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Final Fantasy: Advent Children PROMO

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  • Final Fantasy: Advent Children PROMO

    Edit: Had some trouble making it a URL, so just go to that one, and its like the 2nd one from the top

    OMFG thank me when you see it.
    Last edited by Kim; 02-28-2004, 07:56 PM.
    Failure teaches success.

  • #2

    Edit: Daaaamn!
    :confused: Are human fat?


    • #3
      Thanks Kim.

      Last time I saw a FFVIIAC promo, it was from a cam, at 200x200 resolution, cheap audio and stuff.

      But I dont remember, was that supposed to be a movie or a game?

      Movie..? Yea thats my guess.
      Bilange> i love getting repped
      Bilange> i said repped, not raped :X
      Sending priority 'mail' to weasels and levs since 1999.


      • #4
        Movie, omg its a movie

        Ya i saw that crappy one too. In the crappy one, at the beginning, I remember it said "This is not a playable game" or something hahah. It even warned the ignorant ppl
        Failure teaches success.


        • #5
          Square needs to stick to game. You see the Spirit Within? Ya...


          • #6
            Yeah, but this will actually be a Final Fantasy movie. The Spirits Within was just a CG movie that happened to be labelled Final Fantasy.


            • #7
              Could you direct me to a player or some codec packs that would allow me to view this video. Thanks much.


              • #8
                Umm...just download DivX or Real10, it should come fully loaded.
                Failure teaches success.


                • #9
                  Ok there's one thing thats kinda weird, who's the guy fighting with sephiroth against cloud. He also has whitish hair but his attacks are shadowy. And wtf is sephiroth doing with a gunblade hahah. Also, cloud's motorcycle is fucking awesome, holy crap. See that cheap move cloud pulled on seph? When seph hit away his buster sword, cloud pulled out this other sword, DAMN.
                  Failure teaches success.


                  • #10
                    Someone wanna help me out, bit torrent never works for me... I have it installed, I click the links and it doesn't download.

                    Instead it gives me this "timed out" error because it couldn't connect to the "tracker"

                    o_O any normal download mirrors?
                    hey I'm Paddy Tanniger the caddie manager yeah it rhymes big whoop wanna fiight about it??


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Kim
                      And wtf is sephiroth doing with a gunblade hahah.
                      Wtf, gunblades are from FF8 :S

                      Spybreak, if you're behind a router/firewall, i would make sure you allow anything passing thru ports 6881 to 6889.

                      TK, labeled Final Fantasy? Theres alot of 'familiarities', just like a FF game. Correct me if im wrong, but isnt there a Cid in the movie? And just like any FF, the story happens on a planet that looks like earth, but different anyways...
                      Bilange> i love getting repped
                      Bilange> i said repped, not raped :X
                      Sending priority 'mail' to weasels and levs since 1999.


                      • #12
                        haha, gunblades

                        omfg i cant wait for it to come out.. mmm


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Taciturn Bob
                          Those are Sephiroth Clones.
                          SWEET $$$
                          Failure teaches success.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bilange
                            Wtf, gunblades are from FF8 :S

                            Spybreak, if you're behind a router/firewall, i would make sure you allow anything passing thru ports 6881 to 6889.

                            TK, labeled Final Fantasy? Theres alot of 'familiarities', just like a FF game. Correct me if im wrong, but isnt there a Cid in the movie? And just like any FF, the story happens on a planet that looks like earth, but different anyways...

                            So far the only connections you've made is that it was called "Final Fantasy", there was a character named Cid (actually, if you want to be technical about it, they changed it to "Sid") and it took place on a planet that can be inhabited by human life. The first two are superficial, and as for the third one: name a movie that doesn't happen on planets that are like Earth.

                            Okay, here we go then for more specific themes:

                            a) It was more sci-fi than fantasy. Even the more futuristic Final Fantasy games like FF7 had some fantasy genre elements. Stuff like swords and magic and dragons and wizards. If you had called the movie "Starship Troopers" noone would have batted an eye.

                            b) The spirits did carry a familiar theme of representing different "elements". But again, this was superficial. They didn't even have to go after each one during the film. It was something they mentioned but never really got into too much depth with.

                            c) One of the key themes through each and every FF game was an evil empire trying to control the world. In FF7 you had Shinra, in FF4 you had Baron, in FF9 you had Princess Garnet's mom, Queen Brahne. In each case, the evil empire turns out to have been controlled by an even higher evil. There's nothing even remotely resembling that in the film.

                            d) Other than Cid, familiar FF icons like chocobos, airships, even summoned creatures like Shiva, Ifrit, Bahamut, Odin...

                            e) Character classes. Where are the wizards, the theives, the warriors, the paladins, the dragoons, etc... Every FF game had these, even if they don't necessarily describe the characters as being such. Take FFX for example: if you had any doubts about character classes being in FFX, look at FFX-2 and you'll see that the classes were there, just not given any names. What about the Spirits Within? We had a scientist, another scientist, a soldier, another soldier, yet another soldier... Was there any real difference between these roles?

                            f) Crystals. Even in those games without crystals, there was the familiar crystal theme first used in FF4.

                            g) Evil. Who are the bad guys in the movie? Those phantoms? No, actually they are victims circumstance and relatively mindless. They aren't acting out of malice or evil. Face it, the most evil character in the Spirits Within was the general, and while he makes a credible antagonist, he's not truly evil. Look at the big baddies of other Final Fantasy games: Kefka, Chaos/Garland, Seymour, the Sorceress Ultimecia, Exdeath, Zeromus, Sephiroth. These villains personified evil. General Hein was a boy scout compared to these guys. He wasn't evil at all, he just had the wrong idea about how to solve their problems, but that's the key: he still wanted to make things right.

                            Every Final Fantasy game contains these elements. Some might not have all of them, but they all have most of these elements with certain things going in and out of fashion in the game series. The movie has none of these elements, except for the most superficial touches. Without these elements, Square-Enix could just about slap on the Final Fantasy label on just about any RPG, regardless of plots and themes.


                            • #15
                              For some reason when watching the Advent Children thing, it skips parts of it (misses gaps around 5 seconds every now and then) and the sound track is off. The only progam that doens't skip it is AVIpreview but the sound track is still around +10 secs infront of the video. Any ideas?

