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Gaikai - Streaming Worlds

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  • Gaikai - Streaming Worlds

    Play any game in your browser through the cloud. Gaikai's apparently setting this up so they install and run the games on their hardware, and stream it to you through a browser, and let you play it - sort of like VNC when you can control someone's computer - you control the game on the computer that it's hosted on. No more installing or upgrading your computer. All you need is a browser and an internet connection.

    I can totally see this happening for mobile devices, too.

    Sign up for their beta services. It's not in my area yet, but I'll be selected when it is.

    Gaikai takes a radical new approach that combines the best of both worlds. Now you can play the latest cutting-edge games anywhere there’s an internet connection – on any computer, even if it’s a few years old and misses 3D graphics hardware. There’s nothing to install, not even a browser plugin. And the games Gaikai supports are current games, ones never originally designed to be run in the browser.
    We call this Streaming Worlds, taking the full richness of modern computer games to anyone, anywhere, anytime.

  • #2
    Full Resolution Gaming

    Play games at their native resolution with stereo sound; no need to compromise on screen size or quality. Video is delivered at a smooth and consistent framerate.

    No Installation Necessary

    Based on the ubiquitous Flash Player, already installed on 99% of internet enabled computers and available for Windows, Mac OS, Linux and Solaris.

    Adaptive Quality

    Video and audio quality automatically adapts to network conditions on the fly without interruptions. Bit rates can span from ~500Kb/s to ~2Mb/s.

    Any Game

    Runs any game without modifications, even if it was never designed for playing in the web browser.

    Full Input with Encrypted Channel

    All client-side keyboard and mouse buttons are transparently sent to your game over a secure, encrypted, channel. Includes left click, right click, mouse-wheel, and all combinations.

    Low Latency (delay)

    Video and audio is grabbed from the application and streamed to the user within milliseconds. Mouse cursor is rendered on the client and has no perceived latency.


    • #3
      If it ever works it'll be amazing. This is something Steam should look into. They already have a huge base and should have most of the groundwork already laid out with servers, game selection, and the application itself. Could be through steam instead of web browsers, not sure how it would work though.

      --|-- Question: What is the average male penis size in humans? (erect in inches)

      --|-- Ease got the correct answer, '5.3 inches', in 6.379 sec. and is tied for the lead with 2 pts.


      • #4
        Originally posted by saetep View Post
        If it ever works it'll be amazing. This is something Steam should look into. They already have a huge base and should have most of the groundwork already laid out with servers, game selection, and the application itself. Could be through steam instead of web browsers, not sure how it would work though.

        It could very well work through steam, since it already uses Flash, which is all this actually needs.

