I was having a discussion with somebody in game and I noticed something. Smiley faces have an important role in people's conversations- but to an extent I have not realised.
Note: the following are NOT real logged conversations but imaginative conversations.
The Smiley-Tongue Face =P
MaGi kOz> PriitK is an asshole
PriitK> *ban -k1298 MaGi kOz
Above would be a typical insult with a reaction from the victim.
MaGi kOz> PriitK is an asshole =P
PriitK> lol
Above would be the result by just adding a smiley-tongue face at the end. Smiley-Tongue faces are used to show a "joking" matter when the prior sentence is obviously a huge insult.
Equivalent Smiley Faces: :P
8P =b and you get the idea.
The Smiley Face =)
MaGi kOz> PriitK. Can I get on ?banfree?
PriitK> afk.
Above would sound like I am begging PriitK for something disrespectively towards his position.
MaGi kOz> PriitK. Can I get on ?banfree? =)
PriitK> You wish.
Above shows that he responded due to the friendly matter I displayed my request in contrast to the bland and careless request without the smiley face. When somebody asks you a question followed by a smiley face, it shows they are trying to kiss ass and help your decision biased towards your favor because your presenting yourself with a puppy dog cute type smiley face.
Equivalent smiley faces: ^_^ 8)
and you get the idea
That's basically it; my mind is on overload or something.
Note: the following are NOT real logged conversations but imaginative conversations.
The Smiley-Tongue Face =P
MaGi kOz> PriitK is an asshole
PriitK> *ban -k1298 MaGi kOz
Above would be a typical insult with a reaction from the victim.
MaGi kOz> PriitK is an asshole =P
PriitK> lol
Above would be the result by just adding a smiley-tongue face at the end. Smiley-Tongue faces are used to show a "joking" matter when the prior sentence is obviously a huge insult.
Equivalent Smiley Faces: :P
The Smiley Face =)
MaGi kOz> PriitK. Can I get on ?banfree?
PriitK> afk.
Above would sound like I am begging PriitK for something disrespectively towards his position.
MaGi kOz> PriitK. Can I get on ?banfree? =)
PriitK> You wish.
Above shows that he responded due to the friendly matter I displayed my request in contrast to the bland and careless request without the smiley face. When somebody asks you a question followed by a smiley face, it shows they are trying to kiss ass and help your decision biased towards your favor because your presenting yourself with a puppy dog cute type smiley face.
Equivalent smiley faces: ^_^ 8)
That's basically it; my mind is on overload or something.