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What annoyis you at work?

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  • #16
    Customers: they are idiots!

    Customer:"HEY THERE! ARE U A SALESMAN?!"
    Me:"no no.. im only wearing this fucking jacket with 100 patches of advertisement for fun.."

    Customer:"I need paint."
    Me:"What colour would it be?"
    Customer:"uh, havent figured it out yet. U choose."
    Me:"What are u painting?"
    Customer:"my house."
    Me:"u want me to pick the color for your house??!"
    Customer:"yes and it better be good 1"

    Customer: Walks pass me without saying hello or anything. after 3 mins of waiting i hear "WHAT IS THIS PLACE??! CANT I GET SOME SERVICE HERE?!?!?"
    Me:"yes of course my bad.. "

    Customer:"hello. i'll take this" whows me some some purchase of his. usually costs less than 5€. this particular paint cost 50€.
    Customer:"whats the price?"
    Me:"its 50€"
    Customer:"ok.. but whats the real price?"
    Me:"its 50€"
    Customer:"ok.. but whats the price for me?"
    Me:"its 50€"
    Customer:"hmm.. ok.. ty.. cya"

    Customer:"Hello there sport.. would u give me some discount wouldnt ya?"
    Me:"no. this is cheap already."
    Customer:"omg I have always been given discount in the other place right behind the corner of this building.. like 50% at least."
    Me:"OMFG are u fucking stupid for not going there at the firstplace?!" (didnt really say that so..)
    Me:"ok well.. ill give u 10% discount for coming here instead. (laughing inside)"
    Customer:"Thats not enough! Wheres the shop manager! I want to talk to him!"
    15mins later he comes back to beg the discount i promised to him because the manager told him to gtfo.. Fortunately I hide in the loungh room and some of my associates is working in my place. The customer notices he cant get the discount from anywhere and pays the full price because of being a spoiled bitch. Is that evil? If u ask me its not. He lied and tried to cheat me. Still i demand my self to be nice and lover the price for him. Well that wasnt enough. The guy wasnt satisfied. He still wanted to piss off the shop manager and then came back to me for the discount he wasnt accepting at the first place. How elite.

    Then theres some newbies who fist buy something by them selves and then come back saying "This isnt what i wanted". WELL WHY THE HELL DID U BUY IT THEN??!?!? U HAVE BRAINS. USE THEM!! 1 fucking morron once ignored me when i greeted her and asked what he needed. Then he goes and buys paint for indoor painting and uses it to paint his house outside. After an year he comes back and whines that the paint he bought started to fray off from the walls. What a suprice..

    Any1 else has the same sort of broblems i have?


    • #17
      This really hot coworker annoys me a lot. Every time i see her i hafta hide my hard-on by staying at the desk and actually doing work.

      Productivity in my department goes up %15. Woo WOo!
      TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
      TelCat> hoes get paid :(
      TelCat> i dont


      • #18
        man i wish i had a job that i liked

