lol srsly though i wonder if the switch the sunglasses was a sort of realization on their part that maybe the mysterious masked blondie was like, almost to the point of being overused. once i started watching gundam seed and saw LE CREUSET it sort of hit me that like, all the gundam universes are basically variations on a theme (NOT THAT ITS A BAD THING BECAUSE GIANT MURDER ROBOTS), but i didnt notice it until now because they give each series enough variation. i saw those little Haro bots in 00gundam and i started thinking about the real similarities in the different timelines and when mr. bushido arrives on DA SCENE thats when it hit me that oh fuck. its allll the same mannnn
whats your top5 mine is
1. char because he's the original, the mysterious, the deadly. red comet also probly one of the tightest mobile suits
2. le creuset... honestly only because he's not as crappy as zechs or mr. bushido
3. mr. bushido - terrible "mystery masked man" subplot, i dont even remember who he actually is
4. that guy from gundam unicorn - honeslty havent finished this one yet, so the fact that i know nothing about this mystery blonde means that, by default, he's better than MILLIARDO PEACECRAFT AKA...
#10. zechs marquise, the mystery masked man so terrible that he made #10 on a top5 list. what a wimp. now granted, he's only the like 7th whinest emo out of all the characters on gundam wing, but still that puts him in running for whiniest in all of anime. real tired of this guy pausing every 5 seconds to look out at the stars and utter some one- or two- word bullshit "Gundam..." "Relena..." "All this fighting..." "Epyon..." shut the fuck up. most mystery masked blondes only need one or two mobile suits, this guy couldn't defeat shit with three generations of tallgeese and even an epyon suit with the ZERO system. fuckin worthless empty husk of a man.
to my great disappointment, i have never been a fan of the gundam series. however, if i have to pick my top three .. then i would probably go with cher, treize & amuro in a random order.
i have yet to watch the latest gundam series .. unicorn or something. is it any good?
im gonna probly watch it after i watch "cowboy bebop" which has been recommended to me. but apparently gundam unicorn like, juuuust finished up with the first season? or something? so im excited to watch a 2013/2014 take on the gundam multiverse.
it makes me sad that mobile suit/gundam franchise is driven almost entirely by marketing, so the shows usually boil down to displays of mobile suits and people saying "that mobile suit... it's POWER!!!" - however i am one of those nerds that eats it up, so i can pretty much ignore the lack of real characters and plots. i hope gundam unicorn might try something a little more substantial but i really dont expect much. this is why its been recommended to me multiple times to watch cowboy bebop.
also how unique/different is afro samurai from another anime shows? i really enjoyed it, but i suspect that might be due to the fact that it was written mostly in english so the dialogue didnt come off as lame as alot of dubbed anime's i have tried to enjoy. is afro samurai held in regard as one of the better shows/miniseries/movies? does it compare to other shows/movies?
gundam unicorn wasn't your typical show with weekly episodes, that's why it took them a while to wrap it up. i know a couple of people that absolutely love the gundam franchise or even the macross franchies, but sadly i have never been a fan of the mecha genre and as such can't speak much about it. i prefer watching anime that has a good story and/or plot with great character development. however, finding new shows that meet my expectations is near impossible nowadays. if you want to boarden your horizons, i could recommend you five great shows to watch if you can give me your favorite genre(s).
afro samurai is not held in high regard, but it does have a fairly unique style for its genre. that show was quite similar to samurai champloo, which is another classic show. unfortunately, samurai champloo didn't have samuel motherfucking jackson as a voice actor.
do you really prefer dubbed over subbed? rip, you're missing out.
ive never really watched alot of anime, not enough to really develop a preference for sub/dub, but when i watched 00gundam there were both subs AND dubbing and I noticed that the subtitles were written better, than the dubbed voiceovers were spoken.
although samuel jackson was the reason i started watching afro samurai, the character that really struck me was that "Justice" guy, the #1 warrior, voiced by ron perlman. he was all kinds of weird yet kind of super intimidating, with a dash of crazy, always saying some badass sounding stuff. Afro Samurai, to me, was like an attempt to sort of combine a Zatoichi-esque story with alot of American Western imagery and themes, like if clint eastwood became a samurai.
i tried to think of genres to give you but honestly? for me the big thing in choosing anime is mainly "magic and kameha blasts" versus "swords and gunplay", the more realistic it is the more i dig it, but that's not anything set in concrete. as i mentioned above i really enjoyed the "Wandering hero" setup of afro samurai, if there's anything out there with that as the plot's foundation then i'd probably be all over it.
in that case you would love series such as last exile, samurai champloo, ginga eiyuu densetsu, kino no tabi, mushishi and last, but not least, ghost in the shell. i could give a tl;dr version (or an extended review) for all of the aforementioned anime shows, but it would probably be faster for you to just google those series.
ginga eiyuu densetsu has always been an all-time favorite of mine. it's basically a soap opera (in space) with some of the greatest characters you will ever see in an anime -- or any show, rather.
1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good
1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs
Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.
Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.