the secret government puts fluoride in the water, mercury in the vaccines, suppresses treatments and cures for diseases such as cancer, raids alternative clinics with machine guns and black uniforms, runs the drug trafficking business and poppy/coca fields, sets up a cooperation in your name and creates 1,000,000 attached to your birth certificate based on the money they think you will make in your life time, then loans out 10 times that to the treasury, sends 63% of the incom tax to the british crown city of london laundrying operation, operates all countries on permanent maritime law and martial law rather than common law, stripped the jury of almost all of its power including power to interpret or overthrow the law, feeds depressed people psychiatric drugs that make them worse instead of feel better, carries out false flag operations to launch staged wars, does weather modification then states global warming exists, uses mind control microwaves and psyops via the media and cell phone towers, rigs all elections and worships Lucifer
they want you in a full control prison with invisible bars (brainwashed), OR in a conventional prison with bars, OR dead, one of the three. they hate you and call you useless eaters. they want 90% of the population dead once there is enough technology to replace you.
When you think government just does a few shady things mixed with some good and reasonable things and we need some activism and protesting, but it isnt all that bad, you arent getting the whole picture. This is dark black evil beyond what you are admitting. Entities from hell are controlling the world and want you dumb downed, tortured and dead.
if they knock on your door, only state your name and ask for a warrant
if they arrest you say "i do not consent and enter no plea, this court is illegal and not under common law, i wish to see the signed criminal complaint, signed by a US citizen" which they need to prosecute unless you are tricked into entering a plea, which is agreeing to be prosecuted. Corpus Delicti states a crime is defined by harming another. political opinion, drug possesion and other things arent even crimes, they are fooling you into volunteering to be prosecuted.
the original 13th amendment wasnt abolition, it was burned int he war of 1812, original 13th states that all titles of nobility voids US citizenship - in other words lawyers and judges arent even US citizens. the founders knew lawyers and bankers wanted to take over the country with evil
when you are born they actually set up a trust in your name, thats your name in capital letters you see in mail you get, which makes you into a cooperation because technically they cant tax you as an individual, they then create money out of thin air based on what you will make in your life time
if you are drafted dont step forward, thats another trick the military uses to fool you into agreeing
you are a sovereign individual with the full right of freedom of a free republic and they have all kinds of tricks to get around that, do not be fooled by their evil.
Almost no one in this country or in the world knows the true concepts of what a free republic is, we are supposed to be a free republic. Take back your inherent right to freedom. take back your mind that is programmed by the TV and everything else to be dumbed down and close minded, close hearted, anti-social, pseudo-social and mean.
if you walk down the average street youll see people in a low closed down state of consciousness with dirty looks on their face who would get angry if you even ask them the time if you forgot your cell phone. if you walk down the streets in the suburbs or country where people walking isnt as common, cars passing by will honk at you and give you devil hand signs. the population is totally programmed and controlled into a state of hell and evil.
the secret government loves you to be dumbed down, and bombarded with constant fear and darkness to keep your consciousness in a low state. take back your true-humanity as a being of Light and Spirit.
they want you in a full control prison with invisible bars (brainwashed), OR in a conventional prison with bars, OR dead, one of the three. they hate you and call you useless eaters. they want 90% of the population dead once there is enough technology to replace you.
When you think government just does a few shady things mixed with some good and reasonable things and we need some activism and protesting, but it isnt all that bad, you arent getting the whole picture. This is dark black evil beyond what you are admitting. Entities from hell are controlling the world and want you dumb downed, tortured and dead.
if they knock on your door, only state your name and ask for a warrant
if they arrest you say "i do not consent and enter no plea, this court is illegal and not under common law, i wish to see the signed criminal complaint, signed by a US citizen" which they need to prosecute unless you are tricked into entering a plea, which is agreeing to be prosecuted. Corpus Delicti states a crime is defined by harming another. political opinion, drug possesion and other things arent even crimes, they are fooling you into volunteering to be prosecuted.
the original 13th amendment wasnt abolition, it was burned int he war of 1812, original 13th states that all titles of nobility voids US citizenship - in other words lawyers and judges arent even US citizens. the founders knew lawyers and bankers wanted to take over the country with evil
when you are born they actually set up a trust in your name, thats your name in capital letters you see in mail you get, which makes you into a cooperation because technically they cant tax you as an individual, they then create money out of thin air based on what you will make in your life time
if you are drafted dont step forward, thats another trick the military uses to fool you into agreeing
you are a sovereign individual with the full right of freedom of a free republic and they have all kinds of tricks to get around that, do not be fooled by their evil.
Almost no one in this country or in the world knows the true concepts of what a free republic is, we are supposed to be a free republic. Take back your inherent right to freedom. take back your mind that is programmed by the TV and everything else to be dumbed down and close minded, close hearted, anti-social, pseudo-social and mean.
if you walk down the average street youll see people in a low closed down state of consciousness with dirty looks on their face who would get angry if you even ask them the time if you forgot your cell phone. if you walk down the streets in the suburbs or country where people walking isnt as common, cars passing by will honk at you and give you devil hand signs. the population is totally programmed and controlled into a state of hell and evil.
the secret government loves you to be dumbed down, and bombarded with constant fear and darkness to keep your consciousness in a low state. take back your true-humanity as a being of Light and Spirit.