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Best Video Games Ever (PC or Console)

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  • #16
    1. Harvest Moon 64
    2. Super Smash Bros 64 (any later version is trash)
    3. Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey
    4. Diablo II
    5. Starcraft
    TWLB Champion Season - 9
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    TWLJ Champion Season - 12
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    • #17
      As for consoles, I never really kept interest in these. The first game I ever played on a console was Super Mario World for SNES. I'd always play it whenever I had the chance, and my half brother kept deleting my saved games :\.. 2nd favorite game for SNES was Mortal Kombat, followed by NBA Jam

      The only other consoles I owned was a Playstation and Playstation 2. No games for the regular PS kept my attention except for games like Tekken. As for the PS2, my favs would have to be the latest and greatest Mortal Kombats followed by Metal Gear Solid 2, God of War, and Prince of Persia

      IMO - I could never keep interest in games like Final Fantasy.

      My most memorable game of all time though, would have to be Asheron's Call.. released along side of EverQuest, the two games constatly competed against eachother.. EQ had a better marketing campaign than AC, so EQ wound up winning in popularity, but AC was a lot more fun to me than EQ.

      Not saying it's better than any of the games you guys have played, but it's the best, in my experience, that I have played.


      • #18
        1) Civilizations
        2) Subspace
        3) Diablo II
        4) Counterstrike
        3) Mantra-Slider :wub:
        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • #19
          Best rpg: Baldurs Gate series

          Best shooter: Half-life

          Best Action rpg: Diablo series

          Best strategy: Starcraft

          Best online: Continuum


          • #20
            Perfect World - Online free game


            Football Manager - addictive =]

            Sega 2!
            A flower cannot blossom without sunshine nor a garden without love

            He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever


            • #21
              happy aquarium
              mafia wars
              Gun remembers.


              • #22
                on a serious note, kthx pretty much summed it up. i haven't ever played secret of mana, but FF7, 007 Goldeneye, and Halo are definitely some of the best games ever. along with, of course, the mario games. i can't decided if i liked super mario (snes) or mario 64 better. super smash bros was my favorite 64 game though!

                Originally posted by kthx View Post
                FF7 was easily the best game ever, it revolutionized gaming.

                Secret of mana is up there also.

                007 Goldeneye for 64 reinvented the FPS.

                The first Halo pretty much once again reinvented it since every single new age FPS is similar to it and we all know how many there are now.
                Gun remembers.


                • #23
                  For PC games I'm gonna have to go with Starcraft, Diablo 2, Doom, Halflife, and the Monkey Island series...but there's so much more. NWN series is sweet.

                  My personal favorite console game classics are:
                  NES: Mario 3 and Double Dragon
                  SNES: SSF2:Turbo, Chrono Trigger, Mario Kart, Mega Man X, Killer Instinct
                  Genesis: Sonic 3, Castlevania Bloodlines, Strider
                  N64: Ocarina of Time, GoldenEye
                  PS1: FF7, FF8, Metal Gear Solid
                  GC: Resident Evil 4
                  PS2: Persona 3, Persona 4, Kingdom Hearts 1, Winning Eleven 7, God of War, Shadow of the Colossus
                  Failure teaches success.
                  . â–²
                  ▲ ▲


                  • #24
                    NES: Super Mario Bros, Mario 3, Blades of Steel, Super Spike Volley Ball, Batman

                    SNES: Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, NBA Jam, Street Fighter

                    Handhelds: Pokemon (blue), Golden Sun

                    N64: Paper Mario, Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Starfox64, SSB

                    Playstation: twisted metal

                    Xbox: Halo 1&2

                    Wii: Super Mario Bros

                    PC: Diablo 2, Starcraft

                    I'm a bit of a mario enthusiast. If you haven't played the newest side scroller for wii, i'd highly reccomend it. Wonderful throwback.


                    • #25
                      Haven't played anything but sports games and COD in the last few years, so obviously I like those. Here's my list keeping that in mind:

                      1) Super Mario World
                      2) Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
                      3) Diablo 2
                      4) Half-Life/Counter-strike
                      5) Quake
                      6) Star Fox
                      7) Super Mario Galaxy
                      8) Mario Kart 64
                      9) Perfect Dark
                      10) Wolfenstein


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Lizard Fuel View Post
                        No Magic?!? :O I was so addicted to that game, I made sure every single character had every single spell in the game. Something like 60+ spells per + the Aeons were fucking badass, though the intros grow old causing you to just disable them entirely. Secret of Mana is good, long game, but rediculously stupid when it comes to leveling up your magic.

                        I'd like to add to my list an old PC game "Dagger Of Amon Ra". Scared the piss out of me when I was like 10, but I loved it.

                        Edit: I also fucking love watching chicks dress up like Rikku.
                        Yeah, forgot it had more magic, but what I meant to say was, NO LEVELS. Wasn't this the FF with no levels or experience points? God that pissed me off. And picking town names off of a list to fly to at the end of the game, because there is no world map, made me want to go find Cid and have him blow up soccer balls.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                          Yeah, forgot it had more magic, but what I meant to say was, NO LEVELS. Wasn't this the FF with no levels or experience points? God that pissed me off. And picking town names off of a list to fly to at the end of the game, because there is no world map, made me want to go find Cid and have him blow up soccer balls.
                          I agree it was pretty linear, but thats what the storyline required! Everything you did was to achieve one ultimate goal, and one ultimate destination, and by the time you get there, its impossible to put the controller down until you beat it, or die trying. Also yes, no levels, but I liked knowing what I was going to learn, and when, and choosing the priorities in which i learned them. I could go on all day, but I don't want to derail my own thread.

                          On track: SNES: Killer Instinct C-C-C-Combo Breaker!


                          • #28

                            one more character class and diablo III will be ready

                            All good things must come to an end.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jones View Post
                              final fantasy IX

                              Originally posted by Pressure Drop View Post
                              1# Planescape Torment - PC
                              this is the best game i've ever played probably, in terms of story and characters i've not played better. I'm not a D&D buff and didn't know differences in the forgotten realms and Planescape settings but what i found out was that Planescape is crazier, darker, funnier and more my cup of tea. This game involves alot of reading though and is a different pace to todays games.
                              4# Vampire the masquerade : bloodlines
                              very dark atmosphere and great rpg where your abilities and traits offer you different ways to achieve your goals. it's a pity more games like these aren't about
                              Good picks.

                              - Final Fantasy IX
                              FFIX is the best, without doubt.

                              - Heroes of Might and Magic 3
                              HOMM3 is a classic no matter how you look at it. No matter how old or busy I get, this will always be something I pull out and play once in a while.

                              #Close to the top
                              - Final Fantasy VIII
                              Great story/lovestory, love Squall, AMAZING cast. I'm not too happy about the sudden change in Squall's personality though, but he's a strong protagonist.

                              #Very good ones
                              - Seiken Densetsu 3
                              SNES RPG, one of my favourites, and quite an underdog =).

                              - Final Fantasy VII
                              Decent story, awesome materia system, lots of random characters that you don't even care about.

                              - Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
                              There isn't any game like this anymore, and it's really sad. Dark RPG, Vampires, amazing gameplay and story.

                              - Planescape: Torment
                              Dark, one of the must-play RPG games out there.

                              - Chrono Trigger
                              The whole time travelling mechanic is simply amazing, the whole game is consistant.

                              #Worst FF
                              - Final Fantasy X
                              Tidus the little whiny emo kid crying through the whole game? Makes me want to shove the sword down his throat. Linear boring story, there's really no peaks at all. I stopped counting how many times i dozed off while playing this game. NO WORLD MAP OR AIRSHIP!

                              And americans don't have Dark Aeons or Penance in their version. Penance is without a doubt the worst boss in the whole FF-series.
                              DuelBot> You have defeated 'nessy' score: (20-11)
                              Nessy> i left for 3 years clean
                              Nessy> came back got on rampage, won twl, #1 in elim for 3 weeks, not even tryin, gg

                              1:King Baba> i know my name is King Baba, but you can call me Poseidon

                              I Luv Cook> I'll double penetrate your ass:/

                              Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.

                              Broaden your horizons, read my blog:


                              • #30
                                How the fuck did I fail to mention Heroes of Might and Magic? :|

                                All the games from HOMM1 to HOMM4 is great, best one is HOMM1 and after that they got slightly worse. At the time HOMM1 was out it was so much deeper and better than the alternatives of the time. While HOMM2 and HOMM3 was great games they didn't quite manage to stand out as much as the first game did. One of my favorite game series of all time.

                                I've tried to beat FFIX 3 times without being able to complete it, the game just wasn't interesting enough to get me to finish it.
                                Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

                                5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it

