plz list game and reason it is good. could be old or recent.
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any good pc game?
uh it depends on what kind of game you like.
gta3: fun fun fun. many "sidequests" and plays ur mp3s on the radio if you want.
medal of honor: allied assault: good game overall. could be a little more realistic in terms of damage and AI eyesight (they can spot u from miles away lol)
return the caslte wolfenstein: kinda hard game on easy mode. lol. when u start fighting super soldiers, u really have to start concentrating...that is if u decide to fight them with ur mp40.
starcraft: yeah. good age old game. keeps the genre of rts very much alive. if u've never played this game do so today.
warcraft3: at first i thought i wasnt gonna like this since i had never played a warcraft game before. now i realize why ppl love it. im still working on the campaign mode cuz i play like one level a week. (im so lazy) but it does have higher-end graphics and brings many many hours of fun.
jedi outcast: uhh. its an ok fps if u like star wars i guess. im just not into the sabers and stuff because the saber fighting is almost like point and click..and then hope u hit something.
black and white: omg this game is plentiful of graphics but gameplay can be confusing as hell. raising a creature is almost like intergrating a tamaguchi into the game. can be stressful.
counterstrike: lol. this game is enjoyable but can be boring after 1 or 2 hours. it is pretty repititive and the mix of realism and fun levels out pretty nicely.
elder scrolls III morrowind: this game is awesome. i get lost every day. the map is huge (and thats just morrowind) and i can never find my way back to balmora. nice graphics and gameplay. basically its a freelance rpg. do what u want where u want when u want.
neverwinter nights: all ive played is the single player and already im kinda bored. lots of mystical/fantasy names and that gets to me. supposedly online play is great so ill let u decide.
play all these games with a great computer and u will be able to stand the game a lil longer.PURE HATRED> i cannot dodge your bombs AND my teammates
hogo> iNgeNfyRe Just got HoE'D
Dark Moogoo> psst, bring the cookies and cream
spiderman: piece of crap. the game is infatuated by the movie. thats all. controls suck, graphics are mediocre.
max payne: if u havent played this either do so. its a nice storyline with a twist and the story is told like a comic book. nice matrix-style fighting. plenty of mods come along to "enhance" gameplay.
ghost recon/desert siege: realism fanatics only. i couldnt stand 2 hit kills cuz i also have bad leadership. but partly i blame the poorly designed overhead map u use to tell ur troops where to move to.
empire earth: piece of crap also. nothing like age of empires series. bad graphics when zoomed in...just..dont waste ur money on it.
tribes II: ok game for online play. nothing much. extreme ctf. id rather play tfc though.
half life: get this game so u can mod it to the thousands of mods out there. use it as a base. single player that comes with half life is ok but can be boring too.
tony hawk 3: is it out yet? this is a great game. i played the demo and the graphics are incredible as well as gameplay. although it seems a lil easy to rack up the points. i easily got 150,000 combo without trying.PURE HATRED> i cannot dodge your bombs AND my teammates
hogo> iNgeNfyRe Just got HoE'D
Dark Moogoo> psst, bring the cookies and cream
-Deus Ex: If I need to explain why this game is the greatest ever, throw your Pc out the window right now, and find another hobby.
-Mechwarrior series: Very cool fastpaced action game revolving around 30-100 ton "Mechs" packed with missileracks, autocannons, lasers, you name it (especially Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries and Mechwarrior 4: Blacknight).
-C&C series: King in RTS world (Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert are the best).
-Grim Fandango: My personal alltime favorite adventure
-Half-Life, although as you get closer towards the ending it starts to suck)
-Hitman: This game is alot of fun, but can be very frustrating at times, not for Rambo style "blow it all to hell" gamers.
-Operation Flashpoint (+expansions): Best warsim out there at the moment, although a bit buggy at times.
-Ghost Recon: Not as realistic as Rainbow Six and it's expansions, but it's pretty close.There's no place like
Asherons Call 2: In Beta, soon to be public beta, if you like mmorpg's this is the best, plus to be in beta all you have to do is buy computer games magazine this october for a free beta cd. When its released its pay to play, but still Kickass!
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind: Definatley a good buy, freelance rpging is sweet
Grand Theft Auto 3: Goddamn its too sweet for words, get this game, NOW!Why did Helen Keller crash the car?
Because she was a woman.
I play 3 games:
I think you know about this one.
A Half-life mod. It rakws:
Day of Defeat
A Half-Life mod. WW 1 or 2... it kicks ass.
Originally posted by iNgeNfyRe
tony hawk 3: is it out yet? this is a great game. i played the demo and the graphics are incredible as well as gameplay. although it seems a lil easy to rack up the points. i easily got 150,000 combo without trying.Mr 12 inch wonder
-Max Payne - Intense innovative fps with a very compelling storyline. Definitely the best FPS out there right now.
-Warcraft III - It's warcraft, what else do you need to know?
-The Neverhood - This one is kinda old but it's defiintely worth finding and playing. Whole thing is done in claymation, it's a funny adventure game but the best part is the music. Eventhough I played this years ago I still find myself singing the music to this game. The game is great, play it.
-All those lucas arts adventure games. During highshool me, my brother, and our friend who lives real close to us and always hangs out at our house would always play through the lucas arts adventure games putting our minds together to work our way through them and it's great fun. If you've got a friend who is always hanging out at your house, pick up Curse of Monkey Island 3, Grim Fandango or one of the older one's like Sam & Max, Full throttle... basically any of them except The Dig are great. Dig sucks hardcore. If you don't have any friends, I personally don't find these games fun single player, but some people probably do.
Games like GTA and tony hawk should be played on something like an xbox or a playstation 2 in my opinion.