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  • Mars

    Tonight (or last night for some people) is the night when Mars comes closest to earth in 60,000 years time.

    At 1 point Mars was 55,758,006 kilometres from Earth - four times closer than its usual 225 million kilometres.

    If it's not raining, you can easily spot it on the night sky. It is the brightest star amongst them all! How amazing is that? Remember, techniquelly, it is NOT a star, for it does not emit light itself, instead it reflects the light from the sun.
    But I think you all know that.

    How can you tell if it's Mars? First, it has kind of redish in color ... most of other stars are either white or blueish. Second, IT IS DAMN BRIGHT.

    So go out at night and have a look, if not for Mars, just for a view of a beautiful night sky
    Wont die, no surrender 2

  • #2
    which countries can you see it from (i'm referring to the last night for some people bit)
    Squadless> I'M WHITE
    Squadless> only on the outside tho

    1:Lemmin> is there any reason why bongs have to be so strangely phallic?
    1:Lemmin> it's just these adverts in magazines with men sucking on these tube-like things that concern me

    7:Mr. Spam> any chubs want a twjd?
    7:Nickname> only with you, sexpot

    3:Sydi> ok that's enough mythical incest for now
    Both teams are ready. Game begins in 30 seconds.
    Scoobing> here it comes
    WARNING: Disconnected from server


    • #3
      you can't see the sky in eastern europe, not since the nuclear destruction


      • #4
        i live in US and i saw it

        It was pretty cool, at first i thought it was some kind of tower light, but then i remembered that there arent any towers that move around over the night

        It was pretty big, maybe like 3 times as big as your average star in da sky and ten times as bright and red and pretty and it was cool shit

        Ah, the night sky is so prettyful... the dim spill of the Milky way... Mars... and stars...
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        • #5
          I saw it too I was like cool
          Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


          • #6
            Re: Mars

            Originally posted by TelC@t
            It is the brightest star amongst them all! How amazing is that?
            I don't care what you said to rebuke this still called MARS a STAR.

            Anyway, Mars being a planet and all will relatively stay in the same position in the sky relative to the stars. So as the Earth rotates, everybody will eventually be able to see it in the night sky. It's just a matter as to what time of the night it's best visible.
            Ну вот...


            • #7
              I think she meant that mars and stars have a similar appearance when looked upon with the naked eye in the night sky. She knows mars isn't a star.
              Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey


              • #8
                i live in the middle of a city, there's buildings everywhere, cant see much sky.



                • #9
                  Re: Re: Mars

                  Originally posted by ÆNIMA
                  I don't care what you said to rebuke this still called MARS a STAR.

                  Ну вот...


                  • #10
                    being in england, we have shit weather.
                    couldnt see fuck all

