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EarthStation5 - Palestine Strikes Back

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  • EarthStation5 - Palestine Strikes Back

    If anyone's using the EarthStation5 client (the little startup running out of the West Bank that claimed to be the most secure P2P network out there), I'd recommend that you delete it right after you read this message.

    It seems our "friends" at ES5 have decided to include a little Easter Egg in their code that allows anyone (conspiracy theorists claim RIAA or MPAA) to delete any file(s) from your computer at will. Cute, huh? And you thought box-standard Kazaa was bad.

    Info ganked straight from Slashdot.
    Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.

  • #2
    concrete schoolyard you are a king among men.
    im glad ive never heard of this thing
    Mayo Inc. - We should change god's name to "Tod"... see if there's any followers. - Mattey

