Ara> nope it's 1000, re-enter :P
Utopia> no, YOU RE-ENTER
Ara> I just did
Utopia> YOU DO IT
Utopia> YOU
Utopia> YOU
TelCat> u lag
TelCat> I c 1000
Utopia> i dont care what the real rating is, im still going to say 'YOU' repeatedly
Utopia> YOU
Utopia> YOU
TelCat> whos ur mom
Utopia> YOU
Up in ya!!> heh
2nd dont trust your squad mate with your password, EVER!
Abs> can you speak english?
TelCat> no
Ruby> too ez
Abs> then stfu
Unrealisti>tis true
TelCat> make me
Sleepy Wea> don't be mean to TelCat, she's the closest I come to having a girlfriend
?find sleepy
Sleepy Weasel: Javs
Abs> lol sleepy
Wah? This is still here? I guess I just stopped caring. And, since I see you found a way to not-find a squad, there's no more use for this thread! Get Thee to Useless Crap.