Just a shot in the dark, but I think I see why Kim wants new avatar restrictments.
People who are rather more than six feet tall and nearly as broad across the shoulders often have uneventful journeys. People jump out at them from behind rocks then say things like, "Oh. Sorry. I thought you were someone else."
Originally posted by Kyace Just a shot in the dark, but I think I see why Kim wants new avatar restrictments.
Well, the bigger they are, the more space for creativity. And most of the animated Gifs need bigger room so the quality is better, like these ones here.
EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
cool koen> :)
PRiMORDiAL> pfft
cool koen> not because of a bug
EvoLd> Lol
Treachery> meh
EvoLd> why then?
PubAceR> women in power dont last
EvoLd> LOl toaster oven reviews
Stephy is SOOOO much prettier than that girl u have there Kim..
9 TWL Titles - 5 TWLJ 3 TWLD 1 TWLB
4:Akuun> Did Neth tell u about his Sims game?
4:Nimrook> No?
4:Nethila> omfg.. i have babies with your girl in Sims!
4:Nimrook> ooo.. well i understand Neth, it's not your fault that u cannot make real ones.. cause u were born like that.. i guess u will have to make babies in your Sims game
4:Akuun> ROFL
4:Akuun> Hahahahahaha
4:Thundermare> Neth = owned
4:Nimrook> lol
3:Zell> popped boners a couple of times, couldnt aim at the cue ball