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What we all say...

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  • What we all say...


    Ugly Moron:
    To Bitch, or not to Bitch?!

    To bitch, or not to bitch...
    The answer is so hard to reach...
    To bitch there is a reason -
    It is the bitching season.
    Everyone bitches in subspace
    Every newbie, every fuckface.
    Hmm, whats a reason not to bitch?
    I see none, you ugly fucker with a stich.
    So get the fuck out you stupid shitter

    (C) Scout1


    Fucking newbs is what i like
    I play SS, my name is Mike.*
    Lots of people r so ez,
    So pardon, I'm kinda buzy.
    I close my eyes and press "Control"
    A newbie's ded, haha LOLOL.
    I choose a levi and press "Tab"
    Killing rats like in a lab.
    Thank god there is no thor
    Or I'd fuck a whole lot more!
    Newbs exploding here and there
    But they say they do not care.
    Lie some more, with such a rec
    Anyone would care like heck.
    So good game you fucking asses
    I own a half of TeeWee** masses.

    *My name isnt really mike
    **That's how I pronounce the abbreviation "TW" (for real)

    (C) Scout1


    I'm so freaking leet!
    I cannot be beat!
    I got assloads of usage,
    I gurantee you losage
    Only laggots can get a kill
    But they got no skill...
    So do eaters and teamers
    Cuz they got invisi beamers
    Or some random vulcher -
    From the jackass culture...
    Everyone is such an ez pie!
    I shoot, and - BOOM - you die!
    So dont mess with me
    Ima sting you like a bee.
    You'll be crying for yo momma,
    Who is not much fucking dumber.
    I'm always on a fucking roll!
    Stupid noobs, I own you all!!

    (C) Scout1
    Last edited by Scout1; 08-31-2003, 06:19 PM.
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  • #2


    • #3
      hahaha that was leet


      • #4
        i invite you to post your own SS poems
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        • #5
          Is that you, kid kaos?


          • #6
            I'm not kid kaos :\
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            • #7
              recently i wrote a haiku and ?helped it to therapudically express myself. robohelp seemed enthsiatic about it, id say. a haiku is a japanese poem with 5 sylables the first line, 7 on the next, and 5 on the last line. here it is:

              levis are the rats
              they are the rain in the sky
              shit, i got type killed
              Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
              apt>yes u can wtf
              apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
              apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
              apt>so i dont miss the toilet
              Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
              apt>ill show you pictures
              apt>next time I masturbate


              • #8
                hahah thats funny
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                • #9
                  i rote an poimm for yoo.

                  i am an levi
                  i lik too eet pi
                  and wen yoo di
                  i say bi
                  and nis tri
                  butt dont cri
                  yoo can ave mi pi


                  • #10
                    excessive grammar errors render your poem senseless and uncomprehendable...

                    BTW i added a new poem to the original post. Poetry comes to me ez when it comes to SS
                    Last edited by Scout1; 08-31-2003, 06:18 PM.
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                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scout1
                      excessive grammar errors render your poem senseless and uncomprehendable... another words it sucks lol
                      first of all, i don't like you.
                      second, yours sucked, too, elthough it was grammatically correct, it still sucked.
                      third, how old are you.. like 10?
                      forth, you're "excessive grammar errors" was stupid. it, in itself was easily understandible, you didn't have to dumb it down saying "in other (another as you like to say) words it sucks".... well, you tried sounding smart.
                      §1326 Penalty for false marking
                      Sub A: In general. Whoever, for the purpose of deceiving the public, marks upon, applies to, or uses in advertising in connection with an article made, used, distributed, or sold, a design which is not protected under this chapter [17 USC §§1301 et seq.], a design notice specified in section 1306, or any other words or symbols importing that the design is protected under this chapter [17 USC §§1301 et seq.], knowing that the design is not so protected, shall pay a civil fine of not more than $ 500 for each such offense.
                      yeah, that little (C) shit

                      you remind me of th@ kill@.... i didn't like him either
                      Last edited by stark; 08-31-2003, 03:59 PM.
                      1: Pasta <ER>> lol we are gona win this bd talking about porn on our squadchat

                      1:EpicLi <ZH>> but should i trust you, you are mean to the ppl
                      1:trashed> wha
                      1:EpicLi <ZH>> you will hack into my computer and steal my child porn
                      1:trashed> i am a very nice person actually.
                      1:trashed> i do not steal other's child porn
                      1:trashed> i download my own


                      1:turmio> i was fucking certain that the first time she would touch me i would come


                      • #12
                        Hmm... try this one on for size. This was written and posted on the old TW forums in Feb. 2001. For those who don't recognize the tune (or those who claim so just to make me feel old), it's a TW parody on Help! by the Beatles.


                        ?help. I need somebody
                        ?help. Not just anybody,
                        ?help. You know I need someone,

                        When I was younger, so much younger than today,
                        I needed help to figure out just why I couldn't play.
                        Then somebody came along, and told me I was such a wreck, yeah,
                        He told me I should press esc one, and get me out of spec.

                        ?help me if you can, because I'm new,
                        And I do appreciate this help from you.
                        ?help me figure out just what to do.
                        Won't you please, please ?help me.

                        And now I've finally changed, and I can start to play.
                        And now I'm flying around in space, just a-blasting away.
                        But every now and then, I hear somebody scream:
                        "Stop trying to blast my ass, we're both on the same team!"

                        ?help me if you can, because I'm new,
                        And I do appreciate this help from you.
                        ?help me figure out just what to do.
                        Won't you please, please ?help me.

                        When I was younger, so much younger than today
                        I needed help to figure out just how those mines get laid.
                        But now those days are gone, and I'm not so immature,
                        Now I find I lay my mines to keep newbies out the door.

                        ?help me if you can, because I'm new,
                        And I do appreciate this help from you.
                        ?help me figure out just what to do.
                        Won't you please, please ?help me, ?Help me, ?HELP ME!


                        • #13

                          TROLL KING 4 LIFE $$$$$$
                          Will Thom Yorke ever cheer up? - ZeUs!!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by stark
                            first of all, i don't like you.
                            second, yours sucked, too, elthough it was grammatically correct, it still sucked.
                            third, how old are you.. like 10?
                            forth, you're "excessive grammar errors" was stupid. it, in itself was easily understandible, you didn't have to dumb it down saying "in other (another as you like to say) words it sucks".... well, you tried sounding smart.
                            yeah, that little (C) shit

                            you remind me of th@ kill@.... i didn't like him either
                            ah the newbie called stark
                            whenever i own him he goes "fark!"
                            he is so ez that it's sad
                            he tries to be good but he is bad.
                            In desperate attempts to get a kill
                            he gets pissed off by my skill.
                            So i own him, I own him like a hoe
                            He is such a bitchy foe...
                            Stark the dog, go! get out!
                            Noone likes you, there's no doubt.

                            Feel free to use that one!

                            $ <applauds> THANK YOU, THANK YOU, UR TOO KIND, WOO! <roses flying>
                            Last edited by Scout1; 08-31-2003, 05:02 PM.
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                            • #15
                              Here's another one I found saved on my old comp. This one started as a response when someon playing under the nickname "Hamlet" came in and started trashtalking. As such, the source for this one should be rather obvious. And yes, if you want to know but aren't willing to read the whole thing, it does maintain a steady narrative and context while paralleling the original.

                              To Bitch Or Not To Bitch

                              To bitch or not to bitch, that is the question:
                              Whether t'is nobler in the mind to suffer
                              The hits and misses of outrageous fortune,
                              Or to take arms against a sea of newbies,
                              And by opposing end them? To die, to whine,
                              No more; and by a whine to say we end
                              This heart-ache, and a thousand Lancaster shots
                              That spread as hair do. T'is Elimination
                              Devoutly to be wished. To die, to whine-
                              To Whine! Perchance to bitch: ay there's the rub;
                              For in that whine of death what bitching comes
                              When we have shuffled off these mortal greens
                              Must give us pause: there's the respect
                              That makes calamity of such lame life;
                              For who would bear the quips and flames of time,
                              The oppressor's wrong, the proud Vet's contumely,
                              The pangs of despised newbs, the Mod's delay,
                              The insolence of the players, and the spurns
                              That patient merit of the unworthy takes,
                              When he himself might his quietus make
                              With a bare leviathan? Who would fardels terr,
                              To grunt and sweat under a weary safe,
                              But the dread of something after death,
                              The unrecovered bounty, from whose bourn
                              No terrier returns, puzzles the will,
                              And makes us rather terr those ills we have
                              Than fly to others that we know not of?
                              Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;
                              And thus the 1280 hue of resolution
                              Is sicklied over with the pale flag of blue
                              And enterprises of great waste and movement
                              with this regard their currents turn to base
                              And gain the name of action.

