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Player history

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  • Player history

    Since all player info since the dawn of time is archived, is there an easy way to see a players' stats from more than one score week? I would like to see a list of squads ive ever been on, but dont really want to have to select each and every option from the date chooser (on edome).

    If not, owell, ill just have to do it manually =)

  • #2
    do the player search.

    you just won't get pub points


    • #3
      Yes, you were on artificial elements. The scores and stats on edome should tell you what squad you've been on since the reset from inet.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Mitch
        Yes, you were on artificial elements. The scores and stats on edome should tell you what squad you've been on since the reset from inet.
        yeah, the link angel gave said how long i was on spastic, but thats it, doesnt go back far enough


        • #5
          Originally posted by DaiShiva
          yeah, the link angel gave said how long i was on spastic, but thats it, doesnt go back far enough

          August 25, 2001 type your name in. You were in artificial elements.


          • #6
            To answer your question, there is no easy way to see it, you'd have to do it manually, unless someone writes a script that checks it for you.


            • #7
              Those stats are sometimes wrong anyway.
              I remember once it told me I'd taken part in 9 TWJD matches when I hadn't played in any.
              Even now it tells me I joined my squad in March, when infact it was the first week of January.
              Hello Denon it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several days, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?


              • #8
                March 2, 2002 $$


                • #9
                  Originally posted by MetalKid
                  March 2, 2002 $$
                  Nov. 1, 1999
                  Name: CP_MaStA

                  NickName Squad Rating Wins Losses Points Flag Points Total Points Av Kill
                  CP_MaStA CP-Kings 734 671 1294 62871 84400 147271 93.70

                  My first name And it got reset fast :/

