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Crack & Heroin & All Drugs must be legalized, and with no tax either.
Was expecting hilarious vid based on your comment but it ended up being pretty serious. At least I get a laugh every time I read your sig though.(Children)>hunted for life
(zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
:zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro
The Covert Ops control the drug trade and funnel the money through the world bank to fund the shadow government
Also theres people who are in intense suffering that get no help from doctors but end up finding out that Marijuana, Opioids or some pharmaceutical the doctor wont give them helps. Then they do whats called self-medicate instead of being killed by doctors. The coercive government ruins these peoples lives where they have to commit suicide and at the same time uses the drug trade to make money for its satanic operation
those are the two primary reasons, among others. There are always reasons why coercive authoritarian violent terrorist governments shouldnt do what they do, and its always correct. That the rule of the thumb.
I do not believe there is a single government on the Earth that is not a terrorist government. From Scandinavia to Africa all governments are terrorists serving darkness & evil.
Minimal government that operates within the law of a constitutional republic is the normal way of life. Anarchy & Big Authoritarian Government are two polar opposites that destroy freedom and wreck terrorism.
Even the highly uninformed newb Noam Chomsky constantly calls governments terrorist governments, and he barely has any knowledge on what goes on.
Originally posted by Supreme View PostWas expecting hilarious vid based on your comment but it ended up being pretty serious. At least I get a laugh every time I read your sig though.
Originally posted by Supreme View PostSo you've just made it up
You have no idea and cant see at all how you are? You are that asleep? You have no idea what you and the others look like when a truth-video or truth-article or truth-Post is posted and your mind reacts the way it does. You cant see how corrupt and low-consciousness and dark-ages you and message board users are?
This already happened "a thousand" times in history as a repeating pattern over and over and over and you still react the same way after realization number "thousand and one".
in other words, theres been umteen thousands of times in history where the truth or some form of progress comes about (Monarchy revolutions, civil rights, some paradigm shift, whatever), then everyone resists it, then it goes into effect anyway after being super-delayed. If you cant perceive a repeating pattern like that somethings wrong with you and you are programmed.
Since the last thousands of times the population resisted progress and change and were wrong every single time, they might as well not react the same way like a robot and instead be educated & normal.
imagine being wrong a thousand times in a row and then the thousand and first time the population do the same exact thing. what a retard-robot-soap opera planet. RETARDS !!!!!!
The subject line & general subject of this post draws attention, crack legalized. The more attention that the truth gets the better. a 'legal crack' thread is a good way to get people into all the other issues. Though it is wrong to illegalize any drug, even the worst because it leads to drug wars and far more injury and death [than if it were legal], I do not condone the smoking of crack cocaine.
You know the concept of alien-contact having already happened is unlikely but conceivable. The spouting you do about shallow theories about a hollow earth isnt. Good like trying to convince me after you've already discredited yourself.
(Children)>hunted for life
(zhou)>ofc u hear things cus ur still a virgin
:zhou:i dont wanna go deaf bro
If you want a more conservative approach to the truth you can read the posts of Vatican assassin and thousands of others. There has to be someone who does the full rabbit hole. If you are not ready for the full truth, visit infowars & rense for a scaled down version that includes all sourced references. Then you can read about things like unconstitutional bills which is easier important truth for you to believe than ET Disclosure and other deeper conspiracies