In June 2013 Edward Snowden's documents leaked to the Guardian & Washington Post, began to be released as news stories that would create a media frenzy on NSA Spying.
This is a small portion of all the Military, Intelligence, FAA/Pilots, NASA & compartmentalized depts. of McDonald Douglass, Lockheed Skunk Works, Boeing & other corporate aerospace whistle blowers on unacknowledged special access projects (USAPs) & reverse engineering. There would never be a mass media news story about them like Edward Snowden; & their documents leaked to the media are ignored. There has been 67 years of several hundreds of such direct involvement witnesses since the original Roswell witnesses & nothing's become of it.
You are programmed to believe whatever is on the TV or talked about a certain amount. What you are consciously aware of is directly set by a consensus system in the mass media, because you wont wake up & use logic instead of consensus programming. You also have bizarre reactions to UFO information as if you think its funny when there is nothing funny about it. Ask yourself how programmed you are when you start joking about things where there is no possible joke nor humor & it would make zero sense. How are aerial & submersible advanced tech vehicles that are observed, tracked on radar & reversed engineered humorous? How is a regular jetliner or car driving on a road humorous.
You are ultra-programmed & in such a brain fogged low state of consciousness that you don't make any sense & do exactly what the system wants you to for thousands of years of social development. You even have stages where for decades to hundreds of years, there is ridicule, anger , resistance & acceptance for ever social movement in history, repeating over & over the same theater-staged-like patterns, from ancient Greece to current Civil Rights movements 60s to present. Very bizarre & programmed population that makes no sense.
This is a small portion of all the Military, Intelligence, FAA/Pilots, NASA & compartmentalized depts. of McDonald Douglass, Lockheed Skunk Works, Boeing & other corporate aerospace whistle blowers on unacknowledged special access projects (USAPs) & reverse engineering. There would never be a mass media news story about them like Edward Snowden; & their documents leaked to the media are ignored. There has been 67 years of several hundreds of such direct involvement witnesses since the original Roswell witnesses & nothing's become of it.
You are programmed to believe whatever is on the TV or talked about a certain amount. What you are consciously aware of is directly set by a consensus system in the mass media, because you wont wake up & use logic instead of consensus programming. You also have bizarre reactions to UFO information as if you think its funny when there is nothing funny about it. Ask yourself how programmed you are when you start joking about things where there is no possible joke nor humor & it would make zero sense. How are aerial & submersible advanced tech vehicles that are observed, tracked on radar & reversed engineered humorous? How is a regular jetliner or car driving on a road humorous.
You are ultra-programmed & in such a brain fogged low state of consciousness that you don't make any sense & do exactly what the system wants you to for thousands of years of social development. You even have stages where for decades to hundreds of years, there is ridicule, anger , resistance & acceptance for ever social movement in history, repeating over & over the same theater-staged-like patterns, from ancient Greece to current Civil Rights movements 60s to present. Very bizarre & programmed population that makes no sense.