Once upon a time there was a little boy, his name was epinephrine. He loved to play this game called "subspace" ! He enjoyed it alot. One day Epinephrine invited all of his cool canuck friends over to his house, and they played subspace all day long! After this event, they presumed to rape epinephrine, in the asshole. He loved being gang raped by men, which was his daily hobby!! After a while, epinephrine made this little cool squad called "Eloosive", Epi was so happy! He could play in the new cool trench wars league system! Epi played long, and played hard! Finally he won his first TWL! Epi was soooo happy! He ran around the house and was raped in the ass by all his relatives! He loved it ! Then soon aferwards, after many ass rapes, he loses his next season! Poor Epi! He was so sad
So he quit subspace for the time being, only to come back in a year or so, because he loved being fucked in the ass 24/7! Epi was praised by numerous newbies, "oh epi! You're so elite! You Go veteran you !" Epi was aware he MUST join a elite squad! Later that week, he joins this new promising squad, Light!
Epi was thrilled as the captains skater and fbz promised him a high rank position! Little Epi on the other hand, has other plans to reform his butt buddy squad, Eloosive. So he left Light and reformed his washed up piece of shit squad Eloosive! He steals many members from Light and Siege! Bad Epi! Fbz and co. are mighty mad about this ass ramming faggot's actions! Though they prevailed, Eloosive looked promising! So Little Epi recruited many many SVS newbie whores! Then TWL season 5 Finally came into swing. After a while, Light and Eloosive finally met up! But Eloosive sucks ass, because they are washed up POS - so they lost their perfect little record
Poor Epi, he was so madddd! "how can I lose!" So Little boy epi, as Fuuurrioous as ever, goes over to his friends house, Crown of Thorns, to get raped and spanked on a little statue hippo, in the ass! Eloosive, as loose as ever, then lost to another newer squad, Onix! Little Epi was so mad! SOooo mad! He can't believe it! So the Little boy epi goes and meets up with his gangster butt raping squad, Th@ Kill@ and Triceratops! Being the badass motherfuckers they are, they have a massive screaming orgy with little epi! Now, under week 9, little boy epi recruits many more 5 months newbies, like psymorph and Arcane Tactics (TM), smart move epi! Steal the members from the squad who pwned you in the ass! "Epi, you're a faggot ass bleeding cunt hoe motherfucking queer bate asswipe" , Amorphus says. Little boy epi, is back.. once again.. to get raped.
In the ass

Epi was thrilled as the captains skater and fbz promised him a high rank position! Little Epi on the other hand, has other plans to reform his butt buddy squad, Eloosive. So he left Light and reformed his washed up piece of shit squad Eloosive! He steals many members from Light and Siege! Bad Epi! Fbz and co. are mighty mad about this ass ramming faggot's actions! Though they prevailed, Eloosive looked promising! So Little Epi recruited many many SVS newbie whores! Then TWL season 5 Finally came into swing. After a while, Light and Eloosive finally met up! But Eloosive sucks ass, because they are washed up POS - so they lost their perfect little record

In the ass