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Cubs Win World Series -- WIN 50,000 SPACEBUX Be First to Name That Tune

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  • Cubs Win World Series -- WIN 50,000 SPACEBUX Be First to Name That Tune

    Hey guys, I embarrassed myself with a very weird awkward post, pretend that reply doesnt exist, its very awkward and embrassing please

    Listen, Im from the Chicagoland Area and the Cubs Won

    Please Listen to this MiniMix I made in Caustic App on a Smart Phone and be the first to name the SECOND tune that plays

    Please Do not Answer "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" -- You are to Name the SECOND Tune that is separated by some Harry Carey Voice Samples I used in this Mix:

    Also I will Pay $500 SpaceBux to the first ten people as humanly possible if they Listen to this 3 minute Sketch Mix i did in Caustic:

    A "Sketch-Mix" means you laided out the foundation for a full song/track that would be longer, likt 5 to 9 minutes, and be more refined with many more additions and final MixSound Mastered

    Please Note that my links end in .mp3 meaning its the cleanest possible link -- no web page like soundcloud, no BS, just plays in a blank browser tab for most people. some people will get a download dialog box for the .mp3 ;; thats much rarer

    Trenchwars wont allow an Embed Code thing so i cant embed a tiny mp3 player.

    Please listen to my work in the Caustic App, especially the second link -- I specialize in Old School Electronic Revival and mild / slight to moderate / medium elements of tonal humor in my work.

    Im a Minor League Electronic Musician -- and what you are hearing here was made on nothing more than a smart phone & caustic. so thats an interesting novelty. Listen to these, ill make the second one into a full feature single when i can. Its 3 minutes of good stuff for using only a phone -- Im also a Drum Fill Specialist

    I did the Second one in 6/8 Time Signature.

    Please Listen im bored and want to show you what Caustic can do and sound like. and my first link is humorous in regard to Cubs and Stuff./ Come on ..

  • #2
    My Stuff is extra Groovy -- I do Grooves others wont, like massive drum-fill programming in 6/8 time signature that has a hardcore groove effect

    if you dont know what groove means its the opposite of jamming. Grooving means making things sound more filled in and logically pleasent to the brain creating a hardcore effect music in the same way distortion creates a hard effect for guitar or synths. I make hard grooves .. The 68ers is a Sketch under production and yet still sounds good and groovy. I dont mean groovy like the 60s term im talking about the concept of groove as an actual technical musical term.


    • #3
      Groove means the mind likes the logic of melodic or percussive patterns because all the grooves fit like a key in a keyhole

      jamming means u do live improv instead of specific preprogramming.

      just fuckin listen and get the demo to Caustic on ur phone. it costs 10 to save files & render/export to wav/.ogg -- but the demo always saves where you left off even if you turn your phone or tab off and then back on, it will load where you left off/


      • #4
        Reply , what is the name of the SECOND SEGMENT tune in the first mp3 i linked ??

        I programmed it from memory WITHOUT looking it up on youtube or an emulator. What happen was my mind took a few elements of its baseline and incorporated it into the main lead since there is lack of the baseline in this semi famous american cultural icon tune melody grooooove.. well that one isnt so much a grove as the second file is. . . .

        Winner Gets 50,000 Space Bux. Dont stop the file till you hear no sound anymore, the tune in question is separate by harry carey voice samples i used in the middle, see?? Come On, who will be the winner ???


        • #5
          AM i still logged in just because this tab was sitting here for like 18 hours? I didnt refresh this thread yet, making this reply should refresh it and ill scroll up to see who won the 50 Grand in SpaceBux.

          Those who use Caustic 3.1.0 for Collaboration -- I Specialize in

          - Backward engineering old school 90s sounds and recreating them from scratch using the Modular and virtual patch jumper cables -- or the Subsynth

          - Purposefully being unoriginal, like loading a Roland 808 Sample kick at using a break beat that was already used a thousand times -- then applying originality to that Ultra-Quintessential UnOriginality as a method to revive what, at the time when it was new, the coolest sounds to kill the 80s and bring in the 90s. This is an Old School Revival Technique of Irony.

          - Melody Writer -- I have the ability to write Catchy Melody that will stick in people's heads and sound like its already been written before when it never has, because the melody line is so quintessential sounding.

          - The Art of the Drum Fill -- DrumFilling is a common weakness in almost all producers now, even the best ones. My track above, "The 68ers" is an example of extra heavy use of Drum Fills to create more Groove within a Mix. But this is a central theme of that track, and subtler and lessor drum fills must be used as so not to distract from the rest of the mix. I can help you with your drum fills

          - Programming Famous Melodies from my Memory without looking them up at all, like beverly hills cop by Axel F. and RBI Baseball by Nintendo; the former being a verbatim copy, the latter being a blend of elements of the nintendo triangle bassline with the ninentdo square lead line, into one line together as a trick to skip doing the bassline. So i do virbatem copies, or close variations of famous melodies.

          (I would like to turn the Theme song to HEALTHCLIFF into an electronic music track because HeathCliff (~1984) is a super-epic melody that sounds like it was stolen from something else and re-done for that cartoon, but in actuality its original just for that cartoon.)

          - Comedy in music -- My Music has a mild to moderate comical sound sometimes, like synths sounding like they are wet fart diarrhea being sprayed all over everyones face ; or Acid Synths that do strange bends that has a sort of jocular and spirited vibe to it. Spacetribe was really good at this in his earlier works.

          - Posting My Music Collab Credentials in Trenchwars 2D Space Ship Game, instead of Caustic Forum, because I can mother fucker.

          - Adding unnecessary extra words to my bullet points about music credentials, such as "diarrhea all over everyone's face" instead of just "diarrhea"

          - Causing Extreme Awkwardness on forums where the other people think I am not fully self aware of the awkwardness unless I say so

          - Randomly disappearing from forums for a long period of time

          - A concierge of robotic forum message boards that lack almost any sense of humanity left

          - Using obscure terms like concierge on Forum Message Boards

          - Making Bullet point lists that are so intelligent, they evolve beyond their original topic, of which ever go viral, will cause the Internet to become self-aware and be renamed SKYNET

          - Building 7 and the towers fell at NEAR FREE FALL SPEED, how do you explain this if 9/11 wasnt an inside job? huh??

          - Disclosure was BLOCKED a few years back when it was supposed to happen, dont blame me, they keep blocking Extraterrestrial Disclosure

          - Fooling people into thinking I have a form of Bipolar Mania & Schzioaffective paranoia instead of being an awesome poster who posts the truth, even if the truth seems humorous as a side-issue.

          - Explaining to people the difference between Trolling, and the fact that some things sound Humorous as a side-issue even if they are real genuine posts that contain truth.

          - Gary Johnson having a few compromising Leftist Policies instead of being pure libertarian is ok. What the fuck do you want? an instead skip-ahead to full libertarianism without the steps in between? Give Me a Break !!

          - The Theme song to Gimme A Break is:

          - My Stream of consciousness is better than your last 100 posts, if you dont believe me then meet me in Trenchwars Dueling and ill prove it to you.

          - Tone, Most Powerful Forum Poster in the World

          - Dashes can be used as either Bullet Points or the way some people indicate a signature that ends a post

          - Tone, Most Powerful Forum Poster in the World

          - The above was written as my signature where as 3 above is a bullet point even though they are the same exact sentences

          - We have a problem here, a signature has to be at the end, so the one 2 above is now a bullet point instead of a signature afterall!!

          - This problem never would have happened had i used P.S. instead, I forgot about P.S.

          - Tone, Most Powerful Forum Poster in the World.


          • #6
            RBI BASEBALL


            heres that song i did i talked about that use the Vowel Formant Filter on a synth

            the one i said isnt really a song but another sketch that has generic drums and a few great melodies i wrote on piano and the Vowel synth


            Jibby, written and produced by Tone, 2012

            Im an Epic Melody Writer, i mean as in i write Epic Melodies, not that I am Epic -- and heres examples of my melody line work in Jibby.

            For Jibby, put a 303 emulator through a Formant Vowel Talking Modulator Type Filter and the Piano is from a sound font .. which reminds me, the PCM synth in Causetic takes sound fonts and i neeed to transfer my soundfounts to the Groove Pad.. DOnt want to work on the desktop computer anymore (jibby was made on it) now that I have the Groove Pad and Caustic. My desktop is far more capable than Caustic App but i prefer Caustic App and a Tablet. this is great

            On the desktop I have a frozen studio that doesnt update and i dont get anything more for for it, the oldest synths in it are from 2002, software synths that are old are valuable like hardware old ones, the desktop can do more than Caustic UpToDate in 2016 but i prefer Cause, i wanted it all to be portable and use anywhere
            Last edited by Tone; 11-15-2016, 12:16 PM.

