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  • Jwh-018

    I went to a BBQ meetup with some friends of mine last weekend, it was fun as shit. I was finally introduced to JWH-018, and I've been hearing about it for quite a while now but with my tight money situation the past 6 months I haven't been able to order any online. It's still legal, and gives you the same high as weed. Anyways, we're all chillin and shootin the shit and BAM, Dan breaks out a big ass batch of brownies for everyone. He said 1 little brownie is good enough for the day, I wound up having 2 and a half. Took about an hour to hit after eating it (same with the MJ firecrackers i used to make) and man was I stoned. A few hours later we decided to hit up a bar not too far away, I knocked a couple back and continued to chill with everyone. We were all stoned out of our minds.

    I get home about 7 hours after eating it and I'm still high as fuck. What's really weird about it is the fact that I wasn't becoming any less sober, it was peaking for several hours (possibly from alcohol?). I started to come down 3 hours after that.

    Last night Dan came over to chill at my house, he had brought some to toke on. So we took a hit mixed with some tobacco from my pipe and just chilled playing Xbox for a few hours. Smoking it didn't make it have such a long duration, but the high was the same. And it feels exactly like weed.

    I'd highly suggest this to anyone. Take note though that it's very easy to take too much and be way too high. You really only need an amount the size of the ball at the tip of a bic pen (no fucking joke!) and mix it with whatever you want.. weed, tobacco.. rip it and chill out.

    It's only $45 per gram, and on average you'll get about 150 doses out of a gram, much cheaper than MJ. Ofcourse if you feel more comfortable toking on plain ol MJ go right ahead, it's nice to taste and smell what you're smoking.

    I'm probably not allowed to give sources for where to buy this online, but if you google it I'm sure you'll find the correct JWH-018 supplier pretty damn quickly.

    Edit: In the US it's still legal for most states, if you're outside the US, wikipedia has the info on legal status

    The states it's illegal in is:

    Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, North Dakota, and Tennessee (sry jerome!)
    Last edited by Xog; 08-06-2010, 03:01 PM.

  • #2
    Don't do drugs.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Xog View Post
      take too much and be way too high.


      • #4

        These articles I pulled up from the references area in the wikipedia article. Bottom line I think is that it affects different people in different ways.
        2:Sauro> dp i placed 4th today at yugoh tournament
        Sauro> i traded e tele for 2 dark bribes and a primy today dp

        Go go go!

        Sauro> my fav card

        1:Mootland Farmer> Duel, want to stfu please? Real m,en talking about Yu-Gi-Oh here
        1:Sauro> yea dp

        1:Sauro> i love dick


        • #5
          Originally posted by Veloce View Post

          These articles I pulled up from the references area in the wikipedia article. Bottom line I think is that it affects different people in different ways.
          Scalza speculates either another compound is responsible for the nasty side effects, or the concentration of JWH-018 is too high.
          Originally posted by Xog
          you can easily take too much
          those idiots experiencing hallucinations probably packed a bowl full or made a whole joint out of the shit. you also have to come to terms with the fact that K2 and "spice" are products that are sold in headshops and contain other compounds that don't correspond with JWH-018.


          • #6
            Sorry for putting it this way, but you're pretty naive to think this is even remotely safe.

            I smoke weed daily and wouldn't smoke this stuff.

            it was created by a grad student at... Clemson university. That alone ought to convince you. Not that it was a grad student, but that it was at clemson ffs..

            It wasn't created to get you high and isn't meant for human consumption. I'd only smoke it if I couldn't smoke the real thing and even then only sparingly.

            Weed has been smoked for thousands of years... this has been around for under a decade. There have been countless studies with weed... none with this.

            Weed has hundreds of active chemicals independent of THC but this chemical only mimics THC.

            A decade from now we might find out this stuff does irreparable damage... and I'm not willing to be the guinea pig just yet.
            .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
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            • #7
              To each their own. I enjoy certain RCs and I dislike others. For instance I'm in absolute love with the 2c-x chems but dreadfully hate DOxx chems. and I never said anything about safety lol


              • #8
                Fair enough. I just wanted to point out that even though its effects were the same, it could have unforeseen consequences.
                .fffffff/f.\ f/.ff\
                .ffffff|ff __fffff|

