because, although donating to tw is good and shows thanks for tw, it isn't really thanking the creaters of teamspeak, and such... alot of people work hard and don't really get the credit they deserve, especially people who make freeware.
teamspeak wasn't created by TW programmers, but I'm sure they would enjoy an email telling them you enjoy their program
what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius
I haven't tried it either, but I reckon there to be plenty of dumbasses.
sure, you can speak to dumbasses of TW via text, or go on TW to meet them for a good ol flame section, I won't deny theres probably some real corny people on there ( including me ) but theres also alot of interesting decent people too
I've played this game for years, but am the type to keep to myself, if you don't say hello, I don't usually bother to either, but meeting people like peteymcnasty, redlights, fairlights, who I've seen around for years and never spoke to them once until TS, another great feature to it, if your a slow typer like myself, you'd much rather talk then type anyways
what the superior man seeks is in himself; what the small man seeks is in others - Confucius
Phew...havent been flamed yet...damnit I just jinxed myself O.o
Anyways, You guys are right about donating, if you can donate, and your not cheap go for it, It will definately go for a WICKEDLY GOOD CAUSE, but if you cant donate, the least you could do is reply to this post with a thanks, I appreciate it or however you want to express your gratitude.
Well I don't have money so I'll just say Thanks and I won't flame you either just for the fact that you said nothing to be flamed for
1:Warthog> IMPORTANT NEWS: Big changes on the way in TWD! Bots now die in only 30 minute incriments!
7:Ikrit> hrm, I think my stepsister and her boyfriend are having sex atm
7:Ikrit> sounded like headboard of the bed was hitting wall repeatedly lol
7:Demystify <ZH>> lol @ ikrit
7:Demystify <ZH>> walk in the room
7:Ikrit> lol!
7:Ikrit> she locked the door :-X
The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dicitionary
1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
3:Best> see it coming
3:Best> sad
1:Warthog> IMPORTANT NEWS: Big changes on the way in TWD! Bots now die in only 30 minute incriments!
7:Ikrit> hrm, I think my stepsister and her boyfriend are having sex atm
7:Ikrit> sounded like headboard of the bed was hitting wall repeatedly lol
7:Demystify <ZH>> lol @ ikrit
7:Demystify <ZH>> walk in the room
7:Ikrit> lol!
7:Ikrit> she locked the door :-X
The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dicitionary