sad part is when disclosure occurs everyone will be floored and think tone is a genius when actually you have all been faked out of the government into forming the new world order good day
Posting a Schizophrenic Jibberish video will have no effect on the truth.
sad part is when disclosure occurs everyone will be floored and think tone is a genius when actually you have all been faked out of the government into forming the new world order good day
You are a victim of PsyOps Disinformation. You have been led to believe that there are no ETs here, and its only project blue beam, and only a NWO trick to unite the world against a false flag ET threat.
This is False. The truth is there are Benevolent ETs visiting Earth and the NWO wants to frame them and uses blue beam disinfo to make you xenophobic about them. BlueBeam is a non-feasible drawing board plan that will not be able to be carried out due to lack of ability or the Real ETs stopping it.
If you go research youll see UFOs existed before the 20th century so its not true that they were invented by man to do a blue beam trick only - and that BlueBeam PsyOps + Real ETs here is the actual truth, fortunately for us.
You are a victim of PsyOps Disinformation. You have been led to believe that there are no ETs here, and its only project blue beam, and only a NWO trick to unite the world against a false flag ET threat.
This is False. The truth is there are Benevolent ETs visiting Earth and the NWO wants to frame them and uses blue beam disinfo to make you xenophobic about them. BlueBeam is a non-feasible drawing board plan that will not be able to be carried out due to lack of ability or the Real ETs stopping it.
If you go research youll see UFOs existed before the 20th century so its not true that they were invented by man to do a blue beam trick only - and that BlueBeam PsyOps + Real ETs here is the actual truth, fortunately for us.