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Meh, kinda funny

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  • Meh, kinda funny

    This is a letter to the editor of a Saskatchewan Newspaper. I believe it is from a guy that is claiming to be Canadian but apperantly the government has proof that he is actually an American.. The language he uses is really funny though.. Canadian or American, I can't tell, but he sounds like he is from 100 years in the past.

    But ya, aperantly the problem is he is an American (he may or may not be Native American, I'm not sure) and he is trying to get money from the Canadian government, social assistance, etc, but he isn't even a citizen... and I guess he is nuts. So he thinks the government is like, in a war against him, or something... Dunno why he doesn't just ask Bush for social assistance.. Maybe because Bush isn't into that kinda stuff like we are up here.

    He refers to Canada over and over as a 'colony'.. He even called Canada an 'illegal colony' lol....

    I guess the government is trying to take a bunch of money too.. Thats just kinda bitchy IMHO, American or not.. My opinion, just give him citizenship, why the hell not. If he wants to be a citizen of an 'illegal colony' thats cool with me!

    Also, check how many fucking exclamation marks this guy uses. I don't think his typewritter has a period button.


    Three months after the illegal extradition of myself by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, this northern colony continues to assault the sovereignty and sanctity of my family!

    This July, Revenue Canada cut my family off child tax benefits without any prior warning whatsoever. My wife, Lisa Big Eagle-Smoke, and our four children (Pankeska, Mecate, Wanbli Win and Huya Tanka Smoke) are suffering as a result of Canada's continued campaign against me. And, no surprise, the local media in Regina has been totally unresponsive to this persecution of a woman and her children.

    Not only has Revenue Canada wrongly withheld money from my family, but it even has the audacity to charge my wife $38,000 dollars, claiming that my children did not rightfully deserve any of the money they've received over the years! This is a clear and blatantly obvious attack on my family in retribution for my struggle for recognition of indigenous rights and justice!

    Once again, the illegal colony of Canada has placed my children at risk. These unjust attacks on my family are a clear violation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Not to mention, an act of genocide and an affront to women and children everywhere!

    Acts of aggression against the family is the mark of unrelenting terrorism. Terrorism is not restricted to non-North Americans; terrorism is inherent in the power-hungry elite who have lost touch with humanity!

    This attack on my family is, in reality, an attack on free speech. The oppressive colonizers are sending a message loud and clear, especially to their dispossessed landlords, that those who speak-out will be punished severely . . . and that includes their families.

    This message has been heard by the various native and social-justice organizations in the region too, which is why they fear this northern colony so deeply. This type of attack inhibits the natural growth of society, and only causes more fear and resentment against those in authority. (It is authoritarians who sow the seeds of anarchy!)

    Furthermore, this type of callous attack by a dysfunctional government leads to individuals totally lacking in self-esteem; broken, hurting families; crippled communities; and a world in utter chaos.

    The only humane response to such a vile act is for all human beings, everywhere, to pull-together and stand as one against this repressive regime!

    People, women and children must be cherished and protected above all else! Do not let this deceitful, self-righteous colony of Canada continue to prey upon innocent women and children!

    All human beings carry the responsibility to protect the health and well-being of all others. Governments must bow to the people, and they must operate on some system of checks and balances. Unaccountability is simply unacceptable in a civilized society.

    Lisa, Pankeska, Mecate, Wanbli Win, Huya Tanka; those are the names of five people being abused by the colony of Canada -- what are you going to do about it?

    Charlie "Wolf" Smoke

    Manderson, South Dakota
    Last edited by Spider; 08-04-2003, 04:17 AM.
    Formerly EEK! A Spider!
    Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy

  • #2
    i hate novels


    • #3
      Wow spider I didn't know Canada was a murderous, terrorist "colony" that "preys upon innocent women and children". Why didn't anyone tell me ffs?


      • #4
        i read this book by Clive Cussler where they find out that Canada was actually sold to the United States.

        btw that letter is pretty funny


        • #5
          it appears i have... a twin?!
          Originally posted by Acidmouse
          pv=nrt your American you cant possibly understand anything.
          Spiderex> gg
          PureX> stfu newbie


          • #6
            LOL "act of genocide" that part gets me every time ROFL

            You would never know he is talking about the 'illegal colony' of Canada lololol
            Formerly EEK! A Spider!
            Former TW Moderator, still an all around nice guy

