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Genetically Modified Salmon for Americans

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Ara View Post

    I hear they don't even have to mention in the product if something is genetically modified in the US. Also kind of funny that the producer wants to call it a hybrid instead of genetically modified, just because they've transferred genes from another fish. I hope I never have to eat all these growth hormone meats in my country. Also not giving the consumers a chance to vote with their wallets (not telling them what they are buying) is against the capitalist ideology, or is it?

    That's the later news where it looks like this will happen.
    That's right. That's why what you see is not capitaliism, but rather statism.

    Originally posted by Galleleo View Post
    Is that Blanca in his younger years?

    But, isn't that a woman that took testosterone and steroids?


    • #17

      This is exactly the kind of thing I get emotionally triggered by. It's funny how the article passively has one sentence stating that the salmon is in fact safe for human consumption but has two paragrapghs written about the concern of the genetically modified salmon ending up in our ocean and causing havoc...

      Here is a quote from the article that should get the public to squirm in their chairs and make them uncomfortable enough to get together and put a stop to this madness.
      "But the analysis is not likely to satisfy critics, in part because much of the data upon which the F.D.A. based its conclusions was submitted by AquaBounty." AquaBounty being the company that developed this horrid hormonal mess.

      On a side note there is a lot of propaganda promoting the 'growth hormone' as a great way to lose weight, a miracle in slowing down aging, a hormone that promotes heart health...crap crap crap. Makes you wonder huh?


      • #18
        You know lots of things we eat are bad for you.

        If you eat margarine or drink a diet coke you are eating artificially produced butters and sugars. Besides I don't know about where most of you live but seeing as how I am not poor when I go to my local store (HEB Central Market) I am sure I won't buy to buy these super salmon. Besides whenever I buy my whole fish at the seafood area I think I will be able to tell that the salmon is genetically modified when it is twice as large as the whole Redfish. So unless you are poor, stupid, or really care enough to never eat anything artificially produced I am sure you are fine.
        Rabble Rabble Rabble


        • #19
          Originally posted by absurd99 View Post
          This is exactly the kind of thing I get emotionally triggered by. It's funny how the article passively has one sentence stating that the salmon is in fact safe for human consumption but has two paragrapghs written about the concern of the genetically modified salmon ending up in our ocean and causing havoc...
          unless humans live in the ocean i see no problem here. the accelerated growth means it could out-compete other similar fish, and i'm guessing that would have an effect on whatever prey the salmon eat, and they could do that while being safe to eat

          kthx: the fish aren't any bigger, they just get to being their full size, quicker. unless it was labeled, there would be no way to tell they were genetically modified - they taste the same, look the same, have the exact same nutritional makeup, etc.

          apparently the producer wants to call them "hybrids" instead of "GM", i don't see what the big deal is, as long as SOMETHING distinguishes them.


          It is an Atlantic salmon that contains a growth hormone gene from a Chinook salmon as well as a genetic on-switch from the ocean pout, a distant relative of the salmon.
          normally, salmon don't grow in cold weather, these do. and unlike rBST (the hormone they pump into cows), the growth hormone gene inserted from the chinook isn't 1) synthesized or 2) artifically added to the fish as it grows. i'm not a biologist but i would assume that the salmon producing its own hormones would be .. safer?

          internet de la jerome

          because the internet | hazardous


          • #20
            i'm hungry

            but i prefer tilapia to salmon
            jasonofabitch loves!!!!


            • #21
              Hybrid Salmon, well atleast they aren't smart salmon, fucking liberals.
              Rabble Rabble Rabble


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                unless humans live in the ocean i see no problem here. the accelerated growth means it could out-compete other similar fish, and i'm guessing that would have an effect on whatever prey the salmon eat, and they could do that while being safe to eat

                kthx: the fish aren't any bigger, they just get to being their full size, quicker. unless it was labeled, there would be no way to tell they were genetically modified - they taste the same, look the same, have the exact same nutritional makeup, etc.

                apparently the producer wants to call them "hybrids" instead of "GM", i don't see what the big deal is, as long as SOMETHING distinguishes them.


                normally, salmon don't grow in cold weather, these do. and unlike rBST (the hormone they pump into cows), the growth hormone gene inserted from the chinook isn't 1) synthesized or 2) artifically added to the fish as it grows. i'm not a biologist but i would assume that the salmon producing its own hormones would be .. safer?

                I think the concern is how such a genetically modified specimen could negatively affect the balance of an ecosystem. For example, if it grows bigger much quicker, does it eat more food?

                I'm willing to guess that salmon is not an apex predator, so I don't think there is much to be concerned with. And, it wouldn't be the first time a foreign fish has been introduced to a new ecosystem. If memory serves correct, one of the Great Lakes has been affected by such an occurance.

                But anyhow... I don't really find issue with genetically modifying food, except in that I'm not given the information as to what I'm consuming. If the modified food has an altered molecular structure, for example, then that is going to affect the way I break down the protein, carb, etc.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Tigron-X View Post
                  then that is going to affect the way I break down the protein, carb, etc.
                  word, imagine this stuff makes us create deadly gasses in our stomach that eats away at our intestinal walls?

                  or better yet, what if this creates a new chemical in our body that the shadow government is using to control the US population?!



                  • #24
                    "I see no problem here"

                    Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                    unless humans live in the ocean i see no problem here
                    This was exactly the point I was trying to make. The focus of this topic is taken over by how the ecosystem might be effected if these hybrid superfish escape into the ocean... Lets keep the debate on the core issue which is questioning the safety of the meat. The article admits the studies that were conducted were in fact paid by the same company that is wanting the FDA's approval of their hormone injected fish. Really???

                    Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                    i'm not a biologist but i would assume that the salmon producing its own hormones would be .. safer?
                    If there is even a slight question of it's safety than there shouldn't even be the matter of debating it. .Yes there are indeed many foodstuffs (processed,high sugar, high fat,soda pop etc) that are dangerous to our health that are availabe to us. Most of these foods are considerably cheaper than whole food. So what's the big deal if they want to introduce 'hybrid' fish right? This is wrong. just because we have death food available to us now it shouldnt numb us to accept the FDA introduction to new ones. Lets take a bag of chips, it's manufactured in a factory, packed in plastic, the plastic being manufactured at another factory is delivered to our local supermarket. Yet the bag of chips costs less than a bell pepper. Whats wrong with this picture? People who are economically restricted (the majority) resort to food that they can afford there only option shouldnt be food hazourdous to their health.

                    There is a selection of 'organic' fruits and vegetables available to us in our produce isle. Next to the orgainc apples are apples that are sprayed with pesticide for $0.60/lb less. Neat! Soon there will be a choice of 'organic wild' salmon or 'hybrid' salmon for $3.50/lb cheaper. Awesome! It's about freedom of choice right? Who is this effecting and why should this be the case? The person that is profiting form this is the one who tells you that whom ever disapproves of the 'free' market is a commie who hates freedom and their country.
                    Last edited by absurd99; 09-07-2010, 08:44 PM.


                    • #25
                      Wow, so many people emotional about fish all of a sudden. What will they think of next?
                      XXX is overrated.


                      • #26
                        so basically salmon that grows faster is a plot to suppress poor people by lowering prices?
                        NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                        internet de la jerome

                        because the internet | hazardous


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Xog View Post
                          word, imagine this stuff makes us create deadly gasses in our stomach that eats away at our intestinal walls?

                          or better yet, what if this creates a new chemical in our body that the shadow government is using to control the US population?!


                          lol... I don't think it works that way. I was referring to whether the molecular structure changes from a chain to a branch or vice versa. Chains have 2 points where enzymes can attach, and branches have multiple points. If it's important for you to regulate insulin production in your body, for example, and you think you're eating something that breaks down slowly, thus releasing sugars slowly, then this could, unintentionally, cause a spike in your blood sugar.

                          Or, if you're regulating your food to optimize protein synthesis, then eating foods that create complete proteins is ideal. Most animal meats, if not all, automatically provide complete proteins. Vegetables and other sources, however, are different. Consumption of rice and beans in one's daily diet, for example, are 2 foods that when combined promote protein synthesis. The question is: Can genetic modification alter foods insofar as to affect protein synthesis?

                          Good luck mocking that.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by absurd99 View Post
                            This was exactly the point I was trying to make. The focus of this topic is taken over by how the ecosystem might be effected if these hybrid superfish escape into the ocean... Lets keep the debate on the core issue which is questioning the safety of the meat. The article admits the studies that were conducted were in fact paid by the same company that is wanting the FDA's approval of their hormone injected fish. Really???

                            If there is even a slight question of it's safety than there shouldn't even be the matter of debating it. .Yes there are indeed many foodstuffs (processed,high sugar, high fat,soda pop etc) that are dangerous to our health that are availabe to us. Most of these foods are considerably cheaper than whole food. So what's the big deal if they want to introduce 'hybrid' fish right? This is wrong. just because we have death food available to us now it shouldnt numb us to accept the FDA introduction to new ones. Lets take a bag of chips, it's manufactured in a factory, packed in plastic, the plastic being manufactured at another factory is delivered to our local supermarket. Yet the bag of chips costs less than a bell pepper. Whats wrong with this picture? People who are economically restricted (the majority) resort to food that they can afford there only option shouldnt be food hazourdous to their health.

                            There is a selection of 'organic' fruits and vegetables available to us in our produce isle. Next to the orgainc apples are apples that are sprayed with pesticide for $0.60/lb more. Neat! Soon there will be a choice of 'organic wild' salmon or 'hybrid' salmon for $3.50/lb cheaper. Awesome! It's about freedom of choice right? Who is this effecting and why should this be the case? The person that is profiting form this is the one who tells you that whom ever disapproves of the 'free' market is a commie who hates freedom and their country.
                            It seems like your concern is more with how certain foods are subsidized in comparison to others. That's why most of these "bad' foods are cheaper.


                            • #29
                              suppress via biochemistry

                              Originally posted by Jerome Scuggs View Post
                              so basically salmon that grows faster is a plot to suppress poor people by lowering prices?
                              The price of the genetically modified fish wouldnt be any cheaper than what we pay for salmon today however the price of 'organic wild' salmon will be raised : (


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Jason View Post
                                i'm hungry

                                but i prefer tilapia to salmon
                                +1, tilapia is really good....what state are you in?
                                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.

