The Dark Cabal Illuminati instructs that there be PsyOps disinformation done about ETs being here, false flag operations and other truth
My posts from 2005 to now are truth posts and the population has been programmed to think they are false posts when they are true info. You must research to see the truth that is covered up by PsyOps. My posts are correct, posts similar to them by other people on other boards are also correct.
When the truth comes about about what is correct, you will be sorry the truth didnt come out earlier, due to weak mindedness, because it prevents very good living with no war, no poverty, no disease, and unlimited free energy. You will thing "damn i and the rest of the public were such weak minded douchbags for letting millions suffer and die, because we were to weakminded to see the truth earlier, im so embarrassed now" then you will think "better now that never"
Its very douchbagic and Lame to have long weak-minded delays in accepting the truth and being a weak-minded public that is programmed. Public of countried on earth needs help because its so weak-minded.
LOL Tone is the master of producing propaganda ‘truth posts’, he intentionally makes these posts without full disclosure. Isn’t ‘lack of full disclosure’ the very basis of his lame ranting about conspiracies?
The illusion - Citizen Hearing On Disclosure is forty researchers and military/agency witnesses will testify for thirty hours over five days before former members of the United States Congress. It’s motto; “If the Congress will not do its job, the people will."
Full Disclosure - The “Citizen Hearing On Disclosure” is a mock Congressional hearing on extra terrestrial encounters staged when the real Congress wouldn’t have anything to do with it. Yes, there was one former US Congresswoman there who attended under the condition that she would not answer any questions. And oh, she was paid $20k for her appearance at the event.
Tone, there is a big conspiracy. It is called ‘capitalism’. Every single post you have made is full of people making money over UFO and other conspiracies. Yet you are completely oblivious that these web sites, authors, and ‘researchers’ all have for-profit motives.
Folks can believe one of two things.
They can believe that Tone is right. That by using his vast intellectual power he avoided the fate of the rest of us dumbasses and can see the real truth. The rest of us hapless morons have no hope of ever seeing the truth unless we listen to him.
Or we can believe that Tone does not even have the intelligence, or ethics, to even see that capitalism is at work here. That the most likely explanation is usually the simplest. That extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. That even when events such as a random meteorite hitting earth is captured by hundreds of cameras. That science require theories be testable and repeatable. That the only 'truth' here is people making money on Tone and that he is their pawn; trying to get the rest of us to 'buy-in' and click on dumbass shit so they can pad their pockets with ad revenue.
here's the thing. when you present this dude as "Congressman x" and he's not a current representative of the state, that's lying.
how can this be the truth when RIGHT OFF THE BAT they are lying to your fucking face.
There is no legal procedure to any of this, it's people that want to believe something getting paid something to say something blah blah blah you are the cancer that drives this community tone people keep posting because you are literally the only person left that cares but please please please please please please please don't believe what you post because when you die its going to be sooooo not worth all the time you spent.
Originally posted by Jeenyuss
sometimes i thrust my hips so my flaccid dick slaps my stomach, then my taint, then my stomach, then my taint. i like the sound.
here's the thing. when you present this dude as "Congressman x" and he's not a current representative of the state, that's lying.
how can this be the truth when RIGHT OFF THE BAT they are lying to your fucking face.
There is no legal procedure to any of this, it's people that want to believe something getting paid something to say something blah blah blah you are the cancer that drives this community tone people keep posting because you are literally the only person left that cares but please please please please please please please don't believe what you post because when you die its going to be sooooo not worth all the time you spent.
Its a citizen hearing with retired congressmen and one senator, because congress hasnt had a UFO hearing since 1968, because there is a cover-up and the illuminati programmed into the matrix that the issue of ETs being here is politically toxic and publicly taboo. The Truth is coming out about the Extraterrestrial Presence visiting Earth.
[QUOTE=Tone;850168]Its a citizen hearing with retired congressmen and one senator, because congress hasnt had a UFO hearing since 1968, because there is a cover-up and the illuminati programmed into the matrix that the issue of ETs being here is politically toxic and publicly taboo. The Truth is coming out about the Extraterrestrial Presence visiting Earth.