Originally posted by Jessup
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often people and bands try to do a cover of a song, and particularlly if they are programming it in a DAW not playing instruments -- they try to do it in 4/4 and have to alter it and it sounds funny, ill notice if something is in another time sig and use that instead. ironically i didnt do this with take me out to the ball game , i programmed that in 4/4 and theres a weird long space in one part of it, i now think its not in 4/4 .. hard to tell without a beat. ... take me out to the ballllll game... yeah that sounds 6/8 too
6/8 is used in marching music and the old armys with drums always drummed in 6/8... 6/8, when its more well pronounced with crazy ass in your face outstanding drum machines (as in stands-out, not as in synonym for excellent) anyways .. 6/8 when done in electronic music where the beat is more outstanding, has a very distinct sound compared to music where the 6/8 nature is more subtle -- jonny come marching home is between the two, its moderately strong on the 6/8 being heard "when johnny comes marchin' home, when jonny comes marchin' hoooomme" .. you got that 6/8 feel more out-standing there
whereas your keyboard playing is a more subtle rendition where people like me cant even tell the time sig, allthrough i have very sensitive hearing in all other ways and can see the color of music as a SYnaesthesia.
THanks for sharing -- so you are a keyboard player and know nothing of so-called DAWs whereas I do DAWs and cant play keyboard .. I think i played along in that vocaroo i posted a little, i used the Organ to play along in single note melody line -- my song is in Aeolian so i only have to worry about white keys on the keyboards. If theres two Scales/Modes I Love the most its Your stand A to A all white keys for one -- and the other is the indian scal which i dont know its name -- its the scale used in old goa music and of ..well a famous example for everyone would be Sonic the Hedge Hog -- Oil Ocean Zone
Ill reply a part II in a few minutes
Jessup I see you learned of vocaroo from me, here i also have for you is a site that takes mp3s and allows direct linking and does not change the bit raqte of the mp3s like SOundCloud, YouTube and Vocaroo does, it leaves the file how you upload it AND ALSO has direct .mp3 hotlinking
This is me using a synthic piano or piano sample as one insturment in a sound font kit, in FL Studio, in the year 2012, since i cant play a keyboard, but can program one, so to speak
THe thing you played, was it you covering something or your original writing, the above melodies is my original creation not a cover of something. Not that theres a difference between the two i just ask to know.
EDIT MADE IN BOLD FONT: I clicked my own liunk, to Jibby.mp3, and the site appears to be temporarily down right now, here is Jibby as a Vocaroo:
the other lead synth is a 303 emulator run through a Talking Modulator Formant Filter that makes Vowel Sounds.
the drums are very generic and rushed
heres an example where i work more on drums to not be so generic, my song Propinquity that was made right before Jibby, Jan 2012:
Propinquity, by Tone. (My Artist Name will be Synosia if I ever use one, so Synosia - Propinquity)
Propinquity is pretty good for me having this as a hobby where i go entire years without doing anything with it. FOr being a non-musician Aduio Sketching Hobbiest. Oy yoy yoyy! its a J SYnthesythizer., (hear very end of track to get the joke )
Jessup plays well !!