play subspace on it, maybe use ?go subroids gfx, tell older ppl it's some crazy newfangled designing utility, tell young people you're being retrocool and designing dumptrucks on a commodore64 emulator
Im gonna slash and gash, rip another hole in your ass.
I'll smear blood on the walls and then play
tennis with your balls, and if the phone rings dont answer the caLL.
im gonna slit yo throat, fuk u like a goat
i'LL rip yo fore skin off and make a winter coat. PEACE!
had a bunch, cant remember their names, but my fav. player in 99 was this dude would levi terr with me. from blitzkreig or some shit. if that's not interesting i dunno what is!
I used to talk with turban a lot, even created a newbie pub squad together. Haven't said more than 3 words at a time to him in like a year+ Aside from that the only person I can remember that I don't talk to anymore is p0lluX