Well from what I read there is a vote taking place. People may remember this ship Called the "Night Wasp". It will be replacing the shark if people aprove of it. This is what it looks like..for those who dont member it.
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Wouldn't it just be a superficial change in the ship set with the Nightwasp graphics replacing the Shark graphics? Can't people do that on their own already?
I think perhaps LiL is a bit confused. (I could be wrong as well though.) I've read a few of these discussions on the SSHQ forums, and it seems to me that were the Nightwasp to be brought back, it would coexist with the shark, not replace it.
The sysops of Dueling Arizona have actually already reintroduced the Nightwasp into their pub map. It has replaced the shark and is essentially just a status symbol. Seems to have the same settings are the warbird but a bot keeps everybody but the high scorer from using it. The only function introducing the Nightwasp into non-SVS settings would be to add an extra ship for people who make settings to play around with. What this means for TW? Nothing since we already have three broken ships without a real function that Ari can play around with.
I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.
Originally posted by Latrine The sysops of Dueling Arizona have actually already reintroduced the Nightwasp into their pub map. It has replaced the shark and is essentially just a status symbol. Seems to have the same settings are the warbird but a bot keeps everybody but the high scorer from using it. The only function introducing the Nightwasp into non-SVS settings would be to add an extra ship for people who make settings to play around with. What this means for TW? Nothing since we already have three broken ships without a real function that Ari can play around with.
Lanc, Levi, Weasel you're suggesting Latrine?
I fucking own you in the warbird, shut the fuck up.
I have stopped swimming in the rock pools a few days ago. Now instead of 40 minutes swimming, I substitute it with 40 minutes power walk - usually on the beaches or around the cliffs. Nothing beats burning the fat in the cold wind. Colon minus pee.
This is all pointless nostalgia bullshit from the few elitist SubSpace beta testers who still play this game. ("Back when I was your age, we had the Wasp! And things were much better back then! Hrmph!") These people act like fucking old people that sit around on front porches saying how kids today have no appreciation for stuff. I've played this game for a very long time, longer than most ER's in Trench Wars... and even I never played SubSpace back when it still had this ship.
A new ship would distabilize this, and any other zone. Worthless waste of time. Even more worthless if they actually spent time trying to balance it with the current ships to appease the 25 people who remember this worthless ship.