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  • poem

    I should have been watching you

    daylight slipping away
    down the mountainside
    over the trees and their vines

    and I look up past your eyes
    through the windows I stair
    as the feelings have disappeared

    so much beauty out there

    as the shadows reach for the box
    the place turns yellowish light
    an everything seems alright
    except that this is the last day I get to spend with you
    and now its dark and its through

    I should have been watching you
    what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius

  • #2
    that's neat
    EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
    cool koen> :)
    PRiMORDiAL> pfft
    cool koen> not because of a bug
    EvoLd> Lol
    Treachery> meh
    EvoLd> why then?
    PubAceR> women in power dont last
    EvoLd> LOl
    toaster oven reviews


    • #3
      Very nice, get it copyrighted
      Run Wabbit Run Wabbit Run Run Run Here Come FFLeader With His Gun Gun Gun ewww .?go rabbit -Redlights <ER>


      • #4
        no one cuts the corners
        it gets too bright
        we need some music
        to stay up all night
        I was all the way back home
        I can't see your face
        can you see mine?
        its going some place

        no one wants brushes
        can't find them at the store
        pass me my jeans
        for you say they don't crease

        just wasting over there
        leave the day free
        just wasted dreams
        what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


        • #5
          You might want to tighten up on the spelling and syntax. I'm not sure if you're trying a play on words or making a reference to stairs, but I think you wanted "stare".

          The "there's so much beauty out there" seems to stick out because of the line breaks. I don't know if the phrasing/imagery is strong enough to be singled out like that, especially since the only other lines that get the same treatment is the first and last.

          The light/alright rhyme also sticks out a bit. The poem doesn't rely too much on rhyme so when it does rhyme, it's noticeable. Of course, the "you/through" rhyme follows it, but that rhyme is a bit smoother and feels more natural. Light/alright seems a bit forced. I know that the "alright" line throws a bit of hope into the middle of that section leading to the "except that...", but the effect of that little turning point is lost in the obvious rhyme.


          • #6
            FF, you will be in my heart always

            TK, I've been waiting on your analysis for awhile and I thank you for taking your time to critique what was written .... its actually supposed to be sung in a song though. I agree with what you've said about the poem not really rhyming much other then few parts, but when I write poetry, I forget about rules and regulations, and just let thoughts take to air. Most of the stuff I read, takes away from the actual emotion at hand and relies more on the rhyming of words then anything. but once again, TK thanks, as I'm sure you know , your one of the only people on this forum with something interesting to be said. keep it up
            what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius


