleas in my house too, then I used this.

        Make sure you used enough of it. You are also supposed to do it regularly, like once per 3 months.
        ☕ 🍔 🍅 🍊🍏


        • #19
          ah my old cat had a serious flea problem at one point and it was all over the house. What you can do is shampoo your cat (and yourself, lol) with anti-flea pet shampoo. Then get your cat a good flea collar that'll prevent fleas from getting back on him.

          Fleas need somewhere to lay eggs/breed, and if they cant do it on your cat then they're fuxed. Smoking your house also wouldn't be a bad idea. Just remember to turn off the stove
          TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
          TelCat> hoes get paid :(
          TelCat> i dont


          • #20
            How the hell do your animals get fleas.. dirty mother fuckers.
            Rabble Rabble Rabble


            • #21
              The posts above do not address the issue.
              The issue is that flea eggs cannot be killed (they can actually still be viable after radiation exposure). Keeping your pets ‘flea free’ with products will only cause the fleas to find another blood source (humans). So the trick is to break the cycle where eggs laid over the last few weeks cannot grow into reproducing fleas, starting the vicious cycle all over again. (Fleas live about 7-14 days.)
              Only buy flea bombs that contain IGR (insect growth regulator). IGR cannot kill the eggs, but instead it ‘deforms’ the hatched fleas in a way that stops them from being able reproduce and lay more eggs. These flea bombs are not as cheap as other flea bombs but you only have to bomb once. If you buy cheapo bombs, then you have to bomb every 7 days or so the break the egg cycle.


              • #22
                I've been told fleas cannot reproduce from human blood.

                I agree with Ephe's big butt thinking though.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Mr. 420 View Post
                  I've been told fleas cannot reproduce from human blood.

                  I agree with Ephe's big butt thinking though.
                  Thats "Mr. Big Butt" to you. :P


                  • #24
                    Get some diatomaceous earth for the animal's bedding, or anywhere on the ground that is a dark corner. You’ll want to use food grade diatomaceous earth, not the type used in swimming pool filters. sprinkle some of that, some cedar wood chips, rosemary tea, and some tea tree oil onto the carpets, upholstery or bedding, or whichever furniture is supplying the nests for the fleas not on the pets. Halo has an anti-pest line Cloud Nine that works very well for diluting and bathing the animal, and making flea collars with.

                    This link has top of the line, excellent advice for natural flea control, so you don't risk causing skin irritation or toxic syndromes which have killed many pets due to differing gene expression. Yes, bio-spot has murdered kittens.
                    The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

