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Final Fantasy XI

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  • Final Fantasy XI

    Soooo... does anyone here play the game, and do you like it?
    TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag

  • #2
    unfortunately yes, and no, the game kinda sucks but i guess it's addictive.


    • #3
      To Play Final Fantasy XI....

      $50 - Game
      $30 - Internet Adapter
      $ 0 - One Free Month, [sarcasm]OMG WOW[/sarcasm]
      $10 - Per month Fee (11 months you pay for in the year ($110))
      One Year Later...

      $190 to play Final Fantasy XI.


      • #4
        If you think about it though, that's less than 50 cents a day for entertainment that you will probably enjoy for hours a day.


        • #5
          MMORPGS aren't my thing. so thats probably why i'm so critical.


          • #6
            It's available for PC too. You don't need ot buy a PS2 network adapter if you don't play it on a PS2. (And judging by your ability to post here, I assume you have the networking capabilities to play on your computer)


            • #7
              i had the beta/demo whatever for the PC. its not .. "unique". it doesn't have that one thing that makes it stand out from the crowd, in my opinion. its not a strong game in my opinion


              • #8
                Yeah i was a beta tester too, it doesnt improve on the mmorpg formula at all (if youre a newb, you die alot and hafta hack away at lesser creatures) it tests patience. It wouldve been more worthwhile if there was a single player game, and the characters from SP could be carried over to MP.
                TelCat> i am a slut not a hoe
                TelCat> hoes get paid :(
                TelCat> i dont


                • #9
                  right there, that's the key they were missing. this game really coulda been something special if you could have a Final Fantasy quality Single Player mode and then you could go interact in the world in an MMO environment and be able to trade weapons and items and then go back into the game and use what you find.

                  especally if you could incorperate the online element into the single player like. 1/2 of the game discs, you get "key b" in "cave A" and the other 1/2 gets "key a" in "cave a" so you'd have to go online and trade keys with other players to complete quests or what not.


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      A quick thank you to blood for not making me slap him. (HOORAY for using your own bandwidth!)

                      Played it a bit, felt it was about the same as AO/DAOC, maybe with a few general improvements but the over all flavour's still the same. The best MMO thing I've played recently is a very long-lived MUD by Simutronics called DragonRealms (Hate the name, hate hate hate). If you like MMORPGs and can like reading room descriptions over graphics most vid cards can't handle I'd suggest checking out their free trial. I'm currently in the 30 day, and so far I'm very impressed. Used to play it back when it was free on AOL (back when AOL was ok to have, so.. like... 95 or something?)
                      , and the gameplay has really matured. Their creation system could still use a bit of work, but it's head and shoulders above any other MMO I've found online, including FFXI. Something about the non-numerical damage system I think. huh.

                      Wow, that ended up longer than I planned it. FFXI's good as far as MMORPGs go, but nothing innovative. if you want to give DR a try,

                      Or you can just go outside instead?

