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jesse ventura reveals HAARP Megaweapon to proletarians

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  • #16
    The secret government wants you dead

    edit deletion of accidental post that was meant to be a new thread rather than a reply.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Jedi DC View Post
      i watched this show with jesse ventura and like most journalism he just pulled out quotes and events to present his side of the story.
      relying on quotes and events to present a side of a story, how preposterous.


      • #18
        I love Predator :turned:

        Originally posted by Tone
        Women who smoke cigarettes are sexy, not repulsive. It depends on the number smoked. less is better


        • #19
          It's funny that people in this world try to play it off as being so skeptical but then these debates over alien activity are still so popular. The government concocted the existence of aliens to cover up military operations. That simple. No one mentioned anything about why Russia is shooting missiles off accidently. And I haven't followed reportings closely of russia's submarine activity, just skimming off the top it seems they are running more drills in the past year then they have since WWII.
          I found that HAARPS thing 3 years ago, I'll do you one better, T0ne. Have you heard of Project Blue Beam yet?

          Originally posted by Dr. Snyder
          I think pure pubs started the problem but regardless it looks like the LTers have died out so why doesn't anyone come up with an idea soley based on bring the newbs to this game. Fuck the vets this zone is dying cause people who have been playing to long can't stand change. Because this zone is some teri shivo shit right now and I gots no problem with knifing babies but leave the bitch alone.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tone View Post
            just like they did 9/11 and the other major terror attacks then said "we must go to war with Afghanistan to secure the poppy fields for the CIA, i mean to get the terrorists who did 9./11". This is not talked about at all or known by many
            Well, that's because everyone loves drugs. But here's what for and why we needed an excuse to take over afghanistan:

            America's Silk Road Strategy: The Trans-Eurasian Security System

            The Silk Road Strategy (SRS) constitutes an essential building block of US foreign policy in the post-Cold War era.

            The SRS was formulated as a bill presented to the US Congress in 1999. It called for the creation of an energy and transport corridor network linking Western Europe to Central Asia and eventually to the Far East.

            The Silk Road Strategy is defined as a "trans-Eurasian security system". The SRS calls for the "militarization of the Eurasian corridor" as an integral part of the "Great Game". The stated objective, as formulated under the proposed March 1999 Silk Road Strategy Act, is to develop America's business empire along an extensive geographical corridor.

            While the 1999 SRS legislation (HR 3196) was adopted by the House of Representatives, it never became law. Despite this legislative setback, the Silk Road Strategy became, under the Bush Administration, the de facto basis of US-NATO interventionism, largely with a view to integrating the former Soviet republics of the South Caucasus and Central Asia into the US sphere of influence.

            The successful implementation of the SRS required the concurrent "militarization" of the entire Eurasian corridor from the Eastern Mediterranean to China's Western frontier bordering onto Afghanistan, as a means to securing control over extensive oil and gas reserves, as well as "protecting" pipeline routes and trading corridors. The invasion of Afghanistan in October 2001 has served to support American strategic objectives in Central Asia including the control of pipeline corridors. Afghanistan border onto Chinese Western frontier. It is also a strategic landbridge linking the extensive oil wealth of the Caspian Sea basin to the Arabian Sea.

            Because check this out:

            A surreal perspective of the meaning of each and every single one of our human lives can be seen here on this map of the holy grail:

            Originally posted by Dr. Snyder
            I think pure pubs started the problem but regardless it looks like the LTers have died out so why doesn't anyone come up with an idea soley based on bring the newbs to this game. Fuck the vets this zone is dying cause people who have been playing to long can't stand change. Because this zone is some teri shivo shit right now and I gots no problem with knifing babies but leave the bitch alone.

