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Now Drinking

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  • #91
    You just made a thread about how fucking shitty your life was, like I said, shut up homo.
    Rabble Rabble Rabble


    • #92
      Originally posted by Summa View Post
      if you're available to get drunk so much, then obviously you have not not succeeded
      Nah, because I save my drinking for Friday and Saturday nights, assuming I don't need to study. School always takes precedence.

      (ph)>12 is just right

      In the most dangerous game...warping will only prolong your defeat. ?go warpwars -Chao <ER>
      1:Chao <ER>> what the FUCK?
      1:Chao <ER>> I just adverted and no one came
      1:Chao <ER>> at all
      1:Mantra-Slider> chao
      1:Mantra-Slider> you are in the wrong arena
      Panda <ZH>> ?find chao <ER>
      Chao <ER> - hero


      • #93
        jason i guess i dont understand why you want a seasonal beer in particular so i cant really advise - what kind of beers do you like? generally winter seasonals are in my least favorite style of beer, but sierra nevada celebration is a classic ipa if you like the hoppy stuff, and you can find it anywhere

        PA has some badass breweries though, youre in decent beer country. i could probably make a decent recommendation if you tell me what you like

        i got a fifth of johnnie black to ride out this snowstorm - shit was 26 bucks including two rocks glasses. great deal.
        5:gen> man
        5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


        • #94
          <- 5-0, thanks to miller lite

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #95

            5.99 at Trader Joe's
            What a deal
            Originally posted by Dr. Snyder
            I think pure pubs started the problem but regardless it looks like the LTers have died out so why doesn't anyone come up with an idea soley based on bring the newbs to this game. Fuck the vets this zone is dying cause people who have been playing to long can't stand change. Because this zone is some teri shivo shit right now and I gots no problem with knifing babies but leave the bitch alone.


            • #96
              Drank a few too many of these last night. I feel like someone spent a few hours progressively kicking my ass.

              Originally posted by Tone
              Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


              • #97
                Originally posted by Facetious View Post
                jason i guess i dont understand why you want a seasonal beer in particular so i cant really advise - what kind of beers do you like? generally winter seasonals are in my least favorite style of beer, but sierra nevada celebration is a classic ipa if you like the hoppy stuff, and you can find it anywhere

                PA has some badass breweries though, youre in decent beer country. i could probably make a decent recommendation if you tell me what you like

                i got a fifth of johnnie black to ride out this snowstorm - shit was 26 bucks including two rocks glasses. great deal.
                i was thinking seasonal simply because i want something relatively cheap, yet still a little different. don't feel like spending a bundle on imported shit.

                i'm not a huuuge fan of ipa's, but i can stomach 'em. what can i say. i'm a fruity guy, and i tend to prefer fruity beers, stuff that's a little on the lighter side but not weak piss either.

                i've been drinking jug wine for so long now it's starting to taste like watery kool-aid. i need a change.
                jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Tone View Post
                  I do not believe drinking should ever be done by anyone, nor should cannabis smoking - we should have other substances which are better to replace those, such as Tianeptine which creates a mild MDMA Ecstacy like effect without producing tolerance or rebound, and makes new brain cells form and the mind sharper.

                  if we had high dose tianeptine over the counter, everyone would turn to it instead of cannabis and alcohol. To make people happy, we could eliminate all cigarette taxes, give them tianeptine and other things over-the-counter and then there will be no car accidents from intoxication. also no dumbing down of cannabis.
                  Everyone search this drug, Tianeptine...So many cases where it has literally eaten away at the flesh while you slowly die in pain. How can anyone in their right mind say this replaces marijuana?

                  Tone, I am not someone that immediately dismisses everything you say, and you know that. However this time, dude you are just wrong for saying no one should smoke marijuana or drink alcohol and take Tianeptine as a replacement. All drugs have their own affects/effects (since both apply). That all being said, you can't just replace marijuana or alcohol. Especially not with Tianeptine. Let's face it, marijuana has been the least harmful/risky recreational drug humans have ever come across. That is just my opinion (along with the results of many hundreds of different scientific and medical reports).

                  Anyone else agree?: Wine > Beer.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Jason View Post
                    i was thinking seasonal simply because i want something relatively cheap, yet still a little different. don't feel like spending a bundle on imported shit.

                    i'm not a huuuge fan of ipa's, but i can stomach 'em. what can i say. i'm a fruity guy, and i tend to prefer fruity beers, stuff that's a little on the lighter side but not weak piss either.

                    i've been drinking jug wine for so long now it's starting to taste like watery kool-aid. i need a change.
                    try looking for a barleywine!
                    duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

                    Mattey> put me in corch

                    zidane> go kf urself pork


                    • I was going to post pics of me drinking hand sanitizer (it'll get ya drunk!) for ph in celebration of the cowboys' loss to the still undefeated, New Orleans Saints.

                      But the cowboys won, so no green slime ingestion for me tonight
                      Originally posted by Tone
                      Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                      • were you drinking jd and orange soda? i like jd and coke, but i've never considered mixing it with orange soda.
                        it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


                        • This past week I drove down to Vegas via San Fran and decided I would accompany some meals with beer recommended here and in Kthx's thread.

                          I picked up the Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Celebration Ale.
                          OMG are they bitter. The Pale Ale was a step above any Extra Pale Ale I've ever tried and the Celebration Ale had no taste other than hops.

                          I was a little disappointed so I went back to my high school roots and finished the trip with:
                          Less QQ More pew pew


                          • Originally posted by Cops View Post
                            were you drinking jd and orange soda? i like jd and coke, but i've never considered mixing it with orange soda.
                            jack and orange cream soda. It's very yummy to take as a shot.

                            edit:HAHA soup. +1 for the OE. I bought a bum standing outside my local gas station a 40 of that and wished him a merry X-mas before I came home. I also got one for myself
                            Originally posted by Tone
                            Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


                            • I really like this:

                              But I had this:

                              which was like the same thing, but albeit might be a tad bit better. Oh and I had it at a great seafood place down in boynton beach, fl called hurricane alley.

                              It was real good after playing a bunch of beer pong games with Miller Genuine Draft and shots of patron dropped into sugar lime juice like a jager bomb (yeah I know weird choice of drinks, like both on different ends of spectrum from pisswater to fine tequila)

                              yeah so...
                              All good things must come to an end.


                              • and finally jack daniels rears its ugly head
                                4:BigKing> xD
                                4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                                4:BigKing> what did i do???
                                4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                                4:BigKing> ???? why though
                                4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                                4:BigKing> xD

