Im gonna slash and gash, rip another hole in your ass.
I'll smear blood on the walls and then play
tennis with your balls, and if the phone rings dont answer the caLL.
im gonna slit yo throat, fuk u like a goat
i'LL rip yo fore skin off and make a winter coat. PEACE!
part of downtown houston is circled in blue if u look north u can see 2 or 3 more wildfires to the north click on the pic in my next post and zoom it and u can see
I was in Alaska several years ago during a huge forest fire out there, it lasted for a few weeks. Normally I love the smell of a wood fire but I got sick of it when it was always present any time you went outside. At times it totally looked like there was a mushroom cloud
Too bad the Feds of FEMA are turning away hundreds of volunteer firefighters because they haven't registered correctly. Where's the Texas independent spirit kthx? Get your scissors and go cut that bureaucratic red tape bull shit.
It's like Katrina all over again, here's a website that outlines all of the help FEMA turned away at Katrina in order to make the disaster as bad as possible:
Normally I would care but for once it seems that they are actually doing a pretty good job of containing the fires and putting them out, I mean I know they don't have wind to deal with but results speak for themselves.
i woke up to the entire westside of houston covered in smoke, when i took my kid to school i was looking around for a house on fire all the bayous were completely full of smoke so thick u couldnt see thru. turns out its from teh wildfires in the magnolia area north of houston