To quote TWD chat from yesterday (probably not exact, i didn't log it )
"Can't wait for new years eve -- Going to get a shitload of coke, party all night, and bang the shit out of my girlfriend" - Tagmor
I think tag just doesn't like people saying drugs make u smarter. lol. I definitely don't smoke weed often in order to raise my brain power .... and about the only thing I'm better at is cooking and some video games.
Still -- people should do what they want, as long as it doesn't interfere in the lives of others.
(and gran/ph, sorry for three posts in a row, i was just looking at pictures to start with lololol) <3
I do believe that spiritual experiences are generated on a temporary by-product of drug use over a period of time if one manages to contemplate it with seriousness rather than just doing it just to get fucked up.
But you don't really know do you? I mean it feels like it's all "holy fuck god is inside my head", but then that is what drugs do, they distort the reality.
People often go to write shit down whilst they are on drugs, thinking that they are having earth shattering thoughts, then read their shit when they are not high and realise it is not very insightful at all.
Others wont bother to read it, or will come up with some bullshit about how they need to be high to be able to comprehend it.
In the word of Frank Zappa "A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole."
i somehow knew frank zappa would enter this conversation
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
I think I should clarify, that picture was of Tagmor
1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat
1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
1:trashed> wha
1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
1:trashed> i download my own
1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come
But you don't really know do you? I mean it feels like it's all "holy fuck god is inside my head", but then that is what drugs do, they distort the reality.
I said it was based off of my perception, I didn't tell you this was the truth. I even emphasized that everyone explains the feeling different. You can explain it through your religion or whatever, the thought is the same just hard to explain.
People often go to write shit down whilst they are on drugs, thinking that they are having earth shattering thoughts, then read their shit when they are not high and realise it is not very insightful at all.
This was my original argument as to how a majority of religions started out
Others wont bother to read it, or will come up with some bullshit about how they need to be high to be able to comprehend it.
All kinds of pagan religions exist out there and there are new doctrines forming everyday
In the word of Frank Zappa "A drug is not bad. A drug is a chemical compound. The problem comes in when people who take drugs treat them like a license to behave like an asshole."
How does this relate to me? Where have I acted like an asshole by explaining that I had a spiritual experience through drug use? It's not like I brought it up, it's because you were bashing people for taking drugs for any other reason beyond just getting fucked up. Take away Xog from this conversation for a second (in fact just take him away from your life) and you will realize that this quote moreso is implied to you. Throughout the entire thread you are the one who is behaving like an asshole. For what? Your beliefs? With or without drugs you don't have a license to act like an asshole when no one is messing with you. I've played with your trolling, and I give it a B- because you managed to get me to write 2 serious posts when I told myself I wouldn't ever post a serious post to you ever again.
wi completely glazed over this awesome conversation and noticed that hilarious subspace anti-drug picture which i laughed out out loud, and then i notived the date. what is that insanity there are not 18 months in a year. stupid ignorant europeans who don't know anything. jesus said in the bibel that its twelve months (source: alex jones "the uncovered real bible as discovered by alex jones" pp. 23). i mean really though, what gives.
I said it was based off of my perception, I didn't tell you this was the truth. I even emphasized that everyone explains the feeling different. You can explain it through your religion or whatever, the thought is the same just hard to explain.
I never claimed you thought it was the truth.. I'm just offering an alternative perspective.
The thing is, I know/have known a lot of old hippies, acid heads, and the like, and despite dedicating their lives to expanding their mind with psychedelics, the majority are failures of human beings, and many have lost a good portion of their mind.
This was my original argument as to how a majority of religions started out
Probably not, at least not the major ones. It's quite ignorant to claim that major religions such as Christianity or Islam were "hoodwinked" into fruition by some ancient "dude" playing with fungus or w/e, without any evidence; just because "it seems like that could have happened". It is insulting to the millions of people who have found meaning in their respective faith, and the scholars who have spent their lives researching them.
It is also quite a typical theory of the "armchair experts of life" drug culture.
How does this relate to me? Where have I acted like an asshole
Doesn't relate to you, although your religious attacks are kinda asshole-ish. You said that you have tripped 10 times, that is fine, you are probably a better person for it. The "assholes" are people who think drugs are "magical brain food" that will show them the path to enlightenment, and then adopt this pretentious attitude towards people who don't use drugs.
Drugs, even psychedelics, suppress/alter the emotions. I tend to think there is a reason we are forced to endure emotions, and taking drugs to escape them is cowardly and weak.
Take away Xog from this conversation for a second (in fact just take him away from your life) and you will realize that this quote moreso is implied to you. Throughout the entire thread you are the one who is behaving like an asshole.
xog was actually the reason I posted in this thread. I know he frequents the shroomery, grows caps, and probably fancies himself as some kind of modern alchemist. I was merely trying to give him some insight, for his sake.
Drug users often identify religion as manipulative towards people's own thoughts, and while this can be very true, the same thing happens in the drug culture. There is this underlying perception that using drugs will expand one's mind beyond that of a non-drug user, and whilst it may seem that way when high, the proof is in the pudding and in my experience non-drug users, or those that recognize drugs as something to be used sparingly for recreational purposes, tend to have much more fulfilling lives than those that get trapped in the "drugs are my world" culture.
Probably not, at least not the major ones. It's quite ignorant to claim that major religions such as Christianity or Islam were "hoodwinked" into fruition by some ancient "dude" playing with fungus or w/e, without any evidence; just because "it seems like that could have happened". It is insulting to the millions of people who have found meaning in their respective faith, and the scholars who have spent their lives researching them.
Why is it ignorant? I think it's quite a viable theory. Also who gives a shit if it's insulting to millions of people? Religion has been insulting millions of people since day 1 and they continue to do so this very moment. Religion should try to be less uptight about themselves. If people find solace in religion, great for them, don't let me stop you. But don't be a hypocrite. A lot of christians like claiming that the islam is a terrorist religion for it's beliefs, but it's not that long ago that tons and tons of people were murdered purely out of christianity and their beliefs. At the same time, the islam needs to stop being offended by people drawing a cartoon of Muhammed, who gives a flying fuck, no one made your religion more special than other ones and jesus is a word "used in vain" daily by millions.
Personally I think christianity was mostly born as a tool to control the masses, I have no more or less proof for that as Gran with his psychedelic theory, but neither of us are thinking or saying it just to insult people.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
take shrooms---> trip balls ---> wait for the Mahdi
4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
Drug users often identify religion as manipulative towards people's own thoughts, and while this can be very true, the same thing happens in the drug culture. There is this underlying perception that using drugs will expand one's mind beyond that of a non-drug user, and whilst it may seem that way when high, the proof is in the pudding and in my experience non-drug users, or those that recognize drugs as something to be used sparingly for recreational purposes, tend to have much more fulfilling lives than those that get trapped in the "drugs are my world" culture.
Why are you primarily subjugating drug users for identifying religion as manipulative? Anyone with half a brain can realize this. Yes, there is an underlying perception that using mind-altering drugs will expand someone's mind - but that does not have to mean 'beyond a non-drug user's mind'. This is where I believe you've gotten mixed up. Although I'm sure it's not unfathomable, I'm confident it's not the collective ideal within the minds of my fellow psychonauts.
I believe you get this idea of psychoactive drug users pedestaling ourselves above others. This is simply not true (collectively speaking). It's a misconception of you (or anyone else) probably reading discussions of us sharing our experiences with each other and describing what we were/are feeling. For you to simply think about how we felt or what we can lead to misconstrued theories and thoughts about us. When you read trip reports or maybe you even have a friend telling you about how he saw God or some other spiritual entity, you'll just think we're nuts.
As for the comments you were saying about spiritual healing and such, I think you've got this misunderstood as well. No, psychoactive drugs will not cure or heal us (as far as we know), but it does help us realize and bring to light certain things in our life and ultimately help us.
Overall, the psychedelic experience is something that is indeed fun, sometimes it can be the worst thing in the world, but most of all it is all a giant learning experience. To have your mind opened to so many possibilities that the psychoactive chemicals produce is something very exciting. And although I am sure you can get the gist of what a psychedelic experience is like without taking any, it's not something that you can simply understand without doing a lot of contemplation.
It's very lenghtly, in fact it's 26 pages long, but I highly suggest you consider reading this trip report in your spare time. It's written by a friend of mine from the Shroomery, a great guy to hang out and share stories with in front of the campfire.
Personally, I've never ran into anybody or even any posts for that matter saying drugs are good, they heal you and teach you about life, because that simply isn't true. They can help us understand things from very different perspectives, but it cannot truly teach us. If anything, it is an aid, or a guide. If you have heard/read anyone saying the first sentence in this paragraph, they are either lying, or describing it in a way that you might have misunderstood it.
An example, "[drug] taught me [lesson]" - you might have read this at some point, but for the person who wrote it, would have meant "[drug] has helped me learn [lesson]". I believe this is ultimately where the reader can either swing on the fence of "that's bullshit, drugs dont teach you anything" and "oh I understand what you mean." The end result is solely up to the reader to decipher what the author meant.
How some psychoactive drugs can aid us is, again, by bringing to light certain thoughts we have had and expanding them with different combinations of other thoughts. It can be a very interesting experience, some of the whackiest things can come to our minds (not just thoughts), and there in lies the part where we share them with each other. Our subconscious can throw some very wild visions and thoughts at us, and to the outside viewer, it looks like we are fools. But we love it.
Is it me or has Xog been trying really hard lately to be seen as the resident "cool" drug user? People could be talking about a truck and Xog will come in and tell everyone who doesn't want to hear about his awesome experiences with drugs and how he's so cool for doing them and trying loads of them and he's totally gonna do it again tonight...
I mean we have a lot of (occasional) drug users here, but no one actually rubs it in our faces, except for Xog.
Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.