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Disorder's Disclosure 2009

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  • Disorder's Disclosure 2009

    "UFO" are terrestrial anomaly related to volcanism and free natural, superconductive levitating transition state metals, occuring in cylindrical orbs, traveling along atmospheric gravitational disturbances caused by geographical topography i.e. mountain ridges & magnetospheric plasma layers above them.

    "UFO" are orbitally rearranged monoatomic and diatomic elemental aggregates, a natural byproduct of earth's active relationship to it's iron core and solar wind. The free (and seemingly alive) geo-energy is too dangerous to divulge to the public, as it could be over-harnessed before proper scientific study into it's ecological dynamics, likewise put to military industrial terror.

    It is possible that these orbs have been captured and the metals used to make crafts similar to the aspects of the source of the metals, utilizing the meissner field effect in some manner, along with aerodynamic plasma propulsion, to literally make levitating, mach-speed vessels from what the public conveniently think are aliens. The era of civilian exploitation through control of available energy has to end, or we'll never have spent the time to protect ourselves from ourselves in time.

    Tone has caught a bad case of 'saviorphilia' propaganda, thinking unknown third party (aliens) will save us from ourselves, fetching whimsical conclusions from shoddy recordings and praising the extraterrestrial second coming of the third kind. Nobody expected his alien conference committees to be proving any kinds of communication.

    But hear me out because it's interesting that so many people believe in aliens. Humans will cause man-made extinction through volcanoes and technology, if we don't find a means to organize societal infrastructure and economics in a manner which elucidates growth only, without predation, monopolizing and curtailing evidences from a publics eyes; the dreaded is inevitable to occur as global hostage crisis. The aliens don't have room for carpooling, or a mothership or a way of selecting people to save, anyways.

    We'll have to use this terrestrial, free nuclear metallic energy for a locomotive and biome-generating construction project, likely upper-atmosphere or geosynchronous altitudes (for pending climatic reasons), to industrialize the potential for energy-unlimited, moderated civilian recreation, but most importantly a space based economy & global delivery system (to end nationalism & capitalism / oppressive civilian governing)

    "We found that carbon nanotube fiber, spun directly and continuously from gas phase as an aerogel, combines high strength and high stiffness (axial elastic modulus), with an energy to breakage (toughness) considerably greater than that of any commercial high-strength fiber."

    The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

  • #2

    NASA is currently conducting research on advanced propulsion technologies capable of supporting ambitious human exploration of the solar system in the early part of the next century. Most research to date has been geared towards concepts that offer tremendous performance improvements over current systems. The only problem is that virtually all of these technologies, such as fusion, antimatter and beamed-energy sails, have fundamental scientific issues and practical weaknesses that must be resolved before they can be seriously considered for actual applications. For instance, fusion is limited by the fact that we are still far away from demonstrating a device having energy gains sufficient for commercial power, let alone space applications. Antimatter has much appeal because of its high energy density, but it is severely hampered by extremely low propulsion efficiencies and high costs of current production methods. Beamed energy offers great potential too, but requires materials far beyond current state-of-the-art and tremendous investment in ground/space-based power beaming infrastructure. Although we are optimistic that some of these issues will eventually be overcome, there is no guarantee that any of these technologies will be available by the first half of the next century. This state-of-affairs points to the disappointing fact that none of the advanced, high-power density propulsion concepts being considered by NASA could, with any degree of certainty, meet the goals and timetables of NASA’s own Strategic Plan. This is especially true in light of the conservative fiscal environment of the post-Apollo era, which could limit the sizable investment needed to resolve the fundamental issues associated with these concepts. Moreover, the cost for developing actual vehicles based on these technologies and their required infrastructure could realistically be on the order of hundreds of billions of dollars. To obtain a quantum jump in propulsive capability by the early part of the next century, we must have safe, affordable systems with very high-power densities. Precedents suggest that any device engineered within the next 30 to 50 years should be based on the well-understood physics of today. The need for high power densities eliminates all but nuclear energy sources. The emphasis on known physics and affordability limits the scope still further to fission processes. Of the fission-based concepts that have been considered in the past (e.g., solid-core nuclear thermal, gas-core, internal and external nuclear pulse), only external nuclear pulse circumvents the Isp constraints imposed by containment of a heated gas, and provides the very high power densities needed for ambitious space transportation.


    • #3
      perhaps the golden colored true nano colloidal silver should be placed inside of a pyramid for a few hours before drinking it. that kind of siler which i can synthesize has actual nano metallic silver particles rather than dissolved ionic silver


      • #4
        Here's some questions and figures I put together this morning to begin answer funding issues for if there ever came to be a scenario in which the proposed mechanisms of funding could be implemented:

        1000 cities in the sky

        1. China and India's combined populations (2,465,604,914) could invest $7,300 a year per each citizen on average, as national budgets.
        2. This is $20 a day, yet turns into $15 trillion a year $150 trillion a decade.
        3. United funding with these two countries leading in population could allow humanity to construct one $50 trillion space elevator and a thousand cities for housing 10 billion people divided into cities of 10 million population, worth $100 billion apiece.
        4. For $2 a day, populations the size of India and China together could pay the bill over 10 years.
        5. Or for $5 a day for a decade with four billion investing, the cities could be worth a trillion apiece. How much are cities worth nowadays?
        6. A fluctuating average of four billion people's funding, throughout a larger integrated population possibly 10 billion, to ease individual investment, could allowing funding to support building a thousand 10 million population cities worth 10 trillion apiece for $50 dollars a day a citizen over a decade.
        7. $50 too steep, being a quarter of a $200 a day $20 an hour 10 hour workday?
        8. Get 10 billion investing over a decade and you've got $20 a day again, mind you with the 10 trillion dollar apiece cities. Those are million dollar homes for 10 billion people.
        9. If $80 a day was possible for 10 billion by this later point, it'd take only 2.5 years or 130 weeks for complete population reimbursement of the $150 trillion, and then continued expansion and maintenance.

        Somehow through this insane fiscal optimization, $80 a day turns into a four million dollar home.
        Last edited by disorder; 12-11-2009, 06:53 PM.
        The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.


        • #5
          The effects that are planned to be studied on the kinetic level are: Laminar and turbulent flow; the transition between both; thermodynamics and self-organisation of complex plasma flows; solitons and shocks; interfaces and plasma instabilities; agglomeration and disagglomeration. For low-frequency excitation and confining particles modulated RF coils and high-voltage supplies are foreseen.

