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  • TWtown2

    I made my house... but the email doesnt work that i tried to send to twtown dev.. can someone tell me when the email will be back up?

    1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
    1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
    1:Freeze> LOL FAR
    5:waven> freeze
    5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
    5:waven> you state your business with sanji
    5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
    5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
    5:waven> and i will talk to ease
    5:Freeze> LOL
    5:waven> that's how things work around here
    1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste

  • #2
    i wonder, how can i make a house? i haven't the faintest idea
    Menno is a 1337 lamer! (5:0)


    • #3
      send it to

      if it dont work maybe he has enough houses also try


      • #4
        If you would like to make a house go to ssdownloads and download ssme or any other map editor. And there you go, its not to hard to use. But i have been using it for 2 years so i wouldn't know. Remember its only spose to be a certain size. Go to it says the size i forget it i think its 80 x80 or something. Well, good luck to you. If you need any help at all ?message Ice Storm

        1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
        1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
        1:Freeze> LOL FAR
        5:waven> freeze
        5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
        5:waven> you state your business with sanji
        5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
        5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
        5:waven> and i will talk to ease
        5:Freeze> LOL
        5:waven> that's how things work around here
        1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


        • #5
          mennowah u gotta download a map making program, save the file, and zip it. it has to be the same tile set as in twt1. i dunno where the link is, but im sure if u asked someone who knew they would tell.
          Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
          apt>yes u can wtf
          apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
          apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
          apt>so i dont miss the toilet
          Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
          apt>ill show you pictures
          apt>next time I masturbate


          • #6
            The easiest way to get the tileset is to open the old twtown map in the map editor. You can find the old twtown map somewhere in your Continuum directory (that is, if you've ever been in the arena before).

