Stand in one of your doorways and push the backsides of your hands up against the side of the doorway. Make sure you push as HARD as you can. Keep this stance for about 1 1/2 minutes or until you feel a burning sensation in your arms. Quickly step out of the doorway. Quickly let your muscles relax. Your arms should automatically shoot up into the air. It's pretty funny. I've only seen one person that it didn't work on an that's my girlfriend. It feels pretty cool too! Happy pushing!!!
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Shit to do when you is bored
Originally posted by Xog
Also what you can do is: Get a friend
1:Eeks> well that bichix was trying to start conversation with me today
1:Eeks> and got excited when i said i wanna go drink today =/
1:Eeks> but i didn't propose anything
1:Zloy> Why
1:Eeks> i didn't have anything to fill that box zloy
yeah, that automatic arm swinging out thing is old.. you should really try this:
have a friend/brother help you with this... bend down almost kneeling on the floor against a wall,.. take multiple deep breaths, i mean the kind of deep breathes where you inhale...wait 10 seconds and exhale.. do that a few times, then inhale! stand up, have you friend/brother push against your chest while your back is to the wall, if they push hard enough, you will pass out cold.. hopefully your friend/bro with catch you when you fall, and help you either to the floor or to a place you can lie down.. hehe its really cool, you will be passed out for anywhere between 3 and 30 minutes.. I did this a few times growing up with my brother, the first time i woke up in my bed not knowing what the hell happened, but i felt very dizzy when i woke up after about 15 minutes.. the second time, i found myself passed out in the bathroom.. and the third time i remember doing this, i was still on the floor where i was kneeling.. lol you kill quite a few braincells when doing this, but hell it was worth itplease do this with someone you trust!! its quite an envigorating experience, to share with your friends lolol