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Extraterrestrials on CNN and Fox, Disabling Nuclear Missiles

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  • Extraterrestrials on CNN and Fox, Disabling Nuclear Missiles

    The Truth is Coming Out about the Extraterrestrials Visiting Earth

    FOX and CNN News Clips recorded onto Youtube:

    National Press Club Conference, been all over the news in every paper and TV channel even though no one here posted:

  • #2
    hey tone!

    what's up buddy?

    long time no see!

    jasonofabitch loves!!!!


    • #3
      i have missed you

      so much

      1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


      • #4
        I only come back when the next Level of TRUTH COME OUT occurs. The Truth is ETs are visiting Earth, and they are Good, not Evil like the shadow government.

        For Other Conspiracy Truth, watch Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory, Season 2 Premieres soon on TruTV Reruns of Season 1 will be likely aired


        • #5

          Also Mazlan Othman

          M. Othman



          1:Vermillion Flame> crap, why is it so hard to grab just one newbie lol

          1:Vermillion Flame> i've noticed that. a real lack of supply of players here

          1:Vermillion Flame> i never thought a single newbie could be so precious
          yo dog, I heard you like driving, so we put a car in your car so you can drive while you drive
          Originally posted by tone
          no you son of a bitch debunker


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tone View Post
            I only come back when the next Level of TRUTH COME OUT occurs. The Truth is ETs are visiting Earth, and they are Good, not Evil like the shadow government.

            For Other Conspiracy Truth, watch Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory, Season 2 Premieres soon on TruTV Reruns of Season 1 will be likely aired
            No, you come back after you said that you would not come back. Given this history, obviously no one should bother listeing to anything you say.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ephemeral View Post
              No, you come back after you said that you would not come back. Given this history, obviously no one should bother listeing to anything you say.
              Correction, i said: "Thats it, Im out of here"

              Click the above CNN and Fox News Clips to learn more truth about ETs visiting Earth. Also Watch Jesse Ventura on TruTV for more education.


              • #8
                Why would aliens travel hundreds if not thousands of light years to not make themselves known? Also, if they're so smart they shouldn't trust the US Government with the evidence of their existence. Fuck that, you don't trust the government but it's okay for the aliens you believe in to trust the same government? They can travel across space -- they'd show it off to us.

                I hope there is intelligent life out there somewhere personally -- but this is all nonsense. <_<
                Fuck it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vaped View Post
                  Why would aliens travel hundreds if not thousands of light years to not make themselves known? Also, if they're so smart they shouldn't trust the US Government with the evidence of their existence. Fuck that, you don't trust the government but it's okay for the aliens you believe in to trust the same government? They can travel across space -- they'd show it off to us.

                  I hope there is intelligent life out there somewhere personally -- but this is all nonsense. <_<
                  You didnt do your research. You did not click the links due to your cognitive dissonance psychological denial. You apply your own small minded logic to ETs who are here waiting for the right moment to establish contact when the time is right and dont have the same motives as you, an Earth human with limited consciousness

                  DENVER POST



                  • #10
                    why are you buying into the disinfo bots?
                    Rabble Rabble Rabble


                    • #11
                      im all for it. i study astrology and quantum physics in my spare time, and i cant say im a professor on the subject, but i certainly know alot more then the average mind. at any rate, i completely believe there is other life out there, which evolved differently then us, but in a sense, the same as well. i believe these alians are the same as us, smart, intelegent, and mean no harm to the opposing race. if we had the technology and discovered a new planet, i highly believe we would be friendly to them, and if were this early in the evolution, and can make sense of that, imagine what they are thinking. to them, we are babies.... they had the gift of being in the universe millions of years before us, thus having a jump start at evolving...imagine the human race in a million years...thats where they are at right now...when i say millions, i mean thousands, im sure their not that old of a race. either way, they are bright, intelligent, and certainly mean no harm.

                      with that said, if you dont believe in aliens, your stupid. simple as that.

                      our galaxy contains 100 billion stars...thats 100 billion of our suns... now imagine each star having an average of 5 planets around it... thats half a trillion planets with potential life on it...EVEN 1 of those half a trillion in a galaxy is unlikely...there has to be MORE...but for argument sakes, lets say its 1...

                      now...we have 1 planet that sustains life in 1 galaxy of half a trillion planets...thats 500 000 000 000.

                      now multiply that number by another 100 billion...

                      there are over 100 billion galaxies in the universe, AND ITS GROWING FAST...thats 100 000 000 000 x 500 000 000 000

                      to put it in a perspective...thats 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 planets...ofcourse this is estimated...

                      now, if 1 galaxy had at least 1 planet with life on it, that means there are 100 billions planet earths out there...thats 100 billion civilizations...

                      to argue that you dont believe in aliens...its beyond stupid

                      but it seems the word aliens automatically brings laughter and doubt because the word itself just sounds so mocking and stupid. call it what you want, call it serious, but know not all planets are of the same age...that means if planet earth wasnt made around 4 billion years ago, but instead was 100 billion, thats 96 billion years of extra evolution for the potential life on that planet...

                      thats why these aliens can travel way faster speeds then light...they travel through energy waves most likely, that are going multiple speeds of light...maybe even teleportation, its a crime to call it travel. either way, we as humans only had 100 years of real evolution...i mean, compare 1900 to changed COMPLETELY in only 100 fucking years...were talking trillions and trillions of years here, and your arguing 100 years and calling it impossible...

                      the times are changing, put that bible down. its a fairytail with a meaningful ending, but humans even took that too literal.

                      i dont blame you people for not believing in aliens, i actually expect you to. cus your just that stupid, and i wish not to argue with you about the subject at hand.

                      either way, im excited, cus the time is coming soon, and world will change. for the better.

                      and if were lucky, we wont be brainwashed by morons in praising these extraterrestrials, but looking at them as equal, with respect, and start learning from them to jumpstart our evolution, revolution, and everything in between. we live in the future, but blame free energy, cars running on water, and all sorts of other things on the big corporations that dont want to lose profit. thats why ur stuck here, in the times we live in, when in fact we could be doing things TODAY what we are most likely gonna do a 100 years from now :/


                      the result is the
                      Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                      • #12
                        oh and 1 more thing...

                        why do they have to be thousands of lightyears away?

                        what if they are right infront of our eyes, on a planet we cant see. maybe its behind another planet, where by calculations we can know there is a planet there, but we cant see its surface.

                        they might be IN OUR SOLAR SYSTEM! imagine, having the technology to block out the sun, deflect it in a way, so we are blind to seeing them? what if when their spaceships come visit us, they create huge fog, dust storms, heavy rain and thunder, blinded by the clouds, where they can safely fly in and out without detection?

                        you can argue improbable, but dont argue impossible...
                        Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                        • #13
                          Shadow Government

                          [Post Deleted]


                          • #14
                            just to clear something up, just because i believe, doesnt mean i wear a tin foil hat to work, or anything of that sort.

                            im not eagerly waiting for contact, either.

                            im living my life day to day, normally, without ever letting the subject get the better of me. its not one of those OOO the end is near type of propaganda, but whats wrong with hoping?


                            life goes on, with or without them. but it would be hell of alot more fun with them
                            Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                            • #15
                              if you build it they will come
                              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.

