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the first sign u have fucked up friends

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  • the first sign u have fucked up friends

    this conversation took place between me and some girl tonight

    Girl: ehey
    Me: ehey yourself
    Girl: umm
    Girl: i a m shakkin
    Girl: are you tere?
    Me: uh
    Me: i am taking ure quiz
    Girl: kk
    Girl: i can t si till im fuckeeeed uuuuop am
    Me: what are you saying
    Girl: i m fucked uo man im shaking
    Me: why
    Me: what did u take
    Me: i got a forty on your quiz
    Girl: alot os excidrine weed
    Girl: woog gooo
    Girl: h
    Me: exedrin?
    Me: like
    Me: the headache medicine?
    Girl: yeah
    Girl: 222
    Girl: 22
    Girl: i haveto go
    Me: k cya
    Me: dont like have a massive brain hemhorrage and die please
    Girl: i sdneed heollp
    Me: call the ambulants
    Me: whats your address
    Girl: no
    Me: why
    Girl: like don o do it
    Me: they wont arrest you
    Girl: i know
    Girl: im alive tho
    Me: if u need help do it im serious
    Girl: im going to sleep
    Girl: ill wake my mmo uuup
    Girl: rie no
    Me: dont fall asleep u might like die
    Girl: k
    Girl: ksory
    Me: thats what happened to jimi hendriz
    Girl: who
    Me: jimi hendix
    Me: hendrix
    Girl: i s he hthere
    Girl: ?
    Me: no
    Girl: oh
    Me: he is dead
    Girl: iih
    Girl: dude i h
    Me: he died because he fell asleep while he was super fucked up
    Girl: oh
    Girl: ilaer sory s u at kol
    Me: i dont know what u mean but its ok
    Girl: bye evan hek kevin kl
    Girl: lateee babe
    Me: cya
    Girl signed off at 9:55:29 PM.
    Originally posted by Yoshiba
    i lag when i smoke weed

  • #2
    I'd hump her unconcious body, then run away.


    • #3
      I mean, I hate to say it, because I could be wrong, but I've had those types of conversations with a shitload of girls (not trying to be sexist, but a guy has never done this to me), and usually they just want attention, sometimes sexual, but usually just in general. I figure that getting that fucked up by yourself isn't fun, so if she's doing that, she just wants attention. But normally, the girls aren't even that fucked up, they just act like they are. Leaving you hanging like that is going to make you think about her, which is probably exactly what she wants. I don't know. Normally I've had success with people like that by saying, "Look, I hate talking to you when you're like this, if you're going to pull this shit, I'm going to call 911 on your ass." Usually they "sober up" within like five minutes of that and actually talk about whatever's bothering them, which tends to seem to be what they actually want. I don't know. It sucks to get stuck in a rut where you can't tell whether or not the person is serious or not.
      5:gen> man
      5:gen> i didn't know shade's child fucked bluednady


      • #4
        The unsettled mind is at times an ally, Leaving the senses to fend for them selves.
        it makes me sick when i think of it, all my heroes could not live with it so i hope you rest in peace cause with us you never did


        • #5
          face is right.
          Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


          • #6
            Yoshiba I told you not to post the conversation.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Heatha
              Yoshiba I told you not to post the conversation.
              you mean 'our conversation'

              or just any conversation?
              some are wise, some are otherwise

              1: PolluX> People say I talk too much
              1: Louis XV> Dude you seriously need to stfu!
              1: Louis XV> I still love you, k?


              • #8
                heatha wants to be noticed?


                • #9
                  If it was her and she was embarassed about it, why would she reply and leave her self open publically? A personal message would have sufficed. =/
                  But more to the point, I agree with Face. There have been times where I've talked to my friends and they're not in good shape at all, and I couldn't even tell if they were serious. It absolutely sucks, because unless you have superior skills of inference, you can't really distinguish.
                  5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                  5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                  5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                  1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                  1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Reepicheep
                    I'd hump her unconcious body, then run away.
                    ah kids...
                    Hyde:... Government always tries to track people down, screw the U.S. government!
                    Red: Screw the U.S. government?! IF the government decides to stick a tracking device up your ass, you say thank you! God bless America!


                    • #11
                      guys do it too, just cuz they're stupid

                      did you hear about the kid that ODed on a webcam with like 6 other dudes watching him? his mom didn't find him until like the next day, dead. it was on the news...true stuff
                      Ну вот...


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by King Missile
                        heatha wants to be noticed?

                        <Jumps in the air>

                        Hey look at me I am the girl that plays subspace. Hey over here!! Look at me!

                        Note: this is what happens when I am bored to death.


                        • #13
                          "the girl", like the only one? wow.. this is big!
                          btw im looking at you
                          Last edited by eehh; 05-21-2003, 09:39 AM.
                          Throughout time, there’s been
                          crimes, throughout our history
                          But not as great, as the one of late, affecting you and me
                          Once a nation proud and free, and now we’re weeping sorrow’s tears
                          Tragedy’s approaching, it’s worse than all your fears

                          Come on my countrymen
                          Come on and take a stand
                          Don’t let ‘em take away your land

                          the Wenger bus is coming
                          and all the kids are running
                          from London to Manchester
                          cos he's a child molester

                          fuck islam


                          • #14
                            usa sure must be a boring place if you aint 21 yet!!!

                            you should all come here, legally drinkin beer when yer 16 years old, and the legal pot for the 18 year olds


                            • #15

                              I was too horrified by the spelling errors to read too far into the log. And Smoking and Drinking is'nt illegal in the U.S. unless you get caught Words to live by.
                              Rabble Rabble Rabble

