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Heres a naked lady
Originally posted by Xog View Posthe's an artist and made it himself
I think it went something along the lines of eliciting and "pornographic images of any time" (I think he meant nudity)sigpic
all dat ASS gurl4:BigKing> xD
4:Best> i'm leaving chat
4:BigKing> what did i do???
4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
4:BigKing> ???? why though
4:Best> you're 6'4 and black...you can't use emojis like that
4:BigKing> xD
I have a fairly extensive digital collection of retro nudes & pinups. Most of them come from google searches so there is a good chance you've seen the photo I've used as a reference. Obviously some aspects have been....enhanced. Gran, you should be less concerned with the contour under her nipple and more concerned with the lack of one above. An oversight on my part, but the back/hips/ass were so much fun to draw that for once I failed to achieve boobie perfection. There is a bit of labial hinting, and for god's sake its not a mole hair. I'd recommend that you post your own drawings before you start nit-picking mine, but to be honest I enjoy the comments.
Also, for funsies, here are some more. One day motherfuckers will be paying good money for these and you won't be seeing them on pew pew forums, so enjoy while you can.