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any tips

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  • any tips

    i just recently bought a pup.. its a beagle and it cost me a considerable amount of coin 445£ to be exact.. anywho Ive been trying to house train him so he doesnt piss and crap on my floors, so far its been working, hes still too young to teach him how to walk properly, but he seems to be getting the idea pretty damn well. so im wondering what age if any of you guys have tried to train a dog... did you start to teach him some tricks? and how did you go about teaching him ?
    what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius

  • #2
    ive got a Jack Russell Terrier personally...

    really smart little doggy... he was house trained pretty damn fast... hes 3 years old or something like that at the moment

    but he doesnt do any real tricks...
    he will sit down if he is begging for some food...

    never really tried hard to train hi much... he just does "stay!!!" "come here" and "sit... (most of the time)"
    and oh yeah... "go into yer basket-thing..."

    edit: i dont really think ive been a great help....


    • #3
      I herd your spose to train them really young. But im not sure what age. My friend took his dog to someone and paid them to train her. All i can get my dogs to do is sit and stay

      1:delta> personally, i would not go to war for oil
      1:FarScape> in age of empires you would
      1:Freeze> LOL FAR
      5:waven> freeze
      5:waven> no one talks to ease directly
      5:waven> you state your business with sanji
      5:waven> he will relay it to phizey
      5:waven> phizey will relay it to me
      5:waven> and i will talk to ease
      5:Freeze> LOL
      5:waven> that's how things work around here
      1:renzi> freeze theres difference between being wasted and being a waste


      • #4
        if you are lazy, like me, you shouldnt bother to train your dog outside of scolding them for being stupid occasionally. but what you should do is focus on letting your dog express itself. i let my dog do whatever the fuck she wants unless it involves destroying my nice things. i have a lot more fun with her than someone who trains their dog to fetch a stick or frisbee. and just to circumvent any alegations of bestialty i will give an example of what i mean. i often take my dog on late night walks and let her off the leash and just follw her. since she's small, i can just scoop her up if she tries to go somewhere she shouldnt, but whats really fun is getting toasted and letting her run around my 'hood in the wee hours of the morning and stalking her in black sweats and a black hoody. dangerous? maybe. fun? yes. plus it lets my dog express her explorative and sometimes even agressive nature. so basically as a result of this my dog understands that i do a lot of dumb things that shell never understand and she does a lot of dumb things ill never understand (chase lizards, lust over CDs/frisbees/rocks, eat bubbles, want to kill laser pens). oh and by the way, teaching dogs to do tricks is for people with superiority complexes.

        Last edited by Yoshiba; 07-29-2003, 03:25 PM.
        Originally posted by Yoshiba
        i lag when i smoke weed


        • #5
          Aww... puppies are so cute.

          Give them treats when they do something good.. and don't give them anything but yell at them when they do something bad! you just have to keep telling them the same thing over and over again..
          I don't know. I have german shepards.. i don't remember if we even trained them.. they don't do anything anyways. *shrug*
          Sina Olet Sootti :)


          • #6
            eh good point yoshiba, really all im asking for is for a little notice when to take him out for a bathroom break.. hes great for walks, im out in the middle of no where, i wont let him off his leash though, when hes older his hunting instincts will come into play, maybe kill my bosses chickens or something more wild... all in all i basically do what you do , let him be himself, maybe i might pimp him off seeing as how hes thorough bread, he's good lookin maybe be a good stud for some bitches!

            edit: ohh and hes obsessed with hemp, maybe i should start up my own brand of chew toys for puppies
            Last edited by sixtoo; 07-29-2003, 04:14 PM.
            what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius



            • #7
              read up on classical and operant conditioning, and positive reinforcement

              you need patience if you want your dog, especially a beagle, to do tricks...start teaching when they are old enough to get really playful

              or better yet, go to a real website that probably has real ideas
              Ну вот...

