I am on my way with my floatie to save you from the floods!!! Wark u hold on!!!!!!!!
Im gonna slash and gash, rip another hole in your ass.
I'll smear blood on the walls and then play
tennis with your balls, and if the phone rings dont answer the caLL.
im gonna slit yo throat, fuk u like a goat
i'LL rip yo fore skin off and make a winter coat. PEACE!
My work is never done I am coming again my friends!! Ohio task force 1 here
Im gonna slash and gash, rip another hole in your ass.
I'll smear blood on the walls and then play
tennis with your balls, and if the phone rings dont answer the caLL.
im gonna slit yo throat, fuk u like a goat
i'LL rip yo fore skin off and make a winter coat. PEACE!
Call Superb at 703-564-9887 and ask about the status of ticket #553598. Server IP is The more who call, the better chance we have of getting it fixed
lol pavement is so dumb he didnt realize what was happening from like a week before to a day after harvey made landfall
fucking calls me a day into the flooding and im like DUDE WHERE THE FUK ARE YOU and he's all "i was camping in oklahoma whats up"
motherfucker lucked out in all the ways possible, he lives on a second floor apt so he's p.sure his shit's fine, and he wasnt in houston at all so he didnt have to worry about traffic or evacuation or his vehicle getting flooded
like literally when he called me thats when he found out houston was underwater and was just like "uh i guess ill head to shreveport"