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  • #46

    The bad news:

    Not only trenchwars has this message - its also on 17th Parrallel ( and Extreme Games ( which means its a pretty elaborate hoax.

    Theres also a (very badly written) petition at (the word "rescissed" doesn't exist in the english language, so this petition is basically meaningless).

    The good news (such as it is):

    1) The site looks like a hoax.
    2) The site source code looks like its been ripped off the DOJ homepage, and botched to work, by someone in a hurry
    3) I don't think EA would mention plans for an upcoming game such as subspace 2 in a legal document, without pre-announcing it elsewhere
    4) The domain name isn't owned by EA (or doesn't appear to be), its registered with a small hosting company in New York (where Dock lives) and the hosting company is registered to Dock
    5) While Brilliant Digital Entertainment (BDE) did buy up VIE UK (the people who owned the rights to the original subspace) they apparently sold the entire VIE division to Titus in France. I can't find out if either of these purchases included the rights to subspace.
    6) I've found no evidence that BDE have sold any part of their business to Electronic Arts (its not listed in their press releases, and its not easily findable on google)
    7) Electronic Arts don't list Subspace as one of the brands they own (I checket, its a long long list!)
    8) Electronic Arts don't appear to have ever bought a division of BDE or Titus or VIE (I've checked all their press releases as far back as records go, which is the middle of 99 - BDE bought VIE at some point in 98)
    9) Titus Interactive of France bought VIE in 2000/2001 (according to their website) and haven't mentioned selling it since.

    Ok, so none of the above are conclusive - deals can be made without announcements, rights are sometimes not transfered when people buy a company, etc. All the information I can find is circumstantial at best.

    This leaves me with a few musings.

    Firstly, its not April 1st...

    Secondly, supposing EA DID own the rights to subspace, the only reason for releasing a game called Subspace 2 (rather than anything else) would be to cash in on the existing brand and user base of Subspace. If that were the case, a big company that is as smart as EA wouldn't antagonise Subspace's existing users by shutting down their sites, especially if Subspace 2 wasn't ready to immediately tempt them away. Of course, EA could be really really stupid...

    Thirdly, Continuum is a totally reverse engineered version of the original subspace client, and the servers have been extensively rewritten as well. However, the LOOK of the game (and probably the protocols it uses to talk to the servers) ARE copyrighted to the original owners (or whoever bought the rights off them) so could in fact be the basis of a legal battle.

    Fourthly, PriitK and the dev team are quite capable of re-writing continuum so that it doesn't use Subspace protocols, and doesn't look too like the original Subspace, which would get around the copyright problems. Since most of the dev team are not US based, EA might find it hard work stopping them.

    The above aren't very collected, sorry Where does this leave things? Well, I'm not convinced either way. I can't find any evidence to back up the web page, and it looks pretty shoddy and hoax-like. However, it IS on 17thP and ex-games as well, which is a worry. I'm still half and half.

    My next course of action is to email Titus, BDE and EA (can't be bothered with the DOJ, they wouldn't talk anyway) to find out who owns the rights to Subspace.

    Ty Mister Fluffy.

    Very Enigmatic aint it?
    MusLimStuDiO1> Italian girls are hot
    Jesus = Terrorist> Yeah, even with their hairy mustaches.

    MusLimStuDiO1> So aren't all animals technically nude???
    Skeptical> No you may not rape them.
    MusLimStuDiO1> LoL.. DamN


    • #47
      Check now.

      It's really happening!
      Last edited by phYst; 03-31-2004, 11:51 AM.
      It's not whether you win or lose.
      It's how you place the blame.


      • #48

        Commit crimes! Murder, Adultery, Slavery, Extortion, Blackmail, Deception, Thievery, Embezzlement. The underground world is wide open to those who seek it out! But be careful, if one is caught, one must go to trial… in the main Justice department staff, judged, and juried by players just like you! Remember: It is mandatory (and lucrative) to accept jury duty!
        Brownie points for creativity.
        MusLimStuDiO1> Italian girls are hot
        Jesus = Terrorist> Yeah, even with their hairy mustaches.

        MusLimStuDiO1> So aren't all animals technically nude???
        Skeptical> No you may not rape them.
        MusLimStuDiO1> LoL.. DamN


        • #49
          Originally posted by Anduril.
          Die and burn in hell.

          Btw this reply made me laff out loud..
          Short, totally SS, and to the point.

          Leet shit $
          Da1andonly> man this youghurt only made me angry

          5:ph> n0ah will dangle from a helicopter ladder and just reduce the landscape to ashes by sweeping his beard across it


          • #50
            I hope everyone that is in on this joke dies and burns in hell.


            • #51
              april Fools
              EvoLd> Roboqueen died again?
              cool koen> :)
              PRiMORDiAL> pfft
              cool koen> not because of a bug
              EvoLd> Lol
              Treachery> meh
              EvoLd> why then?
              PubAceR> women in power dont last
              EvoLd> LOl
              toaster oven reviews


              • #52
                Originally posted by dimboy2
                april Fools


                Nice one.
                MusLimStuDiO1> Italian girls are hot
                Jesus = Terrorist> Yeah, even with their hairy mustaches.

                MusLimStuDiO1> So aren't all animals technically nude???
                Skeptical> No you may not rape them.
                MusLimStuDiO1> LoL.. DamN


                • #53
                  3:Mobey> WTF Who the fuck are US DOJ
                  3:Mobey> are they logging my PC ?
                  (Lemmin)> its april fools joke. a very bad one. chill :P

                  i fell for it..


                  • #54
                    The skillful sleuths crack the case!


                    • #55
                      in the ear ?


                      • #56
                        They can't shut down the servers since THE SERVER SOFTWARE WAS LEGAL IN THE CD.


                        • #57
                          I stick with my "Die and burn in hell" because I can't laugh with people who pretend on taking my life away ! My life = subspace/Continuum.
                          This morning when I read the TWsite I almost jumped out of my window (know that it's about 15 metres before I touch the ground.

                          But instead I solved it all:
                          * If you check that banner in the top of your screen (the TrenchWars banner with the EA Games logo in it) => I put a piece of ducktape on my screen to cover it. Now I don't see that anymore.
                          * I took out all the batteries in all the watches I have in my room, so it will stay March 30th, so I'll never pass those 30 days after which TW would shut down.
                          * I sended my mom to the EA HeadQuarters to solve the problem there, so even if it would be true, my mom would own those EA nerdies SOOOO badly that they would make the game free again.
                          * Instead of making my starting site, I changed it into because that link is fine.
                          * I still have my window opened for when I see a TRUE evidence that SS is shutting down, so I can jump out of my window right away.

                          EZ !! All my problems are solved.

                          btw.. Die and burn in hell !!
                          7:Barton> hi tats
                          7:Barton> still no smod?
                          7:Barton> :(
                          7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
                          7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing

                          3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
                          3:Harder> "MAVRIC I GOTTA BIRD ON MY BACK!!"

                          8:Ghast> LOL METALKID LOOKS LIKE A WEASEL ROFLROFL


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by pixelsoft
                            They can't shut down the servers since THE SERVER SOFTWARE WAS LEGAL IN THE CD.
                            Sometimes I think 95% of the TW players are retards..
                            I mean.. instead of posting DUMB shit , you'd better NOT post at all !
                            (Die and burn in hell aswell because you are ruining our reputation. Tnx)
                            7:Barton> hi tats
                            7:Barton> still no smod?
                            7:Barton> :(
                            7:Tatsumaru uk> heh no
                            7:Barton> guess u need to do more ass kissing

                            3:Harder> we could be like tom cruise in top gun with team speak
                            3:Harder> "MAVRIC I GOTTA BIRD ON MY BACK!!"

                            8:Ghast> LOL METALKID LOOKS LIKE A WEASEL ROFLROFL


                            • #59
                              Tim said he was a PR for EA Games. As far as I know PR stands for Public Relations but his occupation says "Press Rep".

                              Someone is stupid

                              USS Banana after years of superior jav play has amassed 17999 kills, he is 1 kill away from 18k, Type ?go Javs FOR A GAME OF HUNT (no scorereset) -Kim
                              ---A few minutes later---
                              9:cool koen> you scorereseted
                              9:Kim> UM
                              9:Kim> i didn't
                              9:cool koen> hahahahahahaha
                              9:ph <ZH>> LOOOOL
                              9:Stargazer <ER>> WHO FUCKING SCORERESET
                              9:pascone> lol?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Anduril.
                                Sometimes I think 95% of the TW players are retards..
                                I mean.. instead of posting DUMB shit , you'd better NOT post at all !
                                (Die and burn in hell aswell because you are ruining our reputation. Tnx)
                                haha, I'm so sexy.
                                Instead of posting this you could have also corrected me, or you'd better NOT post at all !
                                And wow, that's the only reason you want me to die in real-life? You don't know how fucking sad it is if someone dies, I guess...
                                But yes, I would like to, but there are a few reasons why i don't suicide.

                                edit: and btw, i'm not a TW-player. TW sucks actually, imho.

