Who is better, Superman or Batman?
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Who's better?
Off topic moron :PHello. My dilemma is this: I love my guitar, but my guitar don't love me back. What should I do? Stevie Ray Vaughn's guitar was his first wife, she didn't speak to him, she spoke for him. That's the kind of relationship I'm trying to develop with it.
Dr. Zaius Replies:
As much as I work with your kind, you humans never cease to baffle me. It is bizarre and pathetic that you expect your "love" for an inanimnate object to be returned. The real problem is that music is a high art, and as such it requires a higher intelligence, and a fully developed set of emotions. Give up.
Batman is cooler cuz hes got all these gadgets n stuff and hes rich but superman was brought up in texas or somethin and so is thicker than corned beef although he was born on a diff planet which makes him kinda kool but being near "kyptonite" sigh tis kinda of a lame weakness while batman is just a mere mortal so the answer to your question is....
Batman has the greatest power in the world...
Cold hard cash.
Also he's not allergic to stupid shit like green stones.I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.
Originally posted by triceratops
these forums could only benefit from your absence, ennui2: DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO> virginia is where all faggots are from that wear a condum
Overwhelm> Maisoul used to be a loser
Overwhelm> then he joined paladen and became leet ;)