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ASoIaF Coming soon to HBO

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  • #16
    Eddard Stark 'Ned' "When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies but the pack survives"

    Ice, a shame what happened the the blade.. and it's wielder

    No need to mention the choice, I was thinking exactly the same, guess I was just so fixed on my two
    favorite characters actually not being screwed up. 100% match

    Prayer by the heart tree
    XXX is overrated.


    • #17
      cool story bro

      vote for me
      All good things must come to an end.


      • #18
        Tons more casting calls, but I pretty much pinned my top 7 would have been top 10 but I've got late night studying to do.

        Atmospheric pics:

        The Wall and Castle Black
        " In the War for the Dawn, the Others were thrown back by the First Men and the Children of The Forest, and the vast wall of ice was raised to bar their passage south should they come again. In the following centuries the Children gradually disappeared, and it was presumed that they left Westeros or died out altogether."

        Sansa at the Eyrie
        I want to strangle this girl, she's quite utterly useless, the stock 'lady' of the series. She makes Cersei seem likable.

        Dragon Stone
        The seat of power for Stannis, kinda sucks to have just an Isle.. and an Onion night with knuckles for fingertips.

        PS f-- u gran for your web-campaign
        Last edited by Ayano; 10-11-2010, 01:55 AM.
        XXX is overrated.


        • #19
          I want to see a drizzt series show


          • #20
            Drizzit? leave that forgotten realms crap out of here.

            Arya actually killed more than that stable guy, apparently I have amnesia from Storm of Swords. Dude, she goes lethal with needle starting from the first book when she kills that rich dude.

            Exerpt from Clash of Kings:

            "Is there gold hidden in the village? Is there silver? Gems? Is there food? Where is Lord Beric? Where did he go? How many men were with him? How many knights? How many bowmen? How many, how many, how many, how many, how many, how many? Is there gold in the village?" *stabbing in rhythm*
            Good times, gotta re-live'em

            BTW leaked script of the HBO pilot coming this spring.

            EXT. HILLTOP - DAY
            LORD EDDARD “NED” STARK (40) sits on his motionless horse,
            his long brown hair stirring in the wind. His closely-trimmed
            beard is shot with white. He has spent half his life training
            for war and the other half waging it, and his face conveys
            both authority and a haunted sadness.

            He is accompanied by a dozen members of the HOUSEHOLD GUARD,
            all on horseback. Over their heads flaps the Stark banner: a
            gray direwolf racing across an ice-white field.
            South of the Wall the grass is still green and the sun is
            shining, but the air is cold enough to cloud the breath of
            four guardsmen as they escort Gared toward the stump of a
            massive oak tree.

            Weeks have passed since we saw the ranger but he seems to
            have aged years, his eyes bloodshot and weary, his face
            haggard, his clothes filthy and torn.
            Ned’s sons, JON SNOW (17), ROBB STARK (17) and BRAN STARK (8)
            sit on their own horses (a small pony in Bran’s case).
            Jon is slender, darker than his half-brothers, his eyes black
            and watchful.

            Robb is big and broad, with fair skin and reddish-brown hair.
            Bran sits very still, watching the doomed man. He has never
            seen an execution before. The prospect of it terrifies him,
            but he tries hard to imitate his father’s solemn expression.
            The Guardsmen force Gared’s head onto the stump. Ned

            His ward, THEON GREYJOY (19), hands over Ned’s sword: Ice, a
            beautiful weapon, centuries old. Theon is the only man in the
            party wearing a kraken sigil instead of a dire wolf.
            Ned peels off his gloves and hands them to JORY CASSEL (30s),
            a bull-necked warrior with a heavy mustache.
            Ned walks to the stump. He speaks in low tones to Gared, who
            responds. We watch this exchange from the boys’ perspective.
            Gared’s final words clearly trouble Ned, who studies the
            condemned man’s face, judging his honesty.
            Bran watches from afar, his head slightly cocked, trying to
            make out what Gared is saying.
            There is a great weariness in Ned’s eyes as he places both
            hands on the hilt of his greatsword.

            In the name of Robert of the House
            Baratheon, the First of his Name--

            As Ned delivers the formal sentence to the condemned man, Jon
            Snow moves closer to Bran.

            JON SNOW
            Keep the pony in hand. And
            don’t look away. Father will
            know if you do.

            NED (O.S.)
            King of the Andals and the
            First Men, Lord of the Seven
            Kingdoms and Protector of the

            Bran keeps his pony well in hand and does not look away.

            I, Eddard of the House Stark, Lord
            of Winterfell and Warden of the
            North, sentence you to die.

            Ned lifts Ice high above his head and brings it down.
            Blood sprays the swaying grass.
            Gared’s head topples off the stump, bounces off a root, and
            rolls. When Ned’s back is turned, Theon put his boot on the
            head, kicks it away and laughs.
            Jon watches this with disgust but says nothing. He turns and
            grips Bran’s shoulder.

            JON SNOW
            You did well.

            It’s only three words, but compliments are hard to come by in
            the Stark house. Bran is proud to be treated like a man, but
            he cannot look away from the head lying in the tall grass.


            EXT. HILLSIDE - DAY
            Bran rides with his brothers, his hard-working pony trying to
            keep up with the bigger horses.

            JON SNOW
            I thought he was brave.

            Brave? He was dead of fear. You
            could see it in his eyes.

            JON SNOW
            What would be in your eyes with
            your head on the stump? He died
            well. Give him that much.
            Robb considers the point for a moment and shrugs, already
            losing interest in the subject.

            Race you to the bridge?

            Jon rolls his eyes as if he’s beyond such juvenile games--
            then, without warning, he spurs his horse and gains a good
            head start. Robb curses and follows. They gallop off down the
            trail, Robb laughing and hooting, Jon silent.
            Bran’s pony can’t compete in that race, so he follows slowly
            behind, craning his neck to see if he can spot the winner.

            You understand why I did it?

            Bran turns in his saddle, startled. On his great warhorse,
            Ned looms above him like a giant. Bran nods to his father.

            Jon said he was a deserter. He was
            in the Night’s Watch and he ran away.

            Even when speaking with his son, Ned constantly surveys his
            surroundings, aware of his men’s positions, the possible
            sites for an ambush, the angle of the sun.

            True enough, but do you understand
            why I had to kill him?

            Bran thinks about this for a few seconds, confused.

            King Robert has a headsman.

            He does. As did the Targaryen kings
            before him.

            Ned reaches out to grab the pommel on Bran’s saddle. He
            forces the horse and pony to walk very close.

            Our way is the old way. The man who
            passes the sentence should swing
            the sword.

            Bran stares at the massive sword sheathed at Ned’s hip.

            Is it true he saw the Others?
            Ned stares at his son for a long beat.

            You heard that?
            (off Bran’s nod)
            The Others have been gone for eight
            thousand years.

            So he was lying?

            He believed it. A madman sees what
            he sees.

            They’re interrupted by the sound of hooves; Jon reappears on
            the crest of the hill before them, waving urgently.

            Over here!


            EXT. RIVERBANK - DAY
            Ned’s party reaches the riverbank. Jon has dismounted beside
            Robb, who cradles something in his arm.
            Bran and Ned stay back with the rest of their party as Jory
            and Theon approach the older boys.
            When he sees what lies on the ground beside Robb, Theon
            curses and pulls his horse away. Jory does the same and yells
            to the boys:

            Get away from it!

            She can’t hurt you. She’s dead.
            Burning with curiosity, Bran spurs his pony to keep up with
            Ned as they approach the others, who are all dismounting.

            What in hell is it?
            Bran finally gets close enough to see.

            A wolf.

            The dead wolf is impossibly huge, bigger than Bran’s pony.
            Its blind eyes crawl with maggots.

            It’s a freak.

            No. That’s a direwolf.

            Ned kneels beside the wolf. Groping under the beast’s head,
            he gives a yank and comes up with a foot of shattered antler,
            slick with half-dried blood.

            There hasn’t been a direwolf south
            of the Wall for two hundred years.

            Jon looks at the bundle beneath Robb’s arm and grins:

            Well... now there are five.

            When Bran sees what everyone is staring at his eyes widen. He
            moves in to get a closer look at the direwolf pup-- a tiny
            ball of gray-black fur, eyes still closed, nuzzling blindly
            against Robb’s chest, whimpering.

            Tough old beast, wasn’t she?
            Birthing a litter with an antler in
            her throat.

            (to Bran)
            Go on. You can touch him.

            Bran gives the pup a quick, nervous stroke. As he turns:

            Here you go.

            Jon thrusts another pup into Bran’s arms. Overjoyed, Bran
            plops down in the snow and rubs the wolf pup’s soft fur
            against his cheek.

            Ned picks up two more helpless pups, one in each hand. Jon
            picks up the fifth.

            HULLEN (40s), the horse master, frowns at this ill omen.

            Direwolves loose in the realm.

            Not for long.
            Theon draws his sword and reaches for Bran’s pup.

            Give it here.

            No! It’s mine!

            Robb speaks to Theon in a commanding tone.

            Put your sword away. We’re keeping

            Theon bristles at the command.

            I take orders from your father, not

            It’ll be a mercy to kill them.


            Bran looks to Ned for support, but finds none.

            Better a quick death. They won’t
            last without their mother.

            Lord Stark... There are five pups.
            Three male, two female.
            (off Ned’s curiosity)
            You have five trueborn children.
            Three sons, two daughters. The
            direwolf is the sigil of your

            Everyone looks to the Stark banners, with their direwolf
            crest-of-arms. We see their opinions about the pups change,
            as they come to understand the import of this omen.

            Your children were meant to have
            these pups.

            And you?

            I am not a Stark, my Lord.

            Ned weighs the situation for a moment in silence.

            You will feed them yourselves. And
            train them yourselves.

            Bran nods eagerly. Robb nods as well.

            They may die anyway, despite all
            you do.

            They won’t. We won’t let them.

            The decision made, people start to remount their horses.
            Bran tugs gratefully on Jon’s sleeve. Jon smiles at him, but
            beneath his smile there is a trace of sadness.
            Jon is about to climb onto his horse when he hears a distant
            whimpering. Leaving the horse behind, he ranges into a snow
            drift, and scans the ground until he finds the source:
            A sixth wolf pup, with white fur. Unlike the others, its eyes
            are blood-red and open, and it is completely silent. Jon
            picks it up.
            Theon scoffs.

            An albino. It’ll die even faster
            than the others.

            Jon ignores Theon. He stares into the pup’s eyes and the pup
            stares back.

            This one belongs to me.
            Last edited by Ayano; 10-11-2010, 08:09 PM.
            XXX is overrated.

